On our way to Florida, finally!

Matt and I both are Floridians, Matt was born and bread there in Tampa and I was 6 months old when we lived in Florida for the first time... Fort Walton Beach area... We were married in Florida.

We left Florida for jobs in New England, that paid more than double of what I was making in St.Pete, and Matt got a job for 33% more money.... Yes the cost of living is higher up here, but the money more than compensated.

We are from the south, we left the south for the good life, up here....
Yet you seem to be headed back to Florida for the "good life" down here? Is life not that good in New England these days, Care? Florida is suddenly swamped (pun intended) with people from NY, NJ, Mass and Michigan who are tired of Covid policies up there.
It has been 3 years since I've seen my parents and my older sister, who watches out for my parents....

Covid, my husband's rotator cuff injury, which took 7 or 8 months to get his surgery, due to hospital lock downs so to say, then his 5 months of physical therapy.... We'll be there for three to 6 months.

We are closing up the house, emptying the waterlines, but decided to just leave the heat on, while gone.

Anyway, we rented a big ass car for the drive, because my parents have 4, and we can use one of them while there, but we have our cat to bring with us with a big cage and lots of kitty luggage of food and litter and litter box.

We have never travelled with her before, other than to the vet...any advice? She's already freaking out because of the luggage packing and house cleaning going on....

We are going to try to make it to Trenton/ phillie area first day from way up here....

We were suppose to leave yesterday, but woke to 6 inches of snow and still snowing....

Please...don't stay there....go back to whatever blue hell hole you come from...Don't make Florida into a blue crap hole.......visit, and leave...quickly...
Yet you seem to be headed back to Florida for the "good life" down here? Is life not that good in New England these days, Care? Florida is suddenly swamped (pun intended) with people from NY, NJ, Mass and Michigan who are tired of Covid policies up there.
Merry Christmas oldstyle!

Leave it to you and 2nd amendment guy to make my totally unpolitical thread in to nasty politics!! :rolleyes:

I can assure you that the I75ers and I95ers have been swarming to Florida for the past 40 to 70 years! Minus/without covid.
Merry Christmas oldstyle!

Leave it to you and 2nd amendment guy to make my totally unpolitical thread in to nasty politics!! :rolleyes:

I can assure you that the I75ers and I95ers have been swarming to Florida for the past 40 to 70 years! Minus/without covid.
And I can assure you that I've never seen a "swarm" of Northerners like we're seeing THIS year, Care and I've lived here now for twenty years! Ask anyone who lives here and I'm pretty sure they'll tell you the exact same thing I am!
What's "nasty" about my posts? I'm simply pointing out how ironic it is that the State that so many liberals living in the North have tried to portray as "dangerous" because of our Covid policies...has now become the go to vacation spot of liberals from States like NY, NJ and Michigan! Is it just me or is it hard to reconcile the two things?
Please...don't stay there....go back to whatever blue hell hole you come from...Don't make Florida into a blue crap hole.......visit, and leave...quickly...
I would think that liberal California would be attracting liberals like moths to a light, 2aguy! Nice weather and progressive policies up the ying yang! Why would a die hard lib like Care want to go any where else? :)
My cat is a champion traveller!!! Who knew?? We could have been taking her on vacation with us, all these years. As long as we were driving

She loves it!!!

She especially loves checking in to new hotels, scopes the new room out...checks out which of the queen beds will be hers to sleep on..
Daddy kitty sets up her litter box and makes a food and water area for her...

