Oh no Mac didnt... He said he will raise taxes...


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Charleston SC
Raise taxes to save social security.. but.. yeah thats cool. noble cause right.. yet... he said not house before that "I WILL NOT RAISE TAXES"... MSNBC just brought this up to a Mac Camp suragate so it might take me a sec or two to dig up a link...

I wonder who will be taxed and how much...
Payroll tax increases.. only? nope.. No tax increase areas are left off the table...bah... at least with Obama you know you aint getting extra taxed if you aint makin more than 250k.
Yeah.. thats what I though.. Mac is just another tax and spend politician...
We're heading towards a Trillion dollar budget deficit. Either taxes get raised, or spending gets cut DRASTICALLY.

Hmmmmm, which one will congress approve...Man, I just can't make my mind up...:rolleyes:

Or we could just say fuck it, and run the deficit up to a QUADRILLION. Fuck, who's gonna fucking STOP us!
We're heading towards a Trillion dollar budget deficit. Either taxes get raised, or spending gets cut DRASTICALLY.

Hmmmmm, which one will congress approve...Man, I just can't make my mind up...:rolleyes:

I vote for drastic spending cuts. I think all the campaign promises are going to stop that from happening. If only we had a fiscally conservative candidate.

why would they stop us.. they are laughing all the way to the bank...

They wont be laughing if we collapse under our own debt weight and defualt on it all. Eventually if we keep raising out Debt, people will stop buying it! The risk of Default will become to high. China is in it to make money, not lose their ass!
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Why do the Chinese want all this money anyway? I thought it was evil.
They wont be laughing if we collapse under our own debt weight and defualt on it all. Eventually if we keep raising out Debt, people will stop buying it! The risk of Default will become to high. China is in it to make money, not lose their ass!

They'll buy it, but they will want collateral to back it..
We're heading towards a Trillion dollar budget deficit. Either taxes get raised, or spending gets cut DRASTICALLY.

Hmmmmm, which one will congress approve...Man, I just can't make my mind up...:rolleyes:

Or we could just say fuck it, and run the deficit up to a QUADRILLION. Fuck, who's gonna fucking STOP us!

Where can spending be cut?
Raise taxes to save social security.. but.. yeah thats cool. noble cause right.. yet... he said not house before that "I WILL NOT RAISE TAXES"... MSNBC just brought this up to a Mac Camp suragate so it might take me a sec or two to dig up a link...

I wonder who will be taxed and how much...

i think that mccain believes in supply side economics. so tax cuts for the rich. of course he could have no idea what supply side means, he is just trying to appeal to the reagon fans
Social Programs, Education, Housing, Medical, you know all the areas the Federal Government has NO Constitutional right to be involved in with our tax dollars anyway.

I went ahead and started a new thread with this topic.. I am really curious where people think we can cut the budget...
I vote for drastic spending cuts. I think all the campaign promises are going to stop that from happening. If only we had a fiscally conservative candidate.

Start with military spending, its out of control
Social Programs, Education, Housing, Medical, you know all the areas the Federal Government has NO Constitutional right to be involved in with our tax dollars anyway.

Ya! Will you help me carry all those old ladies out of the nursing homes and dump them in the streets after medicare cuts payments to nursing homes? We can have a good Republican laugh over their suffering! Yeee Ha!

Is the G.I. Bill constitutional, IYO?

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