On CNBC Now, American Greed: Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
As we know American Greed is a documentary show that exposes corruption in a variety of businesses in which 99% of the perps are jewish. In contrast to the usual jews involved in corruption, fraud, etc., this show features an afro-american, though he looks a little jewish, famous for his racist "chocolate city" speech when he had his afro-american drawl going that Hillary and Obama do when they address afro-american audiences. Nagin, like Obama, was totally over his head and simply tried to steal government money rather than build. The Donald would have built that place up had he had the opportunity! Though it would fall to ruin in a year or two as a result of the democrat, welfare inhabitants.

Former Mayor Ray Nagin, corruption focus of season debut episode of 'American Greed'
Nagin was another corrupted worthless Democrat pos. He left all them people in a football dome to die. and then turned around and tried to pass the buck off on bush. He was the typical Democrat. Never take responsibility for anything

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