Okay, Time To Dropkick This Guy Out Of His 15 Minutes


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

After 40 years of toil as a government bureaucrat, Tony Fauci was finally proclaimed a few months ago as People Mag's "Sexiest Man Alive". I cannot blame him for doing what he can to stretch this whole panic out for as long as he can.
This Fauci idiot is the most indecisive person in the world. He's 100% politician and 0% scientist. He might have been OK in the past but today he's nothing more than an elitist, establishment, globalist, Democrat tool. He's only worried about the money he can make developing a vaccine with his eugenicist buddy, Bill Gates.
This Fauci idiot is the most indecisive person in the world. He's 100% politician and 0% scientist. He might have been OK in the past but today he's nothing more than an elitist, establishment, globalist, Democrat tool. He's only worried about the money he can make developing a vaccine with his eugenicist buddy, Bill Gates.
Good thing we have Trump to tell us how to fight the virus
This Fauci idiot is the most indecisive person in the world. He's 100% politician and 0% scientist. He might have been OK in the past but today he's nothing more than an elitist, establishment, globalist, Democrat tool. He's only worried about the money he can make developing a vaccine with his eugenicist buddy, Bill Gates.

Doc Fauci completed his residency in Internal Medicine in the 1960's, but never hung up a shingle to see his own patients. Instead he took a job in the Bureaucracy and has been there since the Johnson Administration. This tells you exactly what he's about. Not your typical doctor at all. If I needed a serious operation, he'd be the last "doctor" I'd go to. Be better off having my nephew who works for a medical equipment outfit as an industrial engineer do the dam surgery.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

He's tempering expectations, mostly because they can't tell you the ins and outs of a vaccine that hasn't even been developed for widespread testing yet. They are literally learning things about the virus on a weekly basis. This is just tempering expectations and trying not to get people's hopes up that this is a permanent, long term solutions. There are no quick, easy answers here. I know all supporters of You-Know-Who are hoping there's a magic bullet that will allow things to go back to normal and get their hero back out at his ginned up pep rallies. Fauci is being realistic. Exactly what I would expect a doctor to do. Don't give me pie in the sky. Give me the odds.
5 Things Everyone Should Know About the Coronavirus Outbreak
This Fauci idiot is the most indecisive person in the world. He's 100% politician and 0% scientist. He might have been OK in the past but today he's nothing more than an elitist, establishment, globalist, Democrat tool. He's only worried about the money he can make developing a vaccine with his eugenicist buddy, Bill Gates.

Doc Fauci completed his residency in Internal Medicine in the 1960's, but never hung up a shingle to see his own patients. Instead he took a job in the Bureaucracy and has been there since the Johnson Administration. This tells you exactly what he's about. Not your typical doctor at all. If I needed a serious operation, he'd be the last "doctor" I'd go to. Be better off having my nephew who works for a medical equipment outfit as an industrial engineer do the dam surgery.
That's very interesting but also very sad that this is the type of person that survives in our bureaucracies. This guy is an indecisive con man. I learned more about the virus from Trump than this little twerp.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

He's tempering expectations, mostly because they can't tell you the ins and outs of a vaccine that hasn't even been developed for widespread testing yet. They are literally learning things about the virus on a weekly basis. This is just tempering expectations and trying not to get people's hopes up that this is a permanent, long term solutions. There are no quick, easy answers here. I know all supporters of You-Know-Who are hoping there's a magic bullet that will allow things to go back to normal and get their hero back out at his ginned up pep rallies. Fauci is being realistic. Exactly what I would expect a doctor to do. Don't give me pie in the sky. Give me the odds.
5 Things Everyone Should Know About the Coronavirus Outbreak

Yeah, like the quick and easy answer of "wear a mask or you are hitler"?

The thing is we aren't even getting odds, or full information. Take the current "spikes" Are these antibody results, PCR RNA fragment positives, hospital admittance records? Clinical diagnoses?

What of ICU admittance numbers? Deaths?

Curious those last two were the prime movers for the initial ramp up, yet have been pushed back to the shadows for some reason.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

After 40 years of toil as a government bureaucrat, Tony Fauci was finally proclaimed a few months ago as People Mag's "Sexiest Man Alive". I cannot blame him for doing what he can to stretch this whole panic out for as long as he can.
Sexiest man alive???

The moniker has lost all meaning.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

After 40 years of toil as a government bureaucrat, Tony Fauci was finally proclaimed a few months ago as People Mag's "Sexiest Man Alive". I cannot blame him for doing what he can to stretch this whole panic out for as long as he can.
/——/ Fauci is like those pathetic actors, well past their prime, who find bit work on the Hallmark channel, working for scale.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’
You didn't make it sound scary enough. Sounded too realistic, instead of someone trying to gin up irrational fear. Most vaccines have to be boosted sooner or later. Still sounds like the smartest guy on the planet compared to any trumper. Go Fauci, Go!!!
This Fauci idiot is the most indecisive person in the world. He's 100% politician and 0% scientist. He might have been OK in the past but today he's nothing more than an elitist, establishment, globalist, Democrat tool. He's only worried about the money he can make developing a vaccine with his eugenicist buddy, Bill Gates.
That must be the reason he flip flopped on masks, after he saw the panic he could command and fear-driven peer pressure shaming he could control.
[This] is according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who was asked how long a person would be shielded from the virus via a vaccine.

“We do not know the answer to that,” Fauci said on a live-streamed videoconference hosted by the Dr. Francis Collins, director of National Institutes of Health. “You can assume, that you’re going to get protection at least to take us at least through this cycle.”

“When you look at natural infection it’s anywhere from six months to a year. However, with this spike protein that’s being presented in the way that we do it, with primes and in some cases boosts, we’re going to assume that there’s a degree of protection, but we have to assume that it’s going to be finite,” said Fauci.

That's true of all flu vaccines, kumquat. 40% effective across the herd is considered successful. The only reason for your downplay is stoke fear and undermine attempts to reopen the economy.

Fauci warns that COVID-19 vaccine protection may be ‘finite’

Of course he's doing that. It keeps him in the limelight. He's milking it.
How dare Fauci or any other scientist try and force science on America.

When it comes to epidemiology its more statistics than science.

I find it comical that you use the term much as a religious person would use the term faith.

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