Oh Santorum.

Your obsession

"My" obsession, my African-American wanna be friend? I was in your sig...twice.


Yes, you were. Why? Because you're a fucking idiot who seems obsessed with my race. You accused me of being black (like that's a bad thing)...

I said you pretending to be black was a bad thing. Be happy with who you are, my man. This is the sort of idiocy that you constantly repeat and makes it so funny to poke you with a stick. You're also the one obsessed with race. First you pretend to be black, then you show what an ass you are with your current race baiting avatar. Just be the lily white New England liberal elitist asshole that you really are.
Nice try at deflection that has nothing to do with the subject of Iran's nuclear capability or their system of government. You get an E for effort.

Yeah, I agree that Iranians' beliefs about the afterlife have absolutely nothing to do with their nuclear capability. Unfortunately, Santorum believes otherwise, which is why I'm making fun of him. I think you need to address your criticisms to Santorum. You get an F for fail.

Keep deflecting and keep failing, you're getting better and better at it :thup:

Deflecting what? What are you talking about? You really need to direct your criticism at Santorum. I don't believe that religious beliefs should determine whether or not a nation deserves to have nuclear capabilities; Santorum does. I think I made that pretty clear. I know that the US is not a theocracy. I get it. But other than that, what is your issue? Are you actually agreeing with him, or are you just fucking with me for the sole purpose of being a dick?
Yeah, I agree that Iranians' beliefs about the afterlife have absolutely nothing to do with their nuclear capability. Unfortunately, Santorum believes otherwise, which is why I'm making fun of him. I think you need to address your criticisms to Santorum. You get an F for fail.

Keep deflecting and keep failing, you're getting better and better at it :thup:

Deflecting what? What are you talking about? You really need to direct your criticism at Santorum. I don't believe that religious beliefs should determine whether or not a nation deserves to have nuclear capabilities; Santorum does. I think I made that pretty clear. I know that the US is not a theocracy. I get it. But other than that, what is your issue? Are you actually agreeing with him, or are you just fucking with me for the sole purpose of being a dick?

If you had the ability to read and comprehend you might understand :thup:
"My" obsession, my African-American wanna be friend? I was in your sig...twice.


Yes, you were. Why? Because you're a fucking idiot who seems obsessed with my race. You accused me of being black (like that's a bad thing)...

I said you pretending to be black was a bad thing. Be happy with who you are, my man. This is the sort of idiocy that you constantly repeat and makes it so funny to poke you with a stick. You're also the one obsessed with race. First you pretend to be black, then you show what an ass you are with your current race baiting avatar. Just be the lily white New England liberal elitist asshole that you really are.

There it is. "Be happy with who you are, my man". I was waiting for that one. Racism disguised as pride for your race. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, why don't you show me where I have ever pretended to be black. Does that mean I can assume that you're pretending to be the Statue of Liberty? Are you so fucking stupid that you think because I had a drawing of a black character from a tv show, that means I was pretending to be black? :lol: And what's the deal with my current avatar? How is that race baiting? Take a look at it again. It's me - a white guy - dressed as a zombie. Please enlighten me as to how that is race baiting. :confused: You are clearly a racist. That's as evident as your lack of intelligence.
Keep deflecting and keep failing, you're getting better and better at it :thup:

Deflecting what? What are you talking about? You really need to direct your criticism at Santorum. I don't believe that religious beliefs should determine whether or not a nation deserves to have nuclear capabilities; Santorum does. I think I made that pretty clear. I know that the US is not a theocracy. I get it. But other than that, what is your issue? Are you actually agreeing with him, or are you just fucking with me for the sole purpose of being a dick?

If you had the ability to read and comprehend you might understand :thup:

Oh, so you have no answers. You are just being a dick. That's pretty much what I thought. Thanks for playing, asshole.
Deflecting what? What are you talking about? You really need to direct your criticism at Santorum. I don't believe that religious beliefs should determine whether or not a nation deserves to have nuclear capabilities; Santorum does. I think I made that pretty clear. I know that the US is not a theocracy. I get it. But other than that, what is your issue? Are you actually agreeing with him, or are you just fucking with me for the sole purpose of being a dick?

If you had the ability to read and comprehend you might understand :thup:

Oh, so you have no answers. You are just being a dick. That's pretty much what I thought. Thanks for playing, asshole.

Don't blame me that you have the inability to read and comprehend :dunno:
If you had the ability to read and comprehend you might understand :thup:

Oh, so you have no answers. You are just being a dick. That's pretty much what I thought. Thanks for playing, asshole.

Don't blame me that you have the inability to read and comprehend :dunno:

I can read and comprehend just fine. I made a point which you apparently weren't able to comprehend. In response, you had a smart ass remark. After I rebuffed your remark, you got your feelings hurt, and now you're just fucking with me because you have nothing better to do. If you want to continue being a pompous asshole, fine. Don't mind me while I go about my business. :finger3:
Oh, so you have no answers. You are just being a dick. That's pretty much what I thought. Thanks for playing, asshole.

