OK..so who is fed up with this Virus bullshit?

Tried to find this on google. No go. So I went to duckduckgo. And there it is front and center:

There what is? An article that explains that Fauci has seen pandemics and outbreaks of disease in every administration he's worked for, so of course he would say it will happen with this administration, too? I'm not sure your point with that link.
And I am not sure why you continue to ignore the warning signs. Did any health doctor warn Obama> How about anyone warn Bill Clinton? There is no reason to explain my point because you would refuse to acknowledge it anyway.

I have no idea if any doctors warned Obama or Clinton about pandemics and disease outbreaks. And it's pretty silly to post an article which seems to contradict the point you were making, then refuse to explain because you assume someone won't acknowledge it.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to be seeing warning signs of, at least based on that article.
Tried to find this on google. No go. So I went to duckduckgo. And there it is front and center:

There what is? An article that explains that Fauci has seen pandemics and outbreaks of disease in every administration he's worked for, so of course he would say it will happen with this administration, too? I'm not sure your point with that link.
And I am not sure why you continue to ignore the warning signs. Did any health doctor warn Obama> How about anyone warn Bill Clinton? There is no reason to explain my point because you would refuse to acknowledge it anyway.

I have no idea if any doctors warned Obama or Clinton about pandemics and disease outbreaks. And it's pretty silly to post an article which seems to contradict the point you were making, then refuse to explain because you assume someone won't acknowledge it.

I don't even know what I'm supposed to be seeing warning signs of, at least based on that article.

Are you unwilling to say what the point of posting that article was, then?
ME ME ME ME ME!!! I think it's all a crock of shit. Spoke to my pain management doctor..who is VERY VERY smart and had a hand in many of the meds (nuerosurgeon stuff) on the market today. HE thinks its all a crock of shit too. Just too many red flags waving. China lies, MSM lies, DNC lies, they are all lying to do what? Take over the world? Line their pockets? Get complete power and destroy what the USA used to be from WITHIN? All the above?

Caused by Trump's press conferences and the compliant media there is a lot of hysteria going on. Time for some facts.

On Friday in New York the wind was blowing, and it was cold and rainy, the perfect breeding ground for the common cold. N.Y. had a cold wet winter lasting four months. It's downtown area is dominated by the elderly and the homeless, and public conveyances are the most popular means of transport. The N.Y. area is infested with Covid-19. Is anyone surprised?

Today, there is a total of 9,602 deaths in the U.S. attributed to the coronavirus. 6,170 deaths have occurred in New York (N.Y. metro area extends to New Jersey), Michigan (Detroit metro area), and Louisiana (New Orleans metro area). That means in the other 46 states 3,432 deaths have occurred among the elderly, sick, homeless, and poor. That means a normal death rate. That means the epidemic has been localized and Covid-19 is not pandemic within the United States. Those figures are cumulative total of a three month period.

Are the elderly in nursing homes and hospitals and the homeless, who were already sick before becoming infected by Covid-19, dying of lung disease, pneumonia, heart disease, influenza, etc. or are they dying because of Covid-19?

The evidence points to the former.

UChicago Medicine reports, for those who contract the disease "80% get what feels like a bad cold and recover at home." The publication goes on to report many did not even know they had the virus.

Also, there is this from Business Insider, "80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 were among adults aged ≥65 years with the highest percentage of severe outcomes among persons aged ≥85 years."

The media reported that a 39-year old health worker died of the coronavirus. Reports now show she did not have the virus. That was not reported in the media. There have countless examples of this fear mongering, and the truth was hidden from the public. Coronavirus test comes back NEGATIVE for New Orleans social worker found dead | Daily Mail Online

At a recent press conference, Dr. Deborah Birx presented a rather startling graph. It showed that New York state and New Jersey, which is connected to the N.Y. city metro area, are anomalies. The rest of the states, all 48 of them, appear to have Covid-19 under control, although Detroit and New Orleans may be the exception. United States Coronavirus: 336,673 Cases and 9,616 Deaths - Worldometer

Dr. Birx also told us that, while the young do get infected, they recover. She said that the mortality rate "increases with age and preexisting medical conditions."

Conclusion: Take away New York City, Detroit, and New Orleans and the media wouldn't have much to talk about.
You fuckheads are desperate to deny reality. The rest of the states do not have Covid-19 under control, although states that have imposed stay at home orders have a better chance of doing so. Wait another week or two, and then tell me how it's going.

Dinesh D'Souza

Really Dr Birx? Did I hear you correctly? “If someone dies with Covid19, we count it as a Covid19 death.” To see how absurd this is, consider a guy with Covid19 who dies in a car crash on the highway. That’s a Covid19 death? There’s a big problem here


Pray you don't have allergies.

Code of Vets ™


Let’s Roll America

Flag of United States

Quote Tweet


David Reaboi

· 8h
Just got a text message from a local chain store: “Our store is open daily 10am-6pm. Shop your way, in-store, curbside, or FREE delivery available. Stay Healthy!” Businesses in the Miami Beach area are starting to re-open and ignore the lockdown orders.
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So...when will enough be enough? When its too late?

