Old fart in the Arkansas woods


Nov 10, 2008
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The wife died some 20 odd years ago and I couldn't find a comparable one, so I just picked up and left Dallas for the woods of Arkansas, where I was raised.
Can't say that I'm happy with the situation, but I'm satisfied. I'm on a nice lake with lots of 2 pound crappie and a picture window looking out the the woods at the back of my house where I watch the various animals from.
I dabble with oil paints some, and tinker with the stock market for passtime.
Other than that I'm pretty much of a bore. I never learned to dance.
The wife died some 20 odd years ago and I couldn't find a comparable one, so I just picked up and left Dallas for the woods of Arkansas, where I was raised.
Can't say that I'm happy with the situation, but I'm satisfied. I'm on a nice lake with lots of 2 pound crappie and a picture window looking out the the woods at the back of my house where I watch the various animals from.
I dabble with oil paints some, and tinker with the stock market for passtime.
Other than that I'm pretty much of a bore. I never learned to dance.

Who needs to know how to dance when you got 2 pound crappie ?
Two pound crappie and time to paint! I am jealous!

Welcome to the funny farm!
I'll trade you this for 20 of your crappie !

Welcome to Arkansas. I'm sure I won't retire here, but it's a beautiful State with lots of nice people.
The wife died some 20 odd years ago and I couldn't find a comparable one, so I just picked up and left Dallas for the woods of Arkansas, where I was raised.
Can't say that I'm happy with the situation, but I'm satisfied. I'm on a nice lake with lots of 2 pound crappie and a picture window looking out the the woods at the back of my house where I watch the various animals from.
I dabble with oil paints some, and tinker with the stock market for passtime.
Other than that I'm pretty much of a bore. I never learned to dance.

I have a friend who's now in his early 50's, never been married and his passion is fishing. He was in Alaska and spent the morning on a river with no catches. He was walking on the trail later and ran into an older gentlemen with a string full of fresh salmon and two dogs. My friend asked him if he could show him how to fish. The old man gave him a long look up and down and said "you're too stupid to know how to fish." My friend then explained to him that he had been all over the world fishing, in all different waters, but this was his first trip to Alaska. The man reached over and pulled the line from my friends reel, fully expecting it not to budge, but when the drag released easily he released the line and then "yes, I'll teach you how".

It turned out that this man was a physician who's wife had died 10 years earlier. He then sold his practice and when to pursue his #2 love. He travels the West Coast from northern California in the winter to central Alaska in summer, with no home except the covered bed of an old Ford pickup. He keeps in touch with friends and relatives via a PO box, a cell phone and a MySpace page where he posts short blogs on where he expects to fish the next week or two.
Arkansas's a beautiful state. Very diverse. You can either live in the most backwater place in the world, or you can live in a growing metropolitan area. Often, those two are 15 minutes away.

Like xsited said, I won't retire here (or even stay here when I finish grad school), but I like it here.
Arkansas's a beautiful state. Very diverse. You can either live in the most backwater place in the world, or you can live in a growing metropolitan area. Often, those two are 15 minutes away.

Like xsited said, I won't retire here (or even stay here when I finish grad school), but I like it here.

Worked the tornado that hit Marmaduke----it was gorgeous up there---rustic and wild.
Arkansas's a beautiful state. Very diverse. You can either live in the most backwater place in the world, or you can live in a growing metropolitan area. Often, those two are 15 minutes away.

Like xsited said, I won't retire here (or even stay here when I finish grad school), but I like it here.

I was born here in '31. Around 1940 you could go into the woods and walk all day and not cross a road or see a house. No more, and its a sad thing to see.

I was born here in '31. Around 1940 you could go into the woods and walk all day and not cross a road or see a house. No more, and its a sad thing to see.

What part of the state were you born in and are you living in now? Some areas have grown a LOT even over the last 10 years, and some haven't changed ever. Just depends on where you are.
a man on the net who cant find a woman willing to move in..take over his life and spend his money...honey hush...you just aint looking that hard...and who wants a crappie...can you eat them things or are they like brim...just fun to catch...carp arent them the ones that you use the smelly bait for?
a man on the net who cant find a woman willing to move in..take over his life and spend his money...honey hush...you just aint looking that hard...and who wants a crappie...can you eat them things or are they like brim...just fun to catch...carp arent them the ones that you use the smelly bait for?

Crappie are one of the best tasting fish there is and that ain't a picture of crap. A woman to move in with me ??? Are you crazy ??? :lol:

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