OK..so who is fed up with this Virus bullshit?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
ME ME ME ME ME!!! I think it's all a crock of shit. Spoke to my pain management doctor..who is VERY VERY smart and had a hand in many of the meds (nuerosurgeon stuff) on the market today. HE thinks its all a crock of shit too. Just too many red flags waving. China lies, MSM lies, DNC lies, they are all lying to do what? Take over the world? Line their pockets? Get complete power and destroy what the USA used to be from WITHIN? All the above?

A resounding yes, says I.

What happened to "live your lives! Don't be afraid to LIVE" like when terrorists threatened us. Now we are supposed to hide in our homes, lose jobs, close businesses because of fear of a fucking flu? This didn't happen with H1N1 and many MANY more died than with this virus..so why NOW? Follow the red flags. Follow the money.

Anyway..fuck this shit. Tired of it.
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Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live in a fucking cage even thought its a comfy one?
Who wants to live in fear of catching something? Or being stung by hoardes of bees? Or attacked by a shark. Or being hit by a car? Or (insert dire thing here).

I don't. I am not sick. I am not spreading it. I am careful just as I have ALWAYS been. Sneeze in your hand or elbow. Cough in your elbow. Don't invade my space of 3 to 6 feet and I won't invade yours. Its called common sense and courtesy, ILLNESS OR NOT.

If I get it and die? Ok. At least I lived me life not in fear of some kind of eventual death. You, Bruce, are a coward. Will you also hide if terrorists invade your town and threaten to kill you if you come out of your house or will you sneak out and take as many out as you possibly can before dying yourself? Me? I'll sneak.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
And even more could die from the regular flu...
ME ME ME ME ME!!! I think it's all a crock of shit. Spoke to my pain management doctor..who is VERY VERY smart and had a hand in many of the meds (nuerosurgeon stuff) on the market today. HE thinks its all a crock of shit too. Just too many red flags waving. China lies, MSM lies, DNC lies, they are all lying to do what? Take over the world? Line their pockets? Get complete power and destroy what the USA used to be from WITHING? All the above?

A resounding yes, says I.

What happened to "live your lives! Don't be afraid to LIVE" like when terrorists threatened us. Now we are supposed to hide in our homes, lose jobs, close businesses because of fear of a fucking flu? This didn't happen with H1N1 and many MANY more died than with this virus..so why NOW? Follow the red flags. Follow the money.

Anyway..fuck this shit. Tired of it.
The virus is real. It CAN be deadly, but do are many things. This is a last ditch power grab by the left. I just hope we -- the economy -- survives long enough for the majority to realize how we're being played. We are so lucky we have Trump during the left's final assault against the country.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live in a fucking cage even thought its a comfy one?
Who wants to live in fear of catching something? Or being stung by hoardes of bees? Or attacked by a shark. Or being hit by a car? Or (insert dire thing here).

I don't. I am not sick. I am not spreading it. I am careful just as I have ALWAYS been. Sneeze in your hand or elbow. Cough in your elbow. Don't invade my space of 3 to 6 feet and I won't invade yours. Its called common sense and courtesy, ILLNESS OR NOT.

If I get it and die? Ok. At least I lived me life not in fear of some kind of eventual death. You, Bruce, are a coward. Will you also hide if terrorists invade your town and threaten to kill you if you come out of your house or will you sneak out and take as many out as you possibly can before dying yourself? Me? I'll sneak.
As I've posted elsewhere, maybe the coronavirus is a mechanism for weeding out people like you. Apparently, you think you know me based on a few posts here. You know nothing about me.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.

So you go ahead and stay locked up in your safe space and probably manage to miraculously survive the Great Covid-19. All lockdowns lifted, businesses are opened, people back to work and as you step off the curb,, you become a semi-truck's hood ornament.

IOW.......live your life while you've got one, cause nobody knows when your times up. Use your brain, and consider your risks first, then keep yourself safe, use a bit of extra precaution if you need too and make sure you watch where your going, so you don't get hit.

If you're in lockdown, there's not alot you can do......but in most places you can still get outside, go for a walk something........and if you're NOT in lockdown, then you have no excuse..........get outside & blow the stink of ya
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
And even more could die from the regular flu...
Actually, the coronavirus is much more lethal than the flu, allegedly ten times more deadly. Many people die from the flu every year, yes, but at least there are vaccines and treatments for it. Right now, there isn't much that doctors can do about covid-19 except try to keep you alive until you get over it. And it's extremely contagious. If as many people get covid-19 as get the flu, millions of people may die.
ME ME ME ME ME!!! I think it's all a crock of shit. Spoke to my pain management doctor..who is VERY VERY smart and had a hand in many of the meds (nuerosurgeon stuff) on the market today. HE thinks its all a crock of shit too. Just too many red flags waving. China lies, MSM lies, DNC lies, they are all lying to do what? Take over the world? Line their pockets? Get complete power and destroy what the USA used to be from WITHING? All the above?