What would happen if everyone fed up with this bullshit lying done by MSM and shady people with this agenda to kill our ecomony...left their homes, gathered in closed parks, beaches, downtown in front of closed shops and just LIVED again? Will the cops try to arrest US ALL?

I'm ready to do just that. I have heard and seen enough now to think this is all bullshit. Yes. ALL of it. Especially with them counting ANY DEATH as a covid death. What is the purpose of that? To make us stay inside longer and continue to be afraid?

It's like the scarey stories in horror movies where people are afraid to leave caves because the air upside after some catastophe happened and they stayed down there years and years, only to find out it was all lies..that the air is sweet, the world is not dead.
Time to take the red pill, people. The blue one is now overused and losing potency.

Meanwhile..what about the homeless in SF and LA? Hear any news of rampant illnesses and deaths from those folks? No? Of course not. Maybe because there are no rampant deaths? In such dire circumstances, it seems to me that those camps would be the petri dish of this virus...dontcha think?

Keep taking that blue pill then.
I am definitely disappointed in people, for not seeing what is actually going on, but reacting in the exact way they were manipulated to react, and doing exactly what they were manipulated to do. It's also very disappointing that most here are not talking about anything interesting or worthwhile (and there are many very interesting angles to this whole thing) but instead only focusing on the bullshit and regurgitating whatever they heard from the msm talking heads.
So...when will enough be enough? When its too late?

What would happen if everyone fed up with this bullshit lying done by MSM and shady people with this agenda to kill our ecomony...left their homes, gathered in closed parks, beaches, downtown in front of closed shops and just LIVED again? Will the cops try to arrest US ALL?

I'm ready to do just that. I have heard and seen enough now to think this is all bullshit. Yes. ALL of it. Especially with them counting ANY DEATH as a covid death. What is the purpose of that? To make us stay inside longer and continue to be afraid?

It's like the scarey stories in horror movies where people are afraid to leave caves because the air upside after some catastophe happened and they stayed down there years and years, only to find out it was all lies..that the air is sweet, the world is not dead.

I'm pretty sure what Birx said was that someone who dies with COVID 19 and other underlying conditions would be counted as a COVID 19 death. Not that someone who dies in a car crash with the virus would count.

They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.
They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.
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Tried to find this on google. No go. So I went to duckduckgo. And there it is front and center:

There what is? An article that explains that Fauci has seen pandemics and outbreaks of disease in every administration he's worked for, so of course he would say it will happen with this administration, too? I'm not sure your point with that link.

How about this from a few months back?

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will host a global pandemic exercise called “Event 201” on Friday, October 18, 2019, in New York City."

Looks like a trial run to me.

They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.

So the mainstream media...in the US?...wants to disrupt supply chains and have many people unemployed and homeless. To what end? And how does that work with the multiple countries involved? Is the media in Asia collaborating with the media in North America and the media in Europe etc.? There are shutdowns and economic issues on every continent but Antarctica, I think. Is this some sort of global conspiracy to ruin the world?
They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.

So the mainstream media...in the US?...wants to disrupt supply chains and have many people unemployed and homeless. To what end? And how does that work with the multiple countries involved? Is the media in Asia collaborating with the media in North America and the media in Europe etc.? There are shutdowns and economic issues on every continent but Antarctica, I think. Is this some sort of global conspiracy to ruin the world?
They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.

So the mainstream media...in the US?...wants to disrupt supply chains and have many people unemployed and homeless. To what end? And how does that work with the multiple countries involved? Is the media in Asia collaborating with the media in North America and the media in Europe etc.? There are shutdowns and economic issues on every continent but Antarctica, I think. Is this some sort of global conspiracy to ruin the world?

And "they" want to ruin the world....why?
They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.

So the mainstream media...in the US?...wants to disrupt supply chains and have many people unemployed and homeless. To what end? And how does that work with the multiple countries involved? Is the media in Asia collaborating with the media in North America and the media in Europe etc.? There are shutdowns and economic issues on every continent but Antarctica, I think. Is this some sort of global conspiracy to ruin the world?

And "they" want to ruin the world....why?
Control. It won't affect them adversely.
ME ME ME ME ME!!! I think it's all a crock of shit. Spoke to my pain management doctor..who is VERY VERY smart and had a hand in many of the meds (nuerosurgeon stuff) on the market today. HE thinks its all a crock of shit too. Just too many red flags waving. China lies, MSM lies, DNC lies, they are all lying to do what? Take over the world? Line their pockets? Get complete power and destroy what the USA used to be from WITHIN? All the above?

A resounding yes, says I.

What happened to "live your lives! Don't be afraid to LIVE" like when terrorists threatened us. Now we are supposed to hide in our homes, lose jobs, close businesses because of fear of a fucking flu? This didn't happen with H1N1 and many MANY more died than with this virus..so why NOW? Follow the red flags. Follow the money.

Anyway..fuck this shit. Tired of it.

You will want to read this article....

Berenson recently focused his attention on the IMHE model.

