Oh $h!t We Are Going to Die! The Yellowstone Super Volcano is About To Blow

Nothing in Yellowstone to fear.....

The politicking and infighting among ourselves will do us all in one way or another long before mother nature gets her chance.
nobody is going to die

not because of the super volcano...
When we get a caldera eruption, anywhere on Earth, yes, people are going to die. However, we should get plenty of warning. The worst effect, except for those in the area, will be the effect on agriculture for about 5 years.

yes, well.....the "caldera eruption" will not happen in my lifetime.

what good does that do? lol

It might never happen...so there you go

It will happen... it is just a matter of when... kind of like a meteor hitting Earth.

Maybe. So far we only have evidence of one catastrophic eruption for any one particular Giant Volcanic Caldera.
Simply wrong.

Yellowstone Caldera - Wikipedia

The Yellowstone Caldera is a volcanic caldera and supervolcano in Yellowstone National Park in the Western United States, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano. The caldera and most of the park are located in the northwest corner of Wyoming. The major features of the caldera measure about 34 by 45 miles (55 by 72 km).[4]

The caldera formed during the last of three supereruptions over the past 2.1 million years: the Huckleberry Ridge eruption 2.1 million years ago (which created the Island Park Caldera and the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff); the Mesa Falls eruption 1.3 million years ago (which created the Henry's Fork Caldera and the Mesa Falls Tuff); and the Lava Creek eruption approximately 630,000 years ago (which created the Yellowstone Caldera and the Lava Creek Tuff).[5

If you object to the source, you can verify the three major eruptions of the present caldera at any site dealing with that caldera.
nobody is going to die

not because of the super volcano...
When we get a caldera eruption, anywhere on Earth, yes, people are going to die. However, we should get plenty of warning. The worst effect, except for those in the area, will be the effect on agriculture for about 5 years.

yes, well.....the "caldera eruption" will not happen in my lifetime.

what good does that do? lol

It might never happen...so there you go

It will happen... it is just a matter of when... kind of like a meteor hitting Earth.

it's a matter of when?

no good! lol

We don't live forever you know?
Well now, if you consider your life to be the totality of what the universe was created for, I guess an attitude like that is justified. But the Yellowstone caldera will erupt again, and then, in geologic time, it will move further east, or, more correctly, the North American plate will move to the West over it.
Toba Eruption Event ... 75,000 years ago a super volcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a 10 year winter that reduced the global human population to less that 20,000.

Not a movie
------------------------------------------ see the 'year without a summer' , it was 1815 or 16 . Big eruption , there were food riots in Europe if i recall .
Compared to a caldera eruption, Tambora was small beans. Caldera eruption are a couple of orders of magnitudes larger than that eruption.


This is the amount of magma the U of U and USGS found. If it vents you need to consider it an ELE.

Until the red completely fills up the orange it won't be a problem.
As recall the upper chamber was 90% viscous (non-eruptable) magma in 2011. I have no idea today what the mix % is at.

There's no such thing as non-eruptable magma. Viscosity merely determines what sort of eruption you get. Basaltic magma is low viscosity so you get quiescent eruptions that are relatively safe to anything not in the direct path of the lava. Andesitic volcanism is what Mt. St. Helens can give you. Most of the time the eruptions are violent but localised, but every now and then they blow the mountain to hell. Rhyolitic volcanism is the most viscous, and the most dangerous. It is this type of eruption that is associated with the Giant Volcanic Caldera type eruptions. Occasionally you get a rhyolitic dome eruption, Mt. Lassen in California is an example of that type of eruption.
In the High Lava Plains of Eastern Oregon we have bi-model volcanism, with both basaltic and rhyolitic volcanism. So rhyolitic eruptions, from the Oregon-Idaho Graben to the Eastern edge of the Cascades have been common, leaving deep rholitic ash tuffs, and, as in the Rattlesnake tuff, evidence of very violent and rapid eruptions.
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
No, Seattle will not be that affected. Tacoma, Puyallup, and the towns in the watershed will be, but not Seattle. And on a normal day, the prevailing winds will carry the ash to the East.
nobody is going to die

not because of the super volcano...
If Yellowstone were to volcanically erupt, the pyroclaustic flow would kill everything in a 100 mile radius within about 12 min.

Large rocks would be thrown 25 + miles. The ash cloud would encircle the earth in about 14 days, temps would drop 6 deg C within 2 weeks globally.

If Yellowstone erupted, life as we know it would cease. Within 2 years earths population could be reduced by 1/3-1/2 due to starvation and freezing to death. And it would most certainly herald the next glacial cycle of 90,000 years...
I guess it would solve the global warming problem.
Temporarily. Caldera volcanoes put a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere. So, in about 5 to 10 years when the dust settles out, we would have a rapid warm up, and a warmer climate than before.
Probably a better way to go than Trump's all out nuclear war caused by one stupid tweet. And of course, the scientists don't appear to be all that concerned.

