Omar is a Trump Republican

Sandy Shanks

Gold Member
Jul 10, 2018
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
You’re reading to much into it. She’s a run of the mill democratic anti Semitic pos
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
She's acting like your typical radical terrorist muzzie.
If she had stayed in Mogadishu she'd be sitting under a tree swatting at flies and trying to keep from getting knocked up by some guy who won't stay around long enough to raise their kids.
She can't say she doesn't know better. I've been to both the shithole she was born in and the place she grew up as a kid.
She hates Jews and Christians....that much is true.
The only reason she was elected is because, thanks to Obama, they have alot of Somalis willing to vote for her living in her home district.
She and her family ended up in a refugee camp in Kenya.....and were allowed to immigrate here during the Clinton Administration.
This is just another reason not to let people from war-torn countries move here instead of staying and fixing their own countries. They come here and end bringing their bad habits with them.
She is mainstream DemNazi Party.

She is doing the work of testing the waters for Her Party to see how far they can push Leftist Hatred on America.

You’re reading to much into it. She’s a run of the mill democratic anti Semitic pos
It’s like Hitler getting elected in Israel but only because a bunch of Nazis migrated to some poor little Jewish town to vote for him.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
She's acting like your typical radical terrorist muzzie.
If she had stayed in Mogadishu she'd be sitting under a tree swatting at flies and trying to keep from getting knocked up by some guy who won't stay around long enough to raise their kids.
She can't say she doesn't know better. I've been to both the shithole she was born in and the place she grew up as a kid.
She hates Jews and Christians....that much is true.
The only reason she was elected is because, thanks to Obama, they have alot of Somalis willing to vote for her living in her home district.
She and her family ended up in a refugee camp in Kenya.....and were allowed to immigrate here during the Clinton Administration.
This is just another reason not to let people from war-torn countries move here instead of staying and fixing their own countries. They come here and end bringing their bad habits with them.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
She's acting like your typical radical terrorist muzzie.
If she had stayed in Mogadishu she'd be sitting under a tree swatting at flies and trying to keep from getting knocked up by some guy who won't stay around long enough to raise their kids.
She can't say she doesn't know better. I've been to both the shithole she was born in and the place she grew up as a kid.
She hates Jews and Christians....that much is true.
The only reason she was elected is because, thanks to Obama, they have alot of Somalis willing to vote for her living in her home district.
She and her family ended up in a refugee camp in Kenya.....and were allowed to immigrate here during the Clinton Administration.
This is just another reason not to let people from war-torn countries move here instead of staying and fixing their own countries. They come here and end bringing their bad habits with them.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
She's a keeper!!!
she's a racist/hater like AOC/Harris/Booker/etc
HYPOCRITE Jackasses !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

You keep bragging about that stupid resolution. If I was in Congress I’d wipe my ass with it
Representative Omar tweeted that organizations like AIPAC have too much influence on Congress.

You know who else says that?

White Nationalists, a.k.a. Trump's base.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

You keep bragging about that stupid resolution. If I was in Congress I’d wipe my ass with it
You and your propagandists were all prematurely spunking on your own shoes that the Democrats were not going to pass such a resolution.

And now you all look like the tards you are. The Democrats not only passed it, they passed it unanimously, with only Republicans voting against it.

You made public asses of yourselves, and don't even know it yet. :lol:
Representative Omar tweeted that organizations like AIPAC have too much influence on Congress.

You know who else says that?

White Nationalists, a.k.a. Trump's base.

Didn’t you just start a thread about how you are now a Trump supporter? You’re a schizophrenic
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

You do know that there's a rising disconnect between those elected Democrat representatives, and the people they represent, don't you?

I sincerely doubt that your average everyday mom and pop democrat wants to be associated with nutcases like those in the House.

Trump's magnificent economy, domestic policies, and foreign policies will drive even more people away from the inbred and idiotic Democrat party. Two more years of Trumpism and a couple more SC Justices, and you guys and girls will be jumping out of 10th story windows en masse. Splat.
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

You keep bragging about that stupid resolution. If I was in Congress I’d wipe my ass with it
You and your propagandists were all prematurely spunking on your own shoes that the Democrats were not going to pass such a resolution.

And now you all look like the tards you are. The Democrats not only passed it, they passed it unanimously, with only Republicans voting against it.

You made public asses of yourselves, and don't even know it yet. :lol:

I said from the very beginning the resolution was a blatant PR stunt. Do you ever tire of lying?
Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

You do know that there's a rising disconnect between those elected Democrat representatives, and the people they represent, don't you?

I sincerely doubt that your average everyday mom and pop democrat wants to be associated with nutcases like those in the House.
This past mid term election showed that average mom and pop don't want to be associated with the Republican nutcases in the House.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is a closet Trump Republican. She is doing exactly what Trump, Trump Republicans in Congress, and Trump's dwindling fans base wants her to do. During a time when the media would be talking about Trump's many misfortunes, Omar is doing her best to weaken the Democratic Party and give Trump, his minions, and the Trump White House several talking points.

Last week we saw the total failure of Trump's second summit with Kim Jong Un. We heard Trump's treasonous statement regarding an American prisoner who returned to the U.S. on his death bed. We heard Trump's personal lawyer for ten years nail Trump to the cross. Cohen followed that up with more testimony and more documents this week. Trump is about to be slammed by the Mueller report, and he could face impeachment charges as a result. In any case the report will be damning politically, and the southern district of New York is waiting on the sidelines. It is clear from Cohen's testimony that Trump was negotiating with the Russian government for a Moscow Trump Tower during the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.

Trump's former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, 69, is being sentenced for bank and tax fraud, just days before he is set to be sentenced for related conspiracy charges in a case in D.C. federal court. Begging a question, why did Trump hire this guy to be his campaign manager for five months and allow him to organize the RNC? Was it because of Manafort's Russian connections?

The Republican Senate is about to pass a resolution sponsored by Democrats in the House that will halt Trump's attempt to usurp the powers of Congress to build his wall.

Along with the bread and butter issues, these are things the Democrats would ordinarily be talking about while looking toward 2020. This week all they have been talking about is a resolution drafted to deal with the anti-Semitism issues brought to the foreground by Omar. There have been discussions featuring Democrat vs. Democrat with Trump Republicans saying nothing and enjoying every minute of it.

Trump's fans are having a field day with their posts, able to push Trump and his many problems into the background.

Trump, too, is enjoying himself immensely, tweeting away about the freshmen Congresswomen from Minnesota bent on splitting her party in two. Fox News, euphemistically called the Trump Network, is having a gay old time featuring Omar in their news stories. The camera shows her smiling brightly as she walks down the halls of Congress.

She seems extremely proud of herself. We know Trump is proud of her achievements.
The Democratic House just overwhelmingly passed the resolution. Every Democrat voted for it.

The only people who voted against it were Republicans.

The pseudocons have egg on their faces now.

That resolution isn't worth shit.
They couldn’t even do the resolution without hiding protections for Sharia Law, and prohibitions against speaking out against Islam in it.

It’s a joke and The Only Reason they even attempted it is because they are on the verge of a complete implosion for 2020.

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