Oh dear god, they're now saying the virus can be spread by merely talking or breathing


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

Maybe the way our rights were taken after 911 maybe the dumb asses wil figure it out that' what we meant this time wen we said THIS IS UR INVISIBLE 911 you are never going to live in the free world you knew dumbases WE TOLD U THIS was COMING!!!

The virus is NOT killing as they claim.
Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

We're safe .
Just don't breathe or open our eyes.

What's the big deal ?
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Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

It travels in tiny water droplets. You ever breathe on the lens of your glasses to get a little fog to clean them? We breathe out water vapor you only see on very cold days, as it freezes in the air.

I've known about the talking/breathing thing since I heard a woman interviewed on NPR weeks ago. She went to lunch with six friends. No physical contact. 4 of the 6 (including her) got sick. She was the carrier.
Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

I heard that awhile back. Nothing pisses me off more than standing in line at the Walmart checkout counter with my mask and gloves on, and the cashier is yakking away at the person in front of me, telling them her life's story.

I feel like yelling "Dammit bitch! Just keep yer trap shut and quit spreading those germs and viruses you have..."
Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

Like everything else the media is headlining, it's the extreme case scenario. They haven't conclusively proved it and I'm not buying it because I think if this were true most of the population would be infected by now and we're still at a small portion
What the fuck is wrong with you people??!!

Yeah, how DARE people question things, we MUST believe everything we are told!!!! The powers that be and their mouthpieces in the media NEVER do anything wrong, they would never lead us astray, we must be good bootlicking serfs and do as we are told! Listen to the "experts"!! BOHICA!!!!
Part of the reason they were able to figure it out is because of the choir that ended up catching it after practice.

Just what we needed to hear !

Experts tell White House coronavirus can spread through talking or even just breathing

By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

Updated 2:17 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2020

A prestigious scientific panel told the White House Wednesday night that research shows coronavirus can be spread not just by sneezes or coughs, but also just by talking, or possibly even just breathing.

"While the current [coronavirus] specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing," according to the letter, written by Dr. Harvey Fineberg, chairman of a committee with the National Academy of Sciences.

Fineberg told CNN that he will wear start wearing a mask when he goes to the grocery store

it is true that the virus is air born and if you breath it in you can contract it. Do you understand?
What the fuck is wrong with you people??!!

Do this: Go to your bedroom and smack the bed once with your hand, early in the morning when the sun is shining bright through the window.

See those little particles of dust gently floating through the air, in slow motion? See how slowly they float through air, as if being magically suspended?

Now imagine the tiny atomized droplets of water coming out of a virus-infected person's mouth as they talk to someone in line, waiting to be checked out at the grocery store: You can't see them with your eyes, but they swirl around you, magically suspended in the air, just waiting to be drawn in by an unsuspecting nostril, where they lodge themselves in the warm inner sanctum of your sinus cavity, and begin to replicate, hundreds upon hundreds, thousands upon thousands, millions upon millions....
Can't wait until you denying frs of our rights and freedom are forced to take this shit.. The whole point u missed losers are the fact (s ) that be the virus is real or not OUR RIGHTS ARE LOST...... and the Freedom we had... Because we are easily lead to fear by MSM who make ppl jump when told. Fear when told andn through it all this man gets FORCED vaccinated for some BS virus that is doing harm just not at the HYSTERIA MSM got their sheep believing it is. l
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Can't wait until you denying frs of our rights and freedom are forced to take this shit.. The whole point u missed losers are the fact that be the virus is real or not OUR RIGHTS ARE LOST...... and the Freedom we had... Because we are easily lead to fear by MSM who make ppl jump when told. Fear when told andn through it all this man gets FORCED vaccinated for some BS virus that is doing harm just not at the HYSTERIA MSM got their sheep believing it is. l

I don't think they care about the loss of rights and privacy, or that the world is changing, most likely in an irrevocable way. The only thing they care about is believing whatever they're told by the idiot box, and bending over, continually.
Can't wait until you denying frs of our rights and freedom are forced to take this shit.. The whole point u missed losers are the fact that be the virus is real or not OUR RIGHTS ARE LOST...... and the Freedom we had... Because we are easily lead to fear by MSM who make ppl jump when told. Fear when told andn through it all this man gets FORCED vaccinated for some BS virus that is doing harm just not at the HYSTERIA MSM got their sheep believing it is. l

I don't think they care about the loss of rights and privacy, or that the world is changing, most likely in an irrevocable way. The only thing they care about is believing whatever they're told by the idiot box, and bending over, continually.

Yep and here is another perfect bend over and obey :

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