OK Right Wingers. Time to put your money where your mouth is on the Bathroom thing..

This thread just once again prove that liberals do not understand generalizations. That is not the average trans guy. In fact according to regressives whatever gender you think yourself as is your gender.

But I again stress that I don't care. In fact I wouldn't even care if women were able to use men's bathrooms or vice versa. Although, this of course is NONE of the government's business.
Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does



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Here is a simple test.


This is Chaz. Chaz was born a female. Do you want Chaz to use the womens bathroom?


This is Laverne. Laverne was born a male. Do you want Laverne in the Mens Bathroom.


This is the guy from that commercial...whatever. This is what republicans want you to believe transgender people look. Without this over the top stereotype they literally have no objection other than to portray humans as having waves of arrousal wash over them just from being in a filthy tampon littered womans bathroom.

For some reason they believe that the guy above will attempt to use a womans bathroom and they will have to sit there sobbing to themselves in a stall as this guy grunts out his morning turd. Whats worse? They will have to sit there and take it because the new law apparently also takes away their voice too!

There is a difference between what the law does and what republicans THINK the law does

View attachment 73521

Has it dawned on anyone that I don't live in Thailand? Apparently for good reason.
The ideal scenario is for Obama to walk into the woman's restroom where he gets raped by a sexual predator.
And so it begin

From your linked article. You are a fucking idiot. What exactly is it that you think begins? Poor decisions by 18yo. Hate to tell you, that's been going on ever since there have been 18 year olds.

Thompson is charged with battery. He said “it was an accident (and) that he went into the wrong restroom,” Clearwater police spokesperson Rob Shaw said.

“I’m not sure when he realized he was in the women’s restroom,” Shaw added.

Thompson said he was there that night to pick up his young son from his estranged wife, according to the Clearwater Police Department. Surveillance photos show two women and the child.

The suspect told police he accidentally went into the women’s bathroom. On his way out, the 6-year-old girl saw him from inside her partially open stall and she screamed, Thompson told police. Thompson said he panicked and tried to put his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. That’s when, he told police, she fell to the floor.

“She panicked and screamed at the sight of a man in the women’s restroom and he then panicked,” Shaw said Thompson said police.

The crime has parents concerned. “It’s just scary that anybody can be in the bathroom waiting for anyone for that matter. It doesn’t even have to be a small child,” Wendy Ackerman said.

Ackerman said she has a game plan for public restroom visits. “My children don’t go into any restrooms without me or my husband. Doesn’t matter whether they’re male or female restrooms, we all go together,” she said.

Cops are reminding parents about restroom safety with small children. “If families have an option, if there’s a women’s restroom, a men’s restroom and a family restroom, to use that family restroom when you have a child that age,” said Rob Shaw with the Clearwater Police Department.
And so it begin

From your linked article. You are a fucking idiot. What exactly is it that you think begins? Poor decisions by 18yo. Hate to tell you, that's been going on ever since there have been 18 year olds.

Thompson is charged with battery. He said “it was an accident (and) that he went into the wrong restroom,” Clearwater police spokesperson Rob Shaw said.

“I’m not sure when he realized he was in the women’s restroom,” Shaw added.

Thompson said he was there that night to pick up his young son from his estranged wife, according to the Clearwater Police Department. Surveillance photos show two women and the child.

The suspect told police he accidentally went into the women’s bathroom. On his way out, the 6-year-old girl saw him from inside her partially open stall and she screamed, Thompson told police. Thompson said he panicked and tried to put his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. That’s when, he told police, she fell to the floor.

“She panicked and screamed at the sight of a man in the women’s restroom and he then panicked,” Shaw said Thompson said police.

The crime has parents concerned. “It’s just scary that anybody can be in the bathroom waiting for anyone for that matter. It doesn’t even have to be a small child,” Wendy Ackerman said.

Ackerman said she has a game plan for public restroom visits. “My children don’t go into any restrooms without me or my husband. Doesn’t matter whether they’re male or female restrooms, we all go together,” she said.

Cops are reminding parents about restroom safety with small children. “If families have an option, if there’s a women’s restroom, a men’s restroom and a family restroom, to use that family restroom when you have a child that age,” said Rob Shaw with the Clearwater Police Department.
Because you are a moron, you really believe that this miscreant who attacked a 6 year old, was a mistake. So much for liberals being for the children.
Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom
The man suspected of attacking a 6-year-old girl in a Florida women’s restroom Friday night has turned himself in.
And so it begins.

How so? He wasn't transgendered and did not even present as a woman. There is already a law preventing him from being in the women's room, you know that right?
If the man "says" that he is a woman, just because that day he identifies that he is a woman, then by liberal terms, he can go into a womans bathroom. You liberals are either the most ignorant or "Evil" people on this planet. Even Left Wing Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists, know that men are men and women are women.
Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom
The man suspected of attacking a 6-year-old girl in a Florida women’s restroom Friday night has turned himself in.
And so it begins.
And so what begins? You've always been fucking nuts. :cuckoo: The perpetrator isn't a tranny. If anything, he's likely a conservative. Clearwater is one of the most conservative cities in Florida.
From you faun, I take that as a compliment, as you are following me from link to link. The best way of flattery is when people follow you around. I now have a fan base, and it is you.
Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom
The man suspected of attacking a 6-year-old girl in a Florida women’s restroom Friday night has turned himself in.
And so it begins.
And so what begins? You've always been fucking nuts. :cuckoo: The perpetrator isn't a tranny. If anything, he's likely a conservative. Clearwater is one of the most conservative cities in Florida.
From you faun, I take that as a compliment, as you are following me from link to link. The best way of flattery is when people follow you around. I now have a fan base, and it is you.
I'm following you? :lmao: When was the last time I even posted to you? But I give you credit for at least managing to avoid the content of my post. :thup:
Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom
The man suspected of attacking a 6-year-old girl in a Florida women’s restroom Friday night has turned himself in.
And so it begins.