“Aside from New York, nationally there’s been no health system crisis. In fact, to be truly correct, there has been a health system crisis, but the crisis is that the hospitals are empty,” he said on Fox. “This is true in Florida where the lockdown was late, this is true in southern California where the lockdown was early, it’s true in Oklahoma where there is no statewide lockdown. There doesn’t seem to be any correlation between the lockdown and whether or not the epidemic has spread wide and fast.”

But Berenson said the precipitous drop in cases has occurred before lockdowns would have had a chance to have an impact, saying it would take several weeks for social distancing measures to take effect.

And he said the mainstream media are, in part, to blame.

“Look, I get why people were so scared three or four weeks ago. I was too. But now – for the media to ignore the real demographics and scare people with outlier cases – to ignore the mostly empty hospitals all over the country – to pretend that the models weren’t wrong … and to refuse to ask really hard questions about what that means about them and the efficacy or lack thereof of the lockdowns – to refuse to ask for hard metrics we will use to reopen the country … it doesn’t feel like panic is driving this anymore. It feels like people just won’t admit what’s happening,” he wrote on Twitter.

Berenson also pointed out that COVID-19 deaths are on pace to come in even with the deaths attributed to influenza in 2017.

“Nobody says COVID-19 is not real, that it can’t tax hospitals or kill people, esp. if they are over 75 or have comorbidities. But right now the best CURRENT projection is for 61,000 US deaths. That was the 2017 flu season. Why have we shut the country?” he wrote.
They are using the virus and subsequent shutdown as a lever to crash the economy. I hope everybody sees through the deception.

Who, specifically, is "they"? And which economy are they trying to shut down? As I understand it, multiple nations (some of which are not particularly friendly) have gone through various degrees of shutdown.

"They" is the MSM and globalists eager to usher in a New World Order.

The shutdown is going to hurt/kill more people than the virus ever could.

Supply chains are already being disrupted.

That's why they are pushing for it so strongly. The longer it stays on, the more unemployed/homeless people there will be and more supply chains disrupted.
I can't find bleach, for instance. Will try again in a few days.
There's a bleach factory right here in town, too.

So the mainstream media...in the US?...wants to disrupt supply chains and have many people unemployed and homeless. To what end? And how does that work with the multiple countries involved? Is the media in Asia collaborating with the media in North America and the media in Europe etc.? There are shutdowns and economic issues on every continent but Antarctica, I think. Is this some sort of global conspiracy to ruin the world?

And "they" want to ruin the world....why?

Read Cloward and Piven....read Marx.......they saw the only way to rebuild the world in their socialist image was to tear it all down....... this virus is exactly a way to do that........ crush the economies, get their people in office, then use a broken, poor, frightened people to give you the power to enact everything from the Green New Deal to 90% tax rates.........and for the foriegn left wingers? Around the world? You get to take out the United States without having to fire a shot.............

They went from 1-2 million projected dead here in the U.S......500,000 dead British citizens............and that shut down the economies around the world.....

Now? Those same "expert" statisticians? Put the number of dead in the U.S. at 60,000....the same as a flu year with no social distancing and no economic shutdown.....dittos Britain where instead of 500,000 dead it's 20,000.............

Funny how they figured out those numbers only after they crushed the economies around the world..........don't you think?

But Berenson said the precipitous drop in cases has occurred before lockdowns would have had a chance to have an impact, saying it would take several weeks for social distancing measures to take effect.

And he said the mainstream media are, in part, to blame.

“Look, I get why people were so scared three or four weeks ago. I was too. But now – for the media to ignore the real demographics and scare people with outlier cases – to ignore the mostly empty hospitals all over the country – to pretend that the models weren’t wrong … and to refuse to ask really hard questions about what that means about them and the efficacy or lack thereof of the lockdowns – to refuse to ask for hard metrics we will use to reopen the country … it doesn’t feel like panic is driving this anymore. It feels like people just won’t admit what’s happening,” he wrote on Twitter.

Berenson also pointed out that COVID-19 deaths are on pace to come in even with the deaths attributed to influenza in 2017.

“Nobody says COVID-19 is not real, that it can’t tax hospitals or kill people, esp. if they are over 75 or have comorbidities. But right now the best CURRENT projection is for 61,000 US deaths. That was the 2017 flu season. Why have we shut the country?” he wrote.

Dinesh D'Souza

Really Dr Birx? Did I hear you correctly? “If someone dies with Covid19, we count it as a Covid19 death.” To see how absurd this is, consider a guy with Covid19 who dies in a car crash on the highway. That’s a Covid19 death? There’s a big problem here


Pray you don't have allergies.

Code of Vets ™


Let’s Roll America

Flag of United States

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David Reaboi

· 8h
Just got a text message from a local chain store: “Our store is open daily 10am-6pm. Shop your way, in-store, curbside, or FREE delivery available. Stay Healthy!” Businesses in the Miami Beach area are starting to re-open and ignore the lockdown orders.

Have you ever heard of "contributing causes of death"? That means that the person had medical problems before, but if they hadn't contracted the disease/condition in question, they'd probably still be alive. But please, tell us all about your medical degree from whatever respected university... ??

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