A resounding yes, says I.

What happened to "live your lives! Don't be afraid to LIVE" like when terrorists threatened us. Now we are supposed to hide in our homes, lose jobs, close businesses because of fear of a fucking flu? This didn't happen with H1N1 and many MANY more died than with this virus..so why NOW? Follow the red flags. Follow the money.

Anyway..fuck this shit. Tired of it.
The virus is real. It CAN be deadly, but do are many things. This is a last ditch power grab by the left. I just hope we -- the economy -- survives long enough for the majority to realize how we're being played. We are so lucky we have Trump during the left's final assault against the country.
You're insane. And the last time I looked, Trump was the one leading the fight against the virus.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live in a fucking cage even thought its a comfy one?
Who wants to live in fear of catching something? Or being stung by hoardes of bees? Or attacked by a shark. Or being hit by a car? Or (insert dire thing here).

I don't. I am not sick. I am not spreading it. I am careful just as I have ALWAYS been. Sneeze in your hand or elbow. Cough in your elbow. Don't invade my space of 3 to 6 feet and I won't invade yours. Its called common sense and courtesy, ILLNESS OR NOT.

If I get it and die? Ok. At least I lived me life not in fear of some kind of eventual death. You, Bruce, are a coward. Will you also hide if terrorists invade your town and threaten to kill you if you come out of your house or will you sneak out and take as many out as you possibly can before dying yourself? Me? I'll sneak.
As I've posted elsewhere, maybe the coronavirus is a mechanism for weeding out people like you. Apparently, you think you know me based on a few posts here. You know nothing about me.

You've posted enough to prove you're just a run of the mill prick.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live in a fucking cage even thought its a comfy one?
Who wants to live in fear of catching something? Or being stung by hoardes of bees? Or attacked by a shark. Or being hit by a car? Or (insert dire thing here).

I don't. I am not sick. I am not spreading it. I am careful just as I have ALWAYS been. Sneeze in your hand or elbow. Cough in your elbow. Don't invade my space of 3 to 6 feet and I won't invade yours. Its called common sense and courtesy, ILLNESS OR NOT.

If I get it and die? Ok. At least I lived me life not in fear of some kind of eventual death. You, Bruce, are a coward. Will you also hide if terrorists invade your town and threaten to kill you if you come out of your house or will you sneak out and take as many out as you possibly can before dying yourself? Me? I'll sneak.
As I've posted elsewhere, maybe the coronavirus is a mechanism for weeding out people like you. Apparently, you think you know me based on a few posts here. You know nothing about me.
I know one thing........no one would want to be in a foxhole with you..............

You remind me of the movie Platoon..........Sarge.....do I have to get stuck in this hole with this PUSSY..........

This will spread.....people will die..........I might die.......Fuck it.....that just means I will not have to listen to losers like you anymore. Our country is fucked if you are the future anyway.

PC, can't figure out the difference between men and women, HATE GOD, hate guns, think everythings Free, and if anyone makes money they should give it to you.

Never seen so many wankers in my life in this country.
Please! Go out and about! And get all your like-minded friends to do the same! Because you WILL get covid-19, and some of you will die. Some of you might die for the simple reason that there aren't enough ventilators to go around, because people like you didn't listen and you all got sick at the same time so the hospitals got overwhelmed.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live in a fucking cage even thought its a comfy one?
Who wants to live in fear of catching something? Or being stung by hoardes of bees? Or attacked by a shark. Or being hit by a car? Or (insert dire thing here).

I don't. I am not sick. I am not spreading it. I am careful just as I have ALWAYS been. Sneeze in your hand or elbow. Cough in your elbow. Don't invade my space of 3 to 6 feet and I won't invade yours. Its called common sense and courtesy, ILLNESS OR NOT.

If I get it and die? Ok. At least I lived me life not in fear of some kind of eventual death. You, Bruce, are a coward. Will you also hide if terrorists invade your town and threaten to kill you if you come out of your house or will you sneak out and take as many out as you possibly can before dying yourself? Me? I'll sneak.
As I've posted elsewhere, maybe the coronavirus is a mechanism for weeding out people like you. Apparently, you think you know me based on a few posts here. You know nothing about me.

You've posted enough to prove you're just a run of the mill prick.
I am NOT run of the mill!
Go on out there gracie. Experience life. Have at it. But I'm staying at home.

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