"There is nothing to indicate that any sort of volcanic eruption is imminent," Michael Poland, the scientist in charge for the observatory, said in an email.

Since most geysers do not erupt on a regular schedule, "it might just reflect the randomness of geysers," Poland said.

"Yellowstone hasn't had a volcanic eruption for 70,000 years! Geysers erupt all the time," said Jake Lowenstern, a USGS research geologist who specializes in volcanoes.
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Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
Most of them Democrats.
Who will pay for your Welfare and Food Stamps then?
As most of them are on hand outs... it will be a cost savings!!!
Now you lying little asshole, most of them have very high paying jobs, not burger flippers like you. And, once again, Seattle would not be that affected by a large eruption of Mt. Rainer.
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
Most of them Democrats.
Yep, and most of them on welfare.
Funny, asshole. It is you Conservatives that make up the welfare rolls. Just look at the red states and the number of people on welfare in those states. Places like Seattle support you freeloaders.
Sure, asshole. And Washington D.C. is a red state? Oregon? New Mexico?
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
Most of them Democrats.
Yep, and most of them on welfare.
Funny, asshole. It is you Conservatives that make up the welfare rolls. Just look at the red states and the number of people on welfare in those states. Places like Seattle support you freeloaders.
Sure, asshole. And Washington D.C. is a red state? Oregon? New Mexico?
Now little cocksuck, the facts;

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states


— “We are getting the federal government out of the business of subsidizing states. That is going to impact high-tax states.”


Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents.
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
No, Seattle will not be that affected. Tacoma, Puyallup, and the towns in the watershed will be, but not Seattle. And on a normal day, the prevailing winds will carry the ash to the East.

If Mt. Ranier blows its top, it will affect Seattle because you will also gets earthquakes and a possible tsunami.
Toba Eruption Event ... 75,000 years ago a super volcano in Indonesia erupted and triggered a 10 year winter that reduced the global human population to less that 20,000.

Not a movie
------------------------------------------ see the 'year without a summer' , it was 1815 or 16 . Big eruption , there were food riots in Europe if i recall .
Compared to a caldera eruption, Tambora was small beans. Caldera eruption are a couple of orders of magnitudes larger than that eruption.
------------------------------------------------------------ i think that Mount Mazuma was a big one . Total collapse and sinking of the Volcano in Oregon . I checked it out years ago on a trip . Nice country , also checked out Fort KLAMATH while i was there OldRocks .
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Probably a better way to go than Trump's all out nuclear war caused by one stupid tweet. And of course, the scientists don't appear to be all that concerned.

"There is nothing to indicate that any sort of volcanic eruption is imminent," Michael Poland, the scientist in charge for the observatory, said in an email.

Since most geysers do not erupt on a regular schedule, "it might just reflect the randomness of geysers," Poland said.

"Yellowstone hasn't had a volcanic eruption for 70,000 years! Geysers erupt all the time," said Jake Lowenstern, a USGS research geologist who specializes in volcanoes.
off topic but in reply to yer off topic comment about TRUMP and his 'tweets' . Looks like TRUMP and his 'tweets' are kicking azz as TRUMP slaps the 'norks' around and next it might be the 'iranians' that gets slapped around Doctor .
and , i'd be more concerned with another year without a summer and no growing season like 1815 - 16 . Yellowstone goes off and MANY people will die but disruption of the growing season and many more people will starve and die worldwide especially nowadays , imo .
I hope it's soon. I've been waiting for this since I first heard about the "super volcano" in grade school. I was kinda hoping for a zombie apocalypse first, but this stupid geyser will have to do.
Better to burn out in the flames of an extinction level disaster than to fade away
Soon Mt. Ranier is going to blow too... and Seattle will disappear and MILLIONS of people will die.
No, Seattle will not be that affected. Tacoma, Puyallup, and the towns in the watershed will be, but not Seattle. And on a normal day, the prevailing winds will carry the ash to the East.

If Mt. Ranier blows its top, it will affect Seattle because you will also gets earthquakes and a possible tsunami.
No, you will not get a tsunami from an eruption of Rainer. And unlikely that you will get any damaging quakes. The primary problem will be ash flows and lahars. And there primary affects will be on the area from Enumclaw to Tacaoma.
and , i'd be more concerned with another year without a summer and no growing season like 1815 - 16 . Yellowstone goes off and MANY people will die but disruption of the growing season and many more people will starve and die worldwide especially nowadays , imo .
Yellowstone, or any caldera volcano, would disrupt the growing season far more than Tambora did.

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