Olympic viewership is way down because the circus is dead.

The Olympics have gone the way of (so called) professional sports in the US. Am entertainment venue. This year, it's also become a platform for politics. I see Ivanka trump is in Pyeongchang for daddy. Nobody really cares she is. What a sham.

Amazing that in our country today "President's daughter" is a fucking job description. It is insulting to the rest of the world to send her to the closing.

You probably peed your pants when Kim Jong Un's sister was there.

Nope, but it is sort of ironic how alike Trump and Un are!
NBC did an awesome job of showing sports in the morning and early afternoon, only to repeat the same stuff at night. Try including more events next time NBC.
Curling is sort of like baseball...and as the meme goes...


Well... a lot of the players ARE bilingual...
Not to mention the coverage on NBC sucked.... Much time spent on the back stories of the athletes and no enough on the event. Also the commercialls were terrible, someone should tell them that commercials should not preach
I like the ski jumping. Screw the style points-whoever goes the farthest and still walks away wins.
I still love the Olympics and watched just as much as last time.
The American Olympic committee decided to scrap merit and ability in favor of making the teams darker and gayer. We ended up with teams of losers that no one cares about. Then, these losers got politically correct and even fewer people wanted to hear from them.

Too bad. So sad. Next time shut up and dribble.
Not to mention this Olympics was filled with a bunch of Prina Dona sore losers.

Nothing to admire there. Bunch of cry babies.

Prina Dona? :D
The American Olympic committee decided to scrap merit and ability in favor of making the teams darker and gayer. We ended up with teams of losers that no one cares about. Then, these losers got politically correct and even fewer people wanted to hear from them.

Too bad. So sad. Next time shut up and dribble.
Not to mention this Olympics was filled with a bunch of Prina Dona sore losers.

Nothing to admire there. Bunch of cry babies.

Prina Dona? :D
Preening Donna's/ Prima Dona's ...same diff. :)
Those who can't do...teach. Those who can do neither...critique.

Those who can't, slept through class.
IDK Admiral. I have tried like hell to surf on a couple of occasions. Even paid for an instructor once just to verify I was hopeless. I am hopeless.

OK, I might be persuaded to give you that one. It took me forever to learn how to water ski, but I did it!

Those who can't do...teach. Those who can do neither...critique.

Those who can't, slept through class.
IDK Admiral. I have tried like hell to surf on a couple of occasions. Even paid for an instructor once just to verify I was hopeless. I am hopeless.

OK, I might be persuaded to give you that one. It took me forever to learn how to water ski, but I did it!

That is great fun tho
It’s the white people olympics . A bunch of sports no one has ever done and a bunch of “athletes” who’s greatest natural talent is growing up near a mountain .
Why the hell would any American care about the Olympic Games at this point? It started with a black guy claiming a coin flip to carry the flag was racist. Then we had a couple homos say they wouldn’t visit the White House. Then we had the media claim how great Woah Fats sister is and how she really showed up Pence. We even had the Russians doping up their fucking curling team. It’s fucking curling!

I don’t think I need to watch this train wreck of left wing shit.

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