How so? He wasn't transgendered and did not even present as a woman. There is already a law preventing him from being in the women's room, you know that right?
If the man "says" that he is a woman, just because that day he identifies that he is a woman, then by liberal terms, he can go into a womans bathroom. You liberals are either the most ignorant or "Evil" people on this planet. Even Left Wing Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists, know that men are men and women are women.

And this man didn't even do that...making your ridiculous contention even more so. There are already laws against a man going into a women's bathroom to harass girls and women. These laws only do this:

Man Tries to Stop Woman From Using the Women's Restroom
Lesbian Without ID Forced Out of Women's Restroom by Cops

Turns you RWNJs into pecker checkers. :lol:
Poll Results
Do you support N.C.'s 'bathroom law,' which limits protections for LGBT people?
  • 54%
    Yes, it's about privacy and common sense

  • 6%
    I support some parts of it, not others

  • 29%
    No, it's bigoted and violates civil rights

  • 11%
    I'm not familiar with the law
Total responses: 585,798 votes

Read more: N.C. files lawsuit over LGBT rights
30% of the US is ultra left wing liberal idiots(Libidiots) who have to FORCE upon the rest of US their immoral lifestyles. Today with Trump well on his way to the Presidency, you can see the majority of US who still want a traditional way where men use mens room and women use womens rooms, and if you don't like it, then you can go to Cuba and find out how well life is like in the Socialist Utopia that you want US to become. Try to get in my face and demand that I am a homophobe and your nose will soon be bloodied. Citizens of the US are fed up with liberals.
Police: Man attacks 6-year-old girl in women’s bathroom
The man suspected of attacking a 6-year-old girl in a Florida women’s restroom Friday night has turned himself in.
And so it begins.

How so? He wasn't transgendered and did not even present as a woman. There is already a law preventing him from being in the women's room, you know that right?
If the man "says" that he is a woman, just because that day he identifies that he is a woman, then by liberal terms, he can go into a womans bathroom. You liberals are either the most ignorant or "Evil" people on this planet. Even Left Wing Radical Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists, know that men are men and women are women.

And this man didn't even do that...making your ridiculous contention even more so. There are already laws against a man going into a women's bathroom to harass girls and women. These laws only do this:

Man Tries to Stop Woman From Using the Women's Restroom
Lesbian Without ID Forced Out of Women's Restroom by Cops

Turns you RWNJs into pecker checkers. :lol:

When you get passed puberty you too will understand.

The link, just another lesbian hoax. Like this one:

Judge: Rogers' hate crime lie 'exploded in her face'

It's what Drama Queens do.
Now that Obama and the bitch in the DOJ(Loretta Lynch) have told public schools that if they do not cater to transgender people who FEEL like not being their natural gender as able to go into any bathroom, at any given day, will have funding to that school revoked(I thought the liberals were for the children) I have a quick remedy for this immoral attack on "Children".
1. Today I "FEEL" like being the president of the US of A. I am going over to the White House and DEMAND that I be accepted for what I am, the president and the false one needs to vacate the premises until I am ready to leave.
2. Tomorrow I will "FEEL" like I am Wolf Blitzer and head over to CNN Washington Unit and demand that I be allowed to speak during the Wolf Blitzer hour, telling everyone how I feel.
3. The day after I will "FEEL" like being a unicorn and all the virgins need to come to me like in the fairy tales.
Are there any questions from the liberals about my new ideals?
No one cares about this issue. No matter how much you think it matters. We also know you don't give a damn about it.

If a left winger actually cares about this, then you are dumber than I thought.

Bottom line is the insidious divide and conquer strategy of the democommiecrats has really reached desperate levels. The funny thing for people like me is seeing how it works on morons like you.
No one cares about this issue. No matter how much you think it matters. We also know you don't give a damn about it.

If a left winger actually cares about this, then you are dumber than I thought.

Bottom line is the insidious divide and conquer strategy of the democommiecrats has really reached desperate levels. The funny thing for people like me is seeing how it works on morons like you.
Obama administration directive targets bathrooms in public schools | Reading Eagle - NEWS
WASHINGTON — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina.
So what you are saying is that Obama and Lynch are no one? Sure seems to me that they care about the issue and pressing hard on it before they have to leave office. Talk about a mess the next administration is going to inherit, which may take centuries to fix?
No one cares about this issue. No matter how much you think it matters. We also know you don't give a damn about it.

If a left winger actually cares about this, then you are dumber than I thought.

Bottom line is the insidious divide and conquer strategy of the democommiecrats has really reached desperate levels. The funny thing for people like me is seeing how it works on morons like you.
Obama administration directive targets bathrooms in public schools | Reading Eagle - NEWS
WASHINGTON — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina.
So what you are saying is that Obama and Lynch are no one? Sure seems to me that they care about the issue and pressing hard on it before they have to leave office. Talk about a mess the next administration is going to inherit, which may take centuries to fix?
For the actual socialists like obamadinijad and lynch it is just a poignant opportunity to DIVIDE the country with legislation under the guise "Equal rights."

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