Old Home Remidies.


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
Did you receive any hand me down remedies from your grandmother or mother? Like to cure a sty of the eye lid make an x on it using a gold ring.
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Irish whisky, honey, lemon, in hot tea. For colds. That would make my having my first drink when I was five. Pretty normal stuff, considering my ancestry.
put duct tape over a wart....leave it for a week..remove..file on wart a bit....replace duct tape...do this until the wart is gone..shouldnt take more than a few weeks....

take a bit of aloe and rub on a new burn...it will keep it from blistering and all...

put a youngin with the poxs...in a bath with baking soda....it will stop the itching for about 6 hours...

instead of an ice pack..use frozen peas...it will shape around what you are icing down....not nearly as heavy
okay i have always heard this..from men...of course from men...that cunninglingus (now that is spelled how) will cure the man's sore throat lol
For sore throat:

crush a few baby aspirin between two spoons
stir into a glass of O.J.
Drink the O.J. through a straw taking small sips.

I still do this, it's the best remedy for a sore throat and you don't have to pay an arm and a leg at the pharmacy for that shitty tasting stuff they sell for sore throats.

If you want this to be considered an old home remedy, then don't forget the eye of newt
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put duct tape over a wart....leave it for a week..remove..file on wart a bit....replace duct tape...do this until the wart is gone..shouldnt take more than a few weeks....

take a bit of aloe and rub on a new burn...it will keep it from blistering and all...

put a youngin with the poxs...in a bath with baking soda....it will stop the itching for about 6 hours...

instead of an ice pack..use frozen peas...it will shape around what you are icing down....not nearly as heavy

My mother would just rub the wart and say something to herself and tell you to forget about the wart. 2 or 3 days the wart was gone.She never did reveal her secret tho.
Hiccups- bite down on a pencil then drink water from a glass while holding your head down. Works.

Water in ear- prop yourself against the wall with your hand while leaning over, then kick your leg out sideways.
Hiccups - 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar. Asians also use steamed rice, which works as well. I have always been prone to hiccups. My mother tells me I used to get them when she was pregnant with me. This is the only cure that has ever worked 100%.

I don't know if I would call these home remedies, but they're a bit out of the ordinary, and quite effective.

For burns, I apply Desitin (zinc oxide ointment). Yes, I'm talking about the stuff you put on baby butts for diaper rash. It takes the heat right out of the burn, and helps it heal much faster than anything I've ever seen, including aloe. Works for sunburns, as well.

For mosquito and other bug bites, I use Preparation H. I like the cooling gel formula. It sounds weird, but think about it. The Prep H commercials say that it reduces redness, swelling, and itch. And what do mosquito and bug bites do? They turn red, swell, and itch. This works amazingly well, and keeps the afflicted person from scratching the bite into an open sore.

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