On Tossing Around The Term "Fascist"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.
5. Now...about the correct usage of "Fascist,".....it is a collectivist, statist doctrine.

That means a belief in a centralized government that dictates every aspect of its citizens existence, citizens who are expected to march in lock-step.

"..... but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

As America was founded on a very different belief set....i.e., individualism, and limited constitutional government, neither the Founders, nor classical liberals- who would be called conservatives today, can be identified as "Fascists."

Clearly a no-no!

No doubt all sorts of terms, scatological and otherwise, are used by opponents....and many are arguable....but Fascist is clearly incorrect, a bogus attempt to sound educated....you know, less a 'barnyardism.'

6. Further, no ideology which does not include defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom, and recognize the individual as the most important element of society would be accurate.

Thus....conservatives cannot be Fascists, communists, Modern Liberals, socialists, Nazis or Progressives.

So sorry.
Conservatives cant be fascist? LOL
Indeed they can. A lot of the conservatives in politics have fascist policies.
Regulating marriage to exclude gays is fascist.
Many many other examples.
Not to mention the whole concept of fascism is regulation and the right LOVES to regulate. Like their fascist healthcare.
Conservatives cant be fascist? LOL
Indeed they can. A lot of the conservatives in politics have fascist policies.
Regulating marriage to exclude gays is fascist.
Many many other examples.
Not to mention the whole concept of fascism is regulation and the right LOVES to regulate. Like their fascist healthcare.

You should learn to read more carefully.

I used the terms 'learn' and 'read' .....and look who I'm posting to....an intellect rivaled only by garden tools!

How silly of me.

I should stick to small words you might understand....like 'cookie,' 'crayon,' or 'beer.'

The thread is constructed on significantly higher lever than you are used to....come back when it gets around to monster trucks and favorite cartoon.
Your definition of facism is completely wrong:

To correct that:

Best Answer: Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute is intolerance of others: other religions, languages, political views, economic systems, cultural practices, etc. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Of special interest: statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The racism, militarism, anti-communism, corporatism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism is at the heart of the American conservative movement. Racism has bubbled to the surface in the Republican Party in a way that moderate Republicans are finding repugnant. The rest of the world is watching the rise of Donald Trump and his racism with appalled horror.

Facism has always been the dark side of the conservative movement, one which Republicans thought they could control. It took the election of a black man to bring it to the fore, but that is what has happened. Obama didn't divide the US racially. That divide was already there. His election lead to racists becoming more overt, like overturning the rocks on the shore to see what slithered out.
Conservatives cant be fascist? LOL
Indeed they can. A lot of the conservatives in politics have fascist policies.
Regulating marriage to exclude gays is fascist.
Many many other examples.
Not to mention the whole concept of fascism is regulation and the right LOVES to regulate. Like their fascist healthcare.

You should learn to read more carefully.

I used the terms 'learn' and 'read' .....and look who I'm posting to....an intellect rivaled only by garden tools!

How silly of me.

I should stick to small words you might understand....like 'cookie,' 'crayon,' or 'beer.'

The thread is constructed on significantly higher lever than you are used to....come back when it gets around to monster trucks and favorite cartoon.
What? You are such a bitch when people disagree with you. Its fuckin pathetic. Any other time, all would be fine.
You said all that and couldn't even comment on what I wrote? LOL Your OP is a hack job. Delusional at best.
Republicans can be just as totalitarian as the left. Period.
Your definition of facism is completely wrong:

To correct that:

Best Answer: Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute is intolerance of others: other religions, languages, political views, economic systems, cultural practices, etc. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Of special interest: statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The racism, militarism, anti-communism, corporatism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism is at the heart of the American conservative movement. Racism has bubbled to the surface in the Republican Party in a way that moderate Republicans are finding repugnant. The rest of the world is watching the rise of Donald Trump and his racism with appalled horror.

Facism has always been the dark side of the conservative movement, one which Republicans thought they could control. It took the election of a black man to bring it to the fore, but that is what has happened. Obama didn't divide the US racially. That divide was already there. His election lead to racists becoming more overt, like overturning the rocks on the shore to see what slithered out.
You are retarded.
Your definition of facism is completely wrong:

To correct that:

Best Answer: Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and social interests subordinate to the interests of the state or party. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, religious attributes. The key attribute is intolerance of others: other religions, languages, political views, economic systems, cultural practices, etc. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Of special interest: statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

The racism, militarism, anti-communism, corporatism, and opposition to political and economic liberalism is at the heart of the American conservative movement. Racism has bubbled to the surface in the Republican Party in a way that moderate Republicans are finding repugnant. The rest of the world is watching the rise of Donald Trump and his racism with appalled horror.

Facism has always been the dark side of the conservative movement, one which Republicans thought they could control. It took the election of a black man to bring it to the fore, but that is what has happened. Obama didn't divide the US racially. That divide was already there. His election lead to racists becoming more overt, like overturning the rocks on the shore to see what slithered out.
You are retarded.

An aside: I never use either the term you used with reference to me...nor do I use the term you used with reference to that brain-dead Liberal.

I'll respond to her later.
Far right conservatives can often be fascists.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. fascist definition - DDC Yahoo Search Results

A system of government marked by centralization of authorityunder a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringentgovernmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition,and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocatingsuch a system of government. fascism

Thus endeth the lesson.
Far right conservatives can often be fascists.

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. fascist definition - DDC Yahoo Search Results

A system of government marked by centralization of authorityunder a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringentgovernmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition,and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
b. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocatingsuch a system of government. fascism

Thus endeth the lesson.
It was a stupid OP. Thing is, I figure she KNOWS its bullshit.
1. I fully understand that the fun in our 'game' is often built upon hammering a political opponent....
...and frequently it involves the misuse of terminology.

So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.

It was amusing that a poster recently accused me in the following way:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and this:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

2. The problem is that I am a conservative....I've never made a secret of that....and conservatives and Republicans, to the extent that they tend to be conservatives, cannot be 'Fascists."

Hence, that poster had to be given a demerit on her ....rhetorical discourse.

3. But...an "A" for effort....the attempt to pejoratively label her assumed opponent (actually, I'm a real opponent!)

Here is the basis of her accusation:

"The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, butthe central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, asthe American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist."

See that last line?

Label " anything objectionable is fascist".....doesn't actually have to be a Fascist, or even similar to one!

And....to the Liberal quoted above....I am certainly 'objectionable.'

4. Simply not an accurate charge.

The misuse is, to me, like fingernails on a blackboard. There is an old saying, "When you’re hated by the right at least your death threats are spelled correctly."

And, it seems, the insults are etymologically correct, as well.
Lesson will continue.
First Chica, reconcile the accepted general definitions of fascism and fascist with your neoconservative trite wing versions used to divorce you and your brethren of the taint of Nazism and fascism. I reject your revised and sanitized versions, you bloody neofascist!

1. a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
2. (often initial capital letter) a member of a fascist movement or party.
3. a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views. [This is you, Chica]

4. Also, fascistic
[fuh-shis-tik] /fəˈʃɪs tɪk/ (Show IPA). of or like fascism or fascists.
the definition of fascist

1 An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
1.1 (In general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

Nazism, rightism;
nationalism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism;
jingoism, isolationism;
neofascism, neo-Nazism
fascism: definition of fascism in Oxford dictionary (American English) (US)

Socialists always label their enemies, or those they hate, or those they fear through ignorance. Democrats were the KKK and used the term "N-word" (seems odd I can not use the term even to describe its use in history).

Socialists of NAZI Germany had terms for the Jews.

Socialists in the USA are no different, a certain type of person becomes a socialist, typically they think themselves better and smarter than others (while being demonstrably ignorant). Socialists are fearful, hey know better than everyone else and will force others to conform to their thinking, or destroy what they fear.

Socialists are the fascists and murders we read about in history. We can see how they behave here, the vile name calling, there is no limit. It scares me to think what they will do when they seize complete control.
So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.
I'm as big a fan as anyone of learning the definitions of terms. What I do not like to be instructed on how to "insult another properly". That smells of an all-encompassing entity attempting to control me.
So....today's lesson deals with the meaning and proper use of "Fascist"....so one may insult another properly.
And correctly.
I'm as big a fan as anyone of learning the definitions of terms. What I do not like to be instructed on how to "insult another properly". That smells of an all-encompassing entity attempting to control me.

Education is 'controlling' you?

Could be worse....ignorance could be doing it.
7. Now, then....I certainly hope that the poster identified here:

"...Republicans....and fascists like you, ..."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

and here:

"...Typical RW Fascist."
Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

....is thoroughly chagrinned!

8. I expect that she used the term "Fascist" out of embarrassment that her own political party was all in on Fascism, Nazism, and Communism....

"Before WW II, the same folks who championed Progressivism, viewed fascism as a noble economic agenda, and praised Mussolini.

It was the horrors of the Holocaust that required both the rapid retreat from associations with the term fascism, and the rebranding by John Dewey of progressivism as liberalism.

W.E.B.DuBois suggested that National Socialism [Nazism] seemed an excellent model for economic organization."

Know who could accurately be called "Fascist"???

In point of fact, the icon of Democrats, Franklin Roosevelt copied his entire New Deal from Benito Mussolini.....Fascist par excellence!

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