Oh boy Joe Biden really put his foot in his mouth this time. Must see!

Also Joe Biden... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: say what you want but this guy's gaffes are hilarious. Stand up (wheelchair bound) Chuck, oh God what am I saying hey everybody stand up for Chuck :auiqs.jpg:

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

This was a clip taken out of context from the question he was asked.
And this silly-assed pundit is spinning it.
Can you pronounce Yosemite?
Or do you say Yo' semite?

You say every Fingers Joe gaff is taken out of context. Cant wait for you to spin away Fingers debate gaffs.

He is really an idiot. That can’t be said enough and is no way overstated

This was a clip taken out of context from the question he was asked.
And this silly-assed pundit is spinning it.
Can you pronounce Yosemite?
Or do you say Yo' semite?

He does not believe what he pushes. He has been around for half a century. Whether Trump does or not is moot point because he mapped out his agenda when he ran for office. The people voted for him on that. He has tried. And he has not try to screw over people who vote for Progs although it may have not been perfect. Progs who do not believe what they push will turn on you someday. Out of necessity.
I wasn't hit by any controversy as Joe spoke. When he spoke of Florida I instantly thought about the Cuban influx which makes their voting situation different from Hispanics in other states.
Presidential debate...

Trump: Joe tell us about the black community.

Joe: Happy to, gaffe, insulting racist remark, insulting racist remark

MSNBC Moderator: Oh God someone cut Joe's mic off

Trump: Points and laughs

Transmission interruption

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