Don't blame me that you have the inability to read and comprehend :dunno:

I can read and comprehend just fine. I made a point which you apparently weren't able to comprehend. In response, you had a smart ass remark. After I rebuffed your remark, you got your feelings hurt, and now you're just fucking with me because you have nothing better to do. If you want to continue being a pompous asshole, fine. Don't mind me while I go about my business. :finger3:

^-------continuing to prove that he can't read.
Marxism has a property that is atheistic, you have yet to provide even the slightest hint of evidence that it is that property that was the cause.

Dawkins argues in The God Delusion that "What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does."

Again with the False Cause fallacy.

I dont know who Dawkins is. I don't care either.
When people's ideology are unrepressed by religion then anything can happen. Atheism is among the central tenets of Marxism and makes it possible.

What, were you unaware of that?
Well if you're going to play that game.


You are claiming that atheism lead directly to the murder of millions of people, I'm tell you you cannot find a single instance where an atheist has killed directly because of their atheism.

Note: Einstein isn't on that list because he was a theistic scientific pantheist

Boy those goalposts sure move.
I made the point already that Marxism, an atheistic movement, has killed many people. A point you cannot refute.

Marxism has a property that is atheistic, you have yet to provide even the slightest hint of evidence that it is that property that was the cause.

Dawkins argues in The God Delusion that "What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does."

Again with the False Cause fallacy.

He, and you, miss the point.
I believe I've already talked on that point, it would be ridiculous of you to bring it back up.

If your talked involved your admitting to it then I guess you covered it.

I'll take that to mean you don't want to admit that I'm right. Thanks for the sentiment though, I'll let you keep your dignity.

If you tell me what you think you were right about I'll be happy to correct you if necessary.
If your talked involved your admitting to it then I guess you covered it.

I'll take that to mean you don't want to admit that I'm right. Thanks for the sentiment though, I'll let you keep your dignity.

If you tell me what you think you were right about I'll be happy to correct you if necessary.

I'll pass, your corrections are usually contrary to know fact. Thank you for the offer though.
I'll take that to mean you don't want to admit that I'm right. Thanks for the sentiment though, I'll let you keep your dignity.

If you tell me what you think you were right about I'll be happy to correct you if necessary.

I'll pass, your corrections are usually contrary to know fact. Thank you for the offer though.

That's a nice white flag you're waving there. Message received.
Marxism has a property that is atheistic, you have yet to provide even the slightest hint of evidence that it is that property that was the cause.

Dawkins argues in The God Delusion that "What matters is not whether Hitler and Stalin were atheists, but whether atheism systematically influences people to do bad things. There is not the smallest evidence that it does."

Again with the False Cause fallacy.

I dont know who Dawkins is. I don't care either.
When people's ideology are unrepressed by religion then anything can happen. Atheism is among the central tenets of Marxism and makes it possible.

Again post hoc ergo propter hoc.

You made a claim that atheism specifically is the CAUSE.

Allow me to show you the light.

Marxism is an economic and sociopolitical worldview and method of socioeconomic inquiry that centers upon a materialist interpretation of history, a dialectical view of social change, and an analysis and critique of the development of capitalism.

These are the core ideas behind Marxism.

A. Historical Materialism.

"Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand."
— Karl Marx, Grundrisse, 1858

The historical materialist theory of history, also synonymous to “the economic interpretation of history” (a coinage by Eduard Bernstein),[10] looks for the causes of societal development and change in the collective ways humans use to make the means for living. The social features of a society (social classes, political structures, ideologies) derive from economic activity; “base and superstructure” is the metaphoric common term describing this historic condition.

What does this mean? It means that history is looked at through the lens of economics, and what the effects of the economic principles of the time had on those societies. Nothing to see here, moving on.

B. Social Change

Class Struggle. What does it really mean?

Class struggle is the active expression of a class conflict looked at from any kind of socialist perspective.

What does this have to do with Marxism? Well it turns out that Karl Marx had a very different idea of class.

Karl Marx and his friend Friedrich Engels wrote "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle". In the Communist Manifesto he specifically mentions his view was through economics only, disregarding the notion of social classes completely.

There are two concepts you must remember;

Membership in a class is defined by one's relationship to the means of production, i.e., one's position in the social structure that characterizes capitalism. Marx talks mainly about two classes that include the vast majority of the population, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Other classes such as the petty bourgeoisie share characteristics of both of these main classes

Labour (the proletariat or workers) includes anyone who earns their livelihood by selling their labor power and being paid a wage or salary for their labor time. They have little choice but to work for capital, since they typically have no independent way to survive.

Capital (the bourgeoisie or capitalists) includes anyone who gets their income not from labor as much as from the surplus value they appropriate from the workers who create wealth. The income of the capitalists, therefore, is based on their exploitation of the workers (proletariat).

Why is this relevant? Because your statement that atheism is central to the Marxist world view is simply incorrect. The only view of Marxism is economic materialism.

Now, why is atheism part of marxism?

The truthful person would say it isn't, certain religious dogma is diametrically opposed to the core tenants of economic class that Marx wished to see. Why is this?

Because he was a materialist.

What is materialism?

The theory of materialism holds that the only thing that exists is matter or energy.

The only somewhat valid argument you could posit from this is one in which materialism causes problems.

Is one of the core values of atheism that only matter and energy exist?

The answer is no, atheism is a property assigned to a lack of belief in a deity, not a lack of believe in spirituality.

Fun fact, did you know Buddhism is atheistic?


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