Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Jan 10th, 2019

These wall debates go back and forth to the point they're predictable. We on the right say Trump should fight for the wall funding and not back down. On the left, they say Democrats should not back down on stopping the wall

The real problem is honesty. I think this is how Trump can show how dishonest the Democrats are. Make them an offer they can't accept.

Trump will sign the bill with no funding for the wall if:

Democrats make an official address to the country. They must admit that they have zero interest in stopping illegal immigration. Their short term goal is to make whites a minority in our country. And.......their plans are on making our country a single-party (Democrat) government forever.


Democrats agree to create a bill that would make being here illegal a felony with a five year minimum prison sentence for the first offense. Such a conviction would be followed by immediate deportation, and the convict can never apply for Visa's, green cards, asylum, or citizenship.

While there is no way in hell the Democrats would agree to either agreement, it will at least show the country how they were lying to the public and do not want this problem stopped. Perhaps if Trump did that, people would wake up on election day and remember the offers Democrats refused. It would also finally show their constituents that we were right all along. They don't want to stop illegal immigration. Every other reason they gave for being against the wall is pure BS.

Let me get this straight.. .. You think that Democrats saying no to locking up people for five years because they are looking for a better life would hurt them politically? Guess what it has been tried, only less drastically with the family separations last year. It was such a bad idea that Trump gave up within a few days. And the Democrats are still raising money on the back of it.

Sure it would hurt them politically. All this time they've been telling us they are for border security, just not a wall. Okay, well if they are for border security, then why not make it a five year minimum prison sentence for anybody caught here illegally?

To half-way intelligent people, it's clear the Democrats want these illegals flowing in like water, but the sheep and headline readers really don't understand this. They really believe that the Democrats actually want border security. By refusing the offer, it would reinforce the point they really don't.

I agree. Make it a felony. Hell in Mexico in years past if you were found illegally in the country you landed in jail.

If the Dems really wanted border security then they would want the wall built like they did in the past. And they did want it. They all voted for it.

Just shows that border security isn't something they want. Oh and of course we got the racist charge from Joe. Color me shocked.

If you want border security you are a racist and a bigot in his fool eyes.

There sure are a lot of racists and bigots in America.

Well yes there is in Joe's world.

The Democrats never wanted border security. They like to put on a show that they do, but it's all a lie with those people.

That's why I believe if we could prove Democrats are liars on this subject, the people can make a better judgement on who they elect to office.
How do you negotiate with NO?

You say, "yes" and open the govt.
That's not negotiating. That's caving to worthless leftist traitors.

No. That's not inflicting pain on people who have nothing to do with it.

Holding hostages is not negotiating.

It's obvious that Trump needs these hostages and Congress does not.
The only people that need government are you liberals. You call these liberals hostages, I call them traitors. We seem to be at an empasse.
"Need government"?

The lack of government is anarchy.

There are places that have Somalia. I suggest you move there

Are you implying the ghettos are going to erupt when their EBT cards are no longer valid?
Wanna get Dems to pony-up the $5.6 billion in a heartbeat?

Tell 'em that The Creature will take it outta USDA SNAP (Food Stamps) unless they cough-up. :21:

You're on the right track, but I'm afraid that would be a failure. What Trump wants for the wall is what we spend on food stamps for just one month. That's it. If we cut food stamps for one month, people would just have to get a job and buy their own food like everybody else for that month.
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Dem's negotiate by demanding you give them what they want now, and they never hold up their end of the deal later. This is why Trump has to hold their feet to the fire, Dem's are lying backstabbers who never hold up their end.

Ask US bankers how good Don's word is, they won't touch his serially bankrupted ass, been decades now. Oh, and his bet with Warren? Find ya some real somewhere, this is bogus. bank stocks went from 6 bucks a share to 24 bucks a share in the space of a few months when Trump was elected.
Will they loan Don money? Nope, he's had to go dark on that for decades. And of course, stock buybacks work just great for the Wall Street'donor'"job creator" class. News to you?
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
Politics & Policy
Pelosi Should Recognize President McConnell
Ignore Trump. It’s time to treat the Senate majority leader as the real Republican leader in Washington.

Francis Wilkinson
January 10, 2019, 6:00 AM EST
Imprisoning illegals from sh*thole countries they're fleeing from probably isn't much of a detriment , in fact 3 squares a day , a rack & medical care might look like disneyland to them Ray

I don't care where you are from, going to a prison in a foreign country is no picnic. I really don't believe these places are as awful as the left claims. Did you see the footage of that 250 lbs lady trying to climb up the fence? She looked like one of our welfare people.

because the Dems do have a history of supporting as well as funding the 'wall' , we've walled off the majority of our southern border , so they see it as ineffective.

Further, do you really think cartels w/millions of $$$ are at all detered by any wall?

They're laughing as loud as our own DEA...

Yes they are, but what they are laughing at is the Democrats making their job so easy for them.

How's about enforcing the laws we do have?

Think about it, if ICE had 6 bil tomorrow , we'd be seeing caravans headed south

But we're reading little to none of this potential negotiation , A)because the DEms loose their voter base B) Trump isn't smart enough to realize it

Negotiator my azz.....

Trump may very well lose his voter base as well if he doesn't get at least this 5 billion for the wall. It was the sole issue that got him elected as President.
You say, "yes" and open the govt.
That's not negotiating. That's caving to worthless leftist traitors.

No. That's not inflicting pain on people who have nothing to do with it.

Holding hostages is not negotiating.

It's obvious that Trump needs these hostages and Congress does not.
The only people that need government are you liberals. You call these liberals hostages, I call them traitors. We seem to be at an empasse.
"Need government"?

The lack of government is anarchy.

There are places that have Somalia. I suggest you move there

Are you implying the ghettos are going to erupt when their EBT cards are no longer valid?
America's sacrifice zones will be kept in check by our militarized corporate state police and our world renowned incarceration/surveillance/internment camp apparatus. Not to worry. What is Appalachia if not another american sacrifice zone? You think this system won't eat whites? A wall around the people and a couple of generations of public water supply contaminated kids should wrap up the next population the power structure seeks to subjugate out of the way of progress. All these workers and jobs simply aren't necessary for profit margin growth to infinity in the technological age.
That's not negotiating. That's caving to worthless leftist traitors.

No. That's not inflicting pain on people who have nothing to do with it.

Holding hostages is not negotiating.

It's obvious that Trump needs these hostages and