On listening to Fox on my car radio

It looks like they have identified a new threat to America.
The survivors of the Florida school massacre.

The narrative runs as follows......

These misguided kids are being coached and tutored into being angry that their school was shot up.

Politically motivated outsiders have managed to persuade them that seeing their friends being murdered was "a bad thing" rather than a necessary by product of "freedom".

I wonder how long it will be before the orange shit picks up on this and issues a Presidential Tweet condemning these un- American kids ?

My money is on Friday at the latest.

CNN, MSNBC using Florida teens as anti-Trump propaganda pawns

More drunk driving?
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Privavte Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestors and Agitator produced, but many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

It's why leftists despise private schools. The children are out of their grasp
Nazis and commies did the same thing..they infiltrated schools, and when they made their move, the kids were their spies.
Well, back on topic. It looks like we all agree that Fox is a disgrace for picking on these youngsters.

Back to the topic what exactly are your politics? Considering you hate Fox why are you even listening to it? Considering America's guns and their Second Amendment RIGHT to own guns have nothing to do with you and do not affect you directly why are you so obsessed? Why are you not more concerned with Britain and how British society is fragmenting? Why do you post Anti-American Propaganda on an American forum on a daily basis? What makes you think you have any right to tell Americans how their nation should be run and what they can and cannot do in their own nation and what they can and cannot own in their own nation?
Well, back on topic. It looks like we all agree that Fox is a disgrace for picking on these youngsters.

We all agree that leftists who facilitate school shootings by advertising the "no gun zone" status of schools while refusing to exert any control over their violent *victim status* killer groups (daca, muslims, the mentally ill), should be locked up.
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.
I believe in chemically castrating all black folk, the purity of my race back to the 5th century, that Hitler had some great ideas and that all Muslims should be put on a boat and nuked. Do you fancy any of that Lucy ?

Copy and paste if you want to, go ahead be my guest :badgrin:

Tommy couldn't survive America...hell some conservative 13 year old girl would kick his ass
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.

He's on the same level as the bull dyke, Jillian and that oldschool moron.

Do you listen listen to Fox News Sassy? IMHO all MSM are equally as bad, it is just different levels of bad.
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.
I believe in chemically castrating all black folk, the purity of my race back to the 5th century, that Hitler had some great ideas and that all Muslims should be put on a boat and nuked. Do you fancy any of that Lucy ?

No shit.

Well that explains a lot.
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.

He's on the same level as the bull dyke, Jillian and that oldschool moron.

Do you listen listen to Fox News Sassy? IMHO all MSM are equally as bad, it is just different levels of bad.

Used too but they lost me sometime back. I depend on Independent news sources

Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.
I believe in chemically castrating all black folk, the purity of my race back to the 5th century, that Hitler had some great ideas and that all Muslims should be put on a boat and nuked. Do you fancy any of that Lucy ?

Copy and paste if you want to, go ahead be my guest :badgrin:

Nailed what? I asked you to copy and paste whatever you know like you copy and paste basically everything.

Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.

He's on the same level as the bull dyke, Jillian and that oldschool moron.

Do you listen listen to Fox News Sassy? IMHO all MSM are equally as bad, it is just different levels of bad.

Used too but they lost me sometime back. I depend on Independent news sources

I have abandoned MSM and now prefer Independent news sources.
Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.
I believe in chemically castrating all black folk, the purity of my race back to the 5th century, that Hitler had some great ideas and that all Muslims should be put on a boat and nuked. Do you fancy any of that Lucy ?

Copy and paste if you want to, go ahead be my guest :badgrin:

Nailed what? I asked you to copy and paste whatever you know like you copy and paste basically everything.
Are you denying any of that ?

Denying any of what? You make no sense, I asked you a question which you refuse to respond to.
You leftists are going to need to clean the blood of innocent dead children off your shoes....you're standing on them and using the others as political pawns. Shame on all of you


Quit paying your township the confiscatory fees of school taxes only to get a shit-filled education. Talk to your neighbors and organize.

Take your damn kid out of public school and use the money to put him/her in private school where there is real competition for your business, and your kid gets a GOOD education in the process.


Home-school your children.

The borough can't go after everyone with their money grubbing hands. Time to shut the government out of education, time to shut the government out of risking your kid's lives.

All teachers at any Government run school are all in the Teaching Unions which have always been Left-Wing no matter what nation they are in. These Leftist teachers do not care that much about education as in education, they are against children Thinking For Themselves, they encourage Group Think and they care greatly about Indoctrinating the children in Leftist causes, this is why these teenagers are SJWs they will be completely useless to society, they are geared to be Professional Protestors and Agitators. The SJWs are not designed to contribute to society, they are designed to disrupt and more fragment society and that's what the Left in general is about, DESTROYING SOCIETY.

Teachers in Private Schools are radically different, they are not Leftist, they are more interested in encouraging students to have an Independent Thought Process, to think for themselves and also the teachers encourage actual debate, also in Private Schools they formulate their OWN Curriculum and not a State Mandated Curriculum. Private Schools are the best, all my family have always been privately educated, my own children also will be privately educated and all of my friends have been privately educated that includes my English friends in London, all privately educated and not one Far Left SJW Professional Protestor and Agitator produced, instead produced from private education our friends include many doctors, architects, civil engineers, graphic designers, two documentary film director/producers, a novelist, several historians among others.

Professional Troll unable to respond due to lack of intellectual capability instead Funnys my post, not that any of us expected it to do anything else. They are not interested in debate on any level, it's all just Virtue Signalling and Dittohead Posting.
I believe in chemically castrating all black folk, the purity of my race back to the 5th century, that Hitler had some great ideas and that all Muslims should be put on a boat and nuked. Do you fancy any of that Lucy ?

No shit.

Well that explains a lot.

Yes the Far Left just love death and destruction.
Folks, this is not a Flame Zone thread, please attempt to at least pay some lip service to the topic. Thank you, to those who are actually doing so.
Nazis and commies did the same thing..they infiltrated schools, and when they made their move, the kids were their spies.

The Leftists will Brainwash the children next to begin Informing on their parents, friends, neighbours etc or are they already doing that in America?
Well, back on topic. It looks like we all agree that Fox is a disgrace for picking on these youngsters.

We all agree that leftists who facilitate school shootings by advertising the "no gun zone" status of schools while refusing to exert any control over their violent *victim status* killer groups (daca, muslims, the mentally ill), should be locked up.

"while refusing to exert any control over their violent *victim status* killer groups (daca, muslims, the mentally ill), should be locked up."

Yes the mentally ill should be locked up, Leftism is a mental illness so locking up all Leftists would be a great benefit to all of Western society.

Also if we use Leftist Logic about this they effectively want ALL guns banned to prevent these school shootings, so that should mean they should agree that when there is another terrorist attack by the Islamists that ALL Muslims should be deported and banned from Western nations, they say it is the GUNS that are the problem, so they should agree that it is the MUSLIMS who are the problem.

But but but oh wait....that's right I forgot it's White Christians who are to blame for Kebabs doing terrorist attacks :eusa_doh:

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