She holds off going for 10 hours on road, except once
....she was very vocal, we figured she must have to go...since she had been quiet...so we stopped at a rest area and she went in the box...daddy cleaned, and off we went....
Maybe they are all different but I had a rotator cuff problem that hurt so bad that I had to sleep sitting up until I could get an appointment with a sports doctor. Surgery never occurred to me but the doctor gave me a big horse hypodermic shot of cortisone and it was instant relief that lasted for years.
And I can assure you that I've never seen a "swarm" of Northerners like we're seeing THIS year, Care and I've lived here now for twenty years! Ask anyone who lives here and I'm pretty sure they'll tell you the exact same thing I am!
What's "nasty" about my posts? I'm simply pointing out how ironic it is that the State that so many liberals living in the North have tried to portray as "dangerous" because of our Covid policies...has now become the go to vacation spot of liberals from States like NY, NJ and Michigan! Is it just me or is it hard to reconcile the two things?
Where did you come from before you moved to Florida 20 years ago?
Horse country...Ocala area...west of it.
I stopped in Ocala once. I had to pick up a couple of Greyhounds to bring back to the track in the Mobile, AL area. BEAUTIFUL country views with miles of picturesque fencing and horses everywhere. Enjoy the trip!
Aspen is odd ?
Very exclusive place in the remote mountains of insane wealth and opulence
Can you please share your thoughts on all those places

Most of my life has been 4 states
Michigan, Arizona, Oregon and now Nevada
I stopped in Ocala once. I had to pick up a couple of Greyhounds to bring back to the track in the Mobile, AL area. BEAUTIFUL country views with miles of picturesque fencing and horses everywhere. Enjoy the trip!
I was born in Mobile, at 6 months we moved to the Florida pan handle.... Dad got transfered and stationed there....!

Ocala area and Gainesville area are beautiful to me!
Everybody and their Little Brown Dog comes to Florida over the Christmas Holidays.

I-95, I-75 and the Turnpike will be stop and go traffic for hundreds of miles.
It was pretty awful traffic Flash, the entire way down! A lot of accidents before the DC area, and going thru or around DC was a nightmare!!!

We had a guardian angel save us, a few times on this trip.

There was this double decked 18 wheeler truck towing cars that we were tailing. The back car on it was bouncing up and down...I told Matt to get around him, which we did and I tried to get his attention to try to warn him of the bouncing car, but he didn't see me. He got in front of us a few times and we kept trying to stay in front, to no avail.

Well, with all the coffee, I really had to tinkle badly so Matt stopped at a rest stop for me and we spent some time with the kitty giving her praise and loving, for being such a good girl.

Got back on our way.

About a half hour later, gridlock. Two hours of sitting and crawling! When we got to the accident, it was the flatbed with the cars, and a few others. That loose car, had fallen off the back!!!!!!!
Can you please share your thoughts on all those places

Most of my life has been 4 states
Michigan, Arizona, Oregon and now Nevada
Let's see, Boston is a great city if you want to live in a city...fantastic restaurants and lots of culture. The downside is awful traffic and New England winters. I really did enjoy my time there.

Maui is Aspen with a beach...beautiful spot with beautiful weather but it's small and everybody knows everybody.

Aspen is Maui with snow...gorgeous place that is just overrun with the rich and stupid. If you're a local though it's kind of cool because there is a "us against them" vibe and there was a local's price and a tourist price. (Also like Maui!) I was originally going to spend four months in Aspen and ended up staying ten years.

Vegas is a trip. Very flashy on the outside. Kind of seedy and depressing on the inside. Better place to visit than to live. Most of the time you're meeting either degenerate gamblers or people who never gamble. Take into account that I lived on the Strip at the Flamingo Towers though...I guess it would be more normal if you lived out in the burbs.

I lived in Wilmington, North Carolina which is a pretty nice town right on the coast. Big in the movie industry. They were doing Dawson's Creek back then...shooting around town. Loved the nightlife there. Didn't care for the humidity (It's more humid than Florida if you can believe it!) and didn't like the way the "Good Ole Boys" ran the town. Probably the most corrupt town I've ever lived in! Don't go over the speed limit on College if you've got out of State plates...they'll pull you over while the locals go flying by. They don't even pretend they're not targeting outsiders...it's just the way it is!

Did you ski in aspen
Very super rich
I probably averaged 120 days of skiing each year. My condo was on Waters Ave. I could click into my bindings and skate down to the bottom of the gondola in about two minutes. To be honest I moved there for the skiing but I stayed the ten years because the summers were so amazing. Sunny every day and no humidity at all.
Aspen is "super rich". It's a place where the billionaires are running the millionaires out of town. Still my favorite place of all the places I've lived.

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