OMG Clinton's e-mails yet Trump.........

Obama left Trump a strong economy. Nobody buys your bullshit.
Obama left an over regulated stagnant economy. Mediocrity was Obama's goal and he did it. He established a norm people are still talking about like it should be missed. Nothing like accepting less than you can do, it should be the next campaign slogan.

How can an economy that produces 8 consecutive years of growth be called stagnant?
Lowest growth of any president ever. You left that part out.

Obviously you don't know what stagnant means either.
Obviously you will say anything to defend that bastard.
Do you mean consecutive growth?
U.S. economy shrinks 0.1% in fourth quarter - MarketWatch
What happened to the candidate that said he would safeguard our classified information at all costs. Where did that guy go?
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.
I'm fine with it. The colossal incompetence of this administration has completely gotten in the way of it's ability to pursue all the evil shit they campaigned on. This is just business as usual.
The colossal clusterfuck Obama left for Trump purposely is being handled by erasing regulations and cutting taxes which have jump started the economy. It is what people will see in their pockets that counts as you and others talk to the wind.
Obama left Trump a strong economy. Nobody buys your bullshit.
Obama left an over regulated stagnant economy. Mediocrity was Obama's goal and he did it. He established a norm people are still talking about like it should be missed. Nothing like accepting less than you can do, it should be the next campaign slogan.

How can an economy that produces 8 consecutive years of growth be called stagnant?

Where was all this "growth"? Aside from the Wall Street tycoons who were taking advantage of the FED's quantitative easing I mean?

Mean personal income was down about $4,000 under Obama. Black unemployment and food stamp usage was higher than it ever had been. New housing starts were down. Businesses were hoarding their money for fear of what the Obama administration would do. The health care industry was wrecked: Small clinics and even some large hospitals went out of business. Other hospitals were laying off employees and re-vamping everything to be Obamacare-complaint.

The Obama administration spent billions of dollars on bailouts and phony "stimulus" plans but the only jobs created were more government jobs, not private sector jobs. Racial unrest was rampant as was the threat of terrorist attacks here in the US. Our military was getting their ass beat in Afghanistan and Iraq because the Obama administration was running the wars like a schoolyard game of tiddly-winks.

Under Obama, 8.3 million fewer Americans were working. It got so bad that his BLS stopped counting those who gave up looking for work. The GDP was flat for almost his entire Presidency and he doubled the national debt that it all other president 200 years to run up.
NATIONAL INSECURITY: Dozens in White House lack permanent security clearances ...

Yet none of them have jeopardized national security, criminally accessed classified, criminally mis-handled, illegally e-mailed, illegally shared, illegally stored, illegally destroyed, and / or illegally hid classified the way Felon Hillary, Abedin, Mills, Hillary's maid, Hillary's IT guy, or the IT firm who stored her classified in their bathroom did...

Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.
So FBI cant do their some people, and keep firing them until they do
The only things that grew under Obama were radical Islam and the number of illegals and Muslims in this country. Unless you count division and polarization as a plus.
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.

People should be concerned. But Trumpets have become quite good at turning vice into virtue.

It's sloppy and unprofessional this late into the presidency.
For those with an open mind, and a clear sense of reality, please respond to the seminal question, i.e. why is HRC guilty, when the investigation did not find Mens rea, and Trump is excused, when the evidence proves his inner circle and family have access to classified material.

Does Trump know he shouldn't share classified material unless the person(s) has been fully vetted, or is he too inexperienced to know?
Typical "If you don't believe the way I do you must be closed minded." Here are the facts anyone that has access to the President goes through a vetting process the same for advisors this is how it works.

Clinton knowingly sent classified material over an unsecured server, there is no denying it. I've seen people jailed for the very same shit. I've seen people lose security clearances over a bad credit score.

Post the classified e-mails.
There were a lot more than that in the Clinton Administration. In those days you couldn't get a clearance if you had ever smoked pot. I'm sure there were also a few in the Obama administration.
Bullshit. You are just guessing.

Everytime your oramge POS does something bad or stupid you come running "OMG OMG OMG but Clinton...."

Trump's White House is grossly mismanaged.
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Go fuck a snake, you reptilian POS!
The question is are you? What did his son-in-laws visit to Israel have to do with classified information?

Really? You are that stupid.

These people are supposed to have clearances & Trump is soewung clsassified sghit to them every fucking day.

Wjat the fuck is wrong with you people?

You went into a frenzy because you thought Hillary's e-mail had classified information & someone might get it. Trump is actually doing it every fucking day.

He did it with Flynn - a foreign agent. He did it with Manafort.

He did it with the wife beaters.

So because somebody is involved in a domestic dispute, they can't be cleared for classified information?

Not every mission involves classified information, in fact I would say very few do.

However Hillary's toy server had the minimum safeguards on it. Even Comey testified to Congress that her server could have easily been hacked. He also testified that yes, her server had all kinds of classified and confidential material on it. A high school computer geek could have broken into it.

Then they found some of that information on Uma's husband laptop; the device he was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet.

Keep on guessing.

Uncleared people running around the White House with Classified information & you make excuses.

But hey, that fuckin Clinton. Right asshole.

Where is this proof of yours there are uncleared people with classified information in the the White House?

The only asshole around here is the one making shit up as he goes along.

Pull your head out of your ass & read the fucking news.

Here you are accusuing me of making up shit & it is you being an ignorant fool. Fuck you, Ray.

You are making shit up. Either that or you don't understand there are different levels of clearances. Clearance to be in the White House or working for the government is way different than clearance to have access to classified or confidential material.
What happened to the candidate that said he would safeguard our classified information at all costs. Where did that guy go?

Is he not redacting sources and methods from the Democrat's memo? It seems more to me that the Democrats are the ones giving away classified information.
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.
I'm fine with it. The colossal incompetence of this administration has completely gotten in the way of it's ability to pursue all the evil shit they campaigned on. This is just business as usual.
The colossal clusterfuck Obama left for Trump purposely is being handled by erasing regulations and cutting taxes which have jump started the economy. It is what people will see in their pockets that counts as you and others talk to the wind.
Obama left Trump a strong economy. Nobody buys your bullshit.

Yeah, only thing Obama left was a strong odor.
Really? You are that stupid.

These people are supposed to have clearances & Trump is soewung clsassified sghit to them every fucking day.

Wjat the fuck is wrong with you people?

You went into a frenzy because you thought Hillary's e-mail had classified information & someone might get it. Trump is actually doing it every fucking day.

He did it with Flynn - a foreign agent. He did it with Manafort.

He did it with the wife beaters.

So because somebody is involved in a domestic dispute, they can't be cleared for classified information?

Not every mission involves classified information, in fact I would say very few do.

However Hillary's toy server had the minimum safeguards on it. Even Comey testified to Congress that her server could have easily been hacked. He also testified that yes, her server had all kinds of classified and confidential material on it. A high school computer geek could have broken into it.

Then they found some of that information on Uma's husband laptop; the device he was using to send nude pictures of himself to strange women on the internet.

Keep on guessing.

Uncleared people running around the White House with Classified information & you make excuses.

But hey, that fuckin Clinton. Right asshole.

Where is this proof of yours there are uncleared people with classified information in the the White House?

The only asshole around here is the one making shit up as he goes along.

Pull your head out of your ass & read the fucking news.

Here you are accusuing me of making up shit & it is you being an ignorant fool. Fuck you, Ray.

You are making shit up. Either that or you don't understand there are different levels of clearances. Clearance to be in the White House or working for the government is way different than clearance to have access to classified or confidential material.
Understanding that would not fit his narrative.
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.
I'm fine with it. The colossal incompetence of this administration has completely gotten in the way of it's ability to pursue all the evil shit they campaigned on. This is just business as usual.
The colossal clusterfuck Obama left for Trump purposely is being handled by erasing regulations and cutting taxes which have jump started the economy. It is what people will see in their pockets that counts as you and others talk to the wind.
Obama left Trump a strong economy. Nobody buys your bullshit.
Obama left an over regulated stagnant economy. Mediocrity was Obama's goal and he did it. He established a norm people are still talking about like it should be missed. Nothing like accepting less than you can do, it should be the next campaign slogan.

How can an economy that produces 8 consecutive years of growth be called stagnant?

Ok fine, there was a smidgen of growth.
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.

People should be concerned. But Trumpets have become quite good at turning vice into virtue.

It's sloppy and unprofessional this late into the presidency.

True, but it's much more than sloppy and unprofessional - it's gravely dangerous! We never had a presidential administration so cozy with a hostile and powerful foreign country. We already know there are Russian friends in the White House - but there may also be Russian spies.
There were a lot more than that in the Clinton Administration. In those days you couldn't get a clearance if you had ever smoked pot. I'm sure there were also a few in the Obama administration.
Bullshit. You are just guessing.

Everytime your oramge POS does something bad or stupid you come running "OMG OMG OMG but Clinton...."

Trump's White House is grossly mismanaged.
Anything that damages the federal government is a good thing
Said like a true traitorous Trumpette POS>

The country and the federal government are not one in the same… Shit for brains

So, if spies are in the White House stealing our secrets. That would make you happy.

As long as they take less than what Obama/Clinton sold/gave away I'm good.
It made all of you Obama cocksuckers happy when he enlisted his DOJ to steal secrets from the Trump campaign and transition staff.

Now, who the fuck could argue against the above WELL-DOCUMENTED Alex Jones' "proof"...................(please don't breed more morons into this world.)
Last edited:
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.

People should be concerned. But Trumpets have become quite good at turning vice into virtue.

It's sloppy and unprofessional this late into the presidency.

True, but it's much more than sloppy and unprofessional - it's gravely dangerous! We never had a presidential administration so cozy with a hostile and powerful foreign country. We already know there are Russian friends in the White House - but there may also be Russian spies.
You sound like that old lady in the "Ghost and Mr.Chicken."
And they used Bon Ami: The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.

People should be concerned. But Trumpets have become quite good at turning vice into virtue.

It's sloppy and unprofessional this late into the presidency.

True, but it's much more than sloppy and unprofessional - it's gravely dangerous! We never had a presidential administration so cozy with a hostile and powerful foreign country. We already know there are Russian friends in the White House - but there may also be Russian spies.
You sound like that old lady in the "Ghost and Mr.Chicken."
And they used Bon Ami: The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

So, are you suggesting that national security and security clearances are irrelevant? You don't care who has access to our classified material? I had a top secret clearance - and I know how serious it is.
Dozens of White House employees are awaiting permanent security clearances and have been working for months with temporary approvals to handle sensitive information while the FBI continues to probe their backgrounds, according to U.S. officials.

People familiar with the security-clearance process said one of those White House officials with an interim approval is Jared Kushner — the president’s son-in-law and one of his most influential advisers.

Law enforcement officials say the biggest red flags in clearance reviews tend to be when investigators catch a person lying — either on disclosure forms or in face-to-face interviews with agents.

More: Dozens at White House lack permanent security clearances

This should be of major concern to everyone - including Trump supporters.

People should be concerned. But Trumpets have become quite good at turning vice into virtue.

It's sloppy and unprofessional this late into the presidency.

True, but it's much more than sloppy and unprofessional - it's gravely dangerous! We never had a presidential administration so cozy with a hostile and powerful foreign country. We already know there are Russian friends in the White House - but there may also be Russian spies.
You sound like that old lady in the "Ghost and Mr.Chicken."
And they used Bon Ami: The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

So, are you suggesting that national security and security clearances are irrelevant? You don't care who has access to our classified material? I had a top secret clearance - and I know how serious it is.
Now I'm worried.

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