"OMG, Donald Trump is destroying the GOP!" Umm, no, Trump isn't the one destroying it.


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Jun 20, 2006
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San Diego, CA
We keep hearing various talking heads on various channels moaning and wailing that "Donald Trump is destroying the Republican Party! Oh, what shall we do?".

Umm, not so. Trump isn't the one destroying the GOP.

Republican congressmen began its destruction, when they kept legislating against the will of the people. Forming plans for amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens. Caving to the mainstream media and spending wildly when they had control of the House, Senate, AND Presidency. Failing to stop Democrat plans for increasing regulation, growing government, implementing socialized medicine, allowing destructive anti-coal laws, and mewling there was nothing they could do about advancing liberalism, after promising their voters they would do something about it.

Every time they did things their voters didn't want, or failed to do the things they had promised and that their voters DID want, they destroyed a little more of the Republican party.

When four years ago the Republican party responded to a President who had signed Socialized Medicine into law, the Republican party chose to put up a candidate whose signature accomplishment was to sign Socialized Medicine into law himself. Masses of conservatives threw up their hand in disgust, and stayed home, not even bothering to vote. The Republican turnout for the 2012 election was far lower than that for the 2008 election, and the Democrat won by less than the deficit in Republican voters.

Now when Trump shows up and says, "We're angry about that and we're going to change it once and for all!', that's just a natural reaction to the abuse and rudderlessness of the Republican party.

Saving the Republican party doesn't involve kicking out Trump. It involves kicking out the RINOs, the open-borders pushers, the big spenders, and the whiny but-i'll-hurt-my-career CYA legislators.

Trump's ascendency is merely the inevitable result of the continuous destruction we're getting from GOP officials who continually refuse to do what their constituents want. The destruction has been going on for years, long before Trump ever tossed his hat into the ring.

And the Republican party won't get better, until those people who really destroyed it, are gone.

And they are (justly) afraid for their jobs. Even now they are planning to hijack the Republican National Convention, denying both Trump and Cruz the nomination and putting somebody else in. Sure, the rules allow that. But if they try it, they will get a reaction that hasn't been seen since the Shay's Rebellion.

And that's from their friends - Republicans. Conservatives, to be exact. Can you imagine how the liberals in the other party will react?

How Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party in 2015
Personally, I think talk radio did this to the GOP.

Their fingerprints are all over it.

Not so Mac. The conservative talkers have been carrying water for the GOP for far too long. With the exception of Levin who finally had in 2014 all of them have been cheer leading for the Republicans day in and day out. For years on end.

But now they are breaking with the RINO's as they should. The establishment has lied to stay in power and shit down the throats of the electorate year after year. The talkers are part of the electorate as well.

And they've had it with the establishment. Just like millions of their listeners have had it with them.

The elite inside the beltway bastards are the ones that have destroyed the Republican Party.
Considering what's going on with the Political Elite powers that be, the message I'm getting from the Republican outrage regarding Trump is proving the point that our elected representatives do not want to see any change to the status quo - everybody is in each others pockets on each side of the aisle - "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" back door deals, and the whole nine yards - perks, power, greed, lifetime right to the seat to which they've been elected. But more important - and more scary to me - we have already lost so many of the freedoms we once enjoyed and now the Political Establishment wants to take away the right of the people to vote for the person of their choice ... in other words, we can freely vote for the candidate of choice of the Political Establishment ... but not for any other candidate.

This entire election is based on the premise that the people are sick and tired and we want change ... and Congress does not want to give us that option.
Another talking head had it right:

The Trump campaign is not a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. It is a rebellion of shareholders who are voting to throw out the corporate officers and board of directors that ran the company into the ground.
I don't watch any of the debates and not much news on any channel. I'm sick and tired of it. "Inside the Beltway" is full of corruption all the way around. Will that woman at IRS ever see trial? No. That's the bottomless money pit. Will Hillary ever see a trial over Benghazi? No. Chelsea wasn't there so what difference does it make? Will EPA ever be taken down a peg or two over the water crisis in Michigan? No. It's not a Super Fund cleanup and, what the hell? It's just a few run of the mill blue color and/or poor people affected. Will FDA ever come into scrutiny over some of the safe drugs we take only years later to learn they're not really all that safe? No. Bribery, pay offs, "gifts," ad nauseum. Did Charlie Rangel just get a mere slap on the wrist (and keep his office) over tax evasion that the rest of us would do time over?

Yet, I keep thinking about this one scene in Godfather II: Michael Corleone has returned from his sojourn in Sicily and looks up Kay. They have this little stroll while having a conversation where politics comes up where Michael says his father is just a business man like any other business man. Kay says he's naive. He comes back with politicians having people killed. Kay says, "Oh, Michael, Presidents and Senators don't have people killed." And Michael says, "Now who's being naive?"

What really happened with JFK? What really happened with RFK? What really happened with Vince Foster? Do we really know?

Governors have term limits. In some states other elected officials have have term limits. Presidents have term limits. But Congress? Term limits will never happen.
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...

Okay, you name an issue, state the Republican position, and show that most Americans agree.

Then I'll go with a Democrat position. And so on. And then we'll see who wins.
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...

Okay, you name an issue, state the Republican position, and show that most Americans agree.

Then I'll go with a Democrat position. And so on. And then we'll see who wins.

Start here...

Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out ...
U.S. and American News - Todays News Headlines, Breaking News, News Videos from America - Newsmax.com AmericaIllegal-Immigration-trump-wall-mexico/2015/08/19/id/670859/
Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants. ... A majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that a wall should be built ... The illegals will effectively be stopped at the Mexican side of the border - and they ..
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...

Okay, you name an issue, state the Republican position, and show that most Americans agree.

Then I'll go with a Democrat position. And so on. And then we'll see who wins.

Start here...

Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out ...
U.S. and American News - Todays News Headlines, Breaking News, News Videos from America - Newsmax.com AmericaIllegal-Immigration-trump-wall-mexico/2015/08/19/id/670859/
Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants. ... A majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that a wall should be built ... The illegals will effectively be stopped at the Mexican side of the border - and they ..

90% of Americans want loopholes in background checks closed. GOP filibustered that legislation.
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...

Okay, you name an issue, state the Republican position, and show that most Americans agree.

Then I'll go with a Democrat position. And so on. And then we'll see who wins.

Start here...

Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out ...
U.S. and American News - Todays News Headlines, Breaking News, News Videos from America - Newsmax.com AmericaIllegal-Immigration-trump-wall-mexico/2015/08/19/id/670859/
Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants. ... A majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that a wall should be built ... The illegals will effectively be stopped at the Mexican side of the border - and they ..

90% of Americans want loopholes in background checks closed. GOP filibustered that legislation.

  1. Most Americans Oppose Admitting Syrian Refugees, ...
    Most Americans Oppose Admitting Syrian Refugees, Poll Finds ... 59% of Americans said the U.S. is at war with radical Islam, and 81% say they anticipate a ... What to Know About Salah Abdeslam, Europe's Most Wanted Man ...
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.

So says a left wing, commie subversive from NYC! BUT everyone should be interested in how TN is going to fuck up the establishment, and perhaps THIS will spread to all the other states delegates!

  • Trump & Cruz Delegates in TN To Form Alliance, Pledge Support for Anti-Establishment Candidate
    Breitbart's Big Government ^ | March 18, 2016 | Michael Patrick Leahy
    NASHVILLE, Tennessee-- Many of the 49 delegates in Tennessee who are pledged to either Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will reportedly meet this month to seal a grassroots alliance in which they pledge their votes during any contested convention only to Trump or Cruz. "My concern is that whether you are a Cruz delegate or a Trump delegate the establishment wants to nominate somebody like John Kasich who has no mathematical chance or moral authority to become the nominee because he has received so few votes in the primaries," former State Rep. Joe Carr, an at-large Cruz delegate,...

Okay, you name an issue, state the Republican position, and show that most Americans agree.

Then I'll go with a Democrat position. And so on. And then we'll see who wins.

Start here...

Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out ...
U.S. and American News - Todays News Headlines, Breaking News, News Videos from America - Newsmax.com AmericaIllegal-Immigration-trump-wall-mexico/2015/08/19/id/670859/
Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants. ... A majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that a wall should be built ... The illegals will effectively be stopped at the Mexican side of the border - and they ..

90% of Americans want loopholes in background checks closed. GOP filibustered that legislation.

  1. Most Americans Oppose Admitting Syrian Refugees, ...
    Most Americans Oppose Admitting Syrian Refugees, Poll Findsrefugees-syria-america-poll/
    Most Americans Oppose Admitting Syrian Refugees, Poll Finds ... 59% of Americans said the U.S. is at war with radical Islam, and 81% say they anticipate a ... What to Know About Salah Abdeslam, Europe's Most Wanted Man ...

Most Americans want to preserve Roe v. Wade.

Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

GOP party platform calls for constitutional amendment to ban all abortion.
This entire election is based on the premise that the people are sick and tired and we want change ... and Congress does not want to give us that option.
Certainly the Trump and Cruz movements are.

And establishment Republicans are fighting both as hard as they can.

And the more they fight, the more normal Americans join the Trump or Cruz supporters.
Well ... Cruz is a bit too smarmy for me. LOL! And look at it this way ... let's just say that Trump did win the White House. He's either going to have to be one hell of a good negotiator - or we're going to all have to absolutely SLAM Congress with emails, phone calls and snail mail telling them to straighten up or consider the possibility of having someone step in at the state level elections to run against the incumbent and run the risk of losing the seat they've held for decades. On the other hand if Trump is a disaster - he's not likely to have a second term.
let's just say that Trump did win the White House. He's either going to have to be one hell of a good negotiator - or we're going to all have to absolutely SLAM Congress with emails, phone calls and snail mail telling them to straighten up or consider the possibility of having someone step in at the state level elections to run against the incumbent and run the risk of losing the seat they've held for decades.
I like Choice (C): All of the above.
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.
True. The Republicans tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

As I said in the OP, the Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.
The GOP's problem is simple. The party is on the wrong side of too many issues.
True. The Republicans tried to enact amnesty (under various guises) for illegal aliens, enacted new entitlements, and spent like drunken sailors even when they had both houses of Congress.

As I said in the OP, the Republicans who did those things are the ones destroying the Republican party. Every time they try to legislate against the will of their constituents, more normal Americans become disgusted with them, and decide to vote them out when possible.

That's why Trump and Cruz are doing so well: They promise people they will end those things. And more and more normal Americans are backing them as a result.

Most Americans support a path to citizenship.

The Senate had passed a bi-partisan immigration reform bill that could have passed the House but Boehner wouldn't allow a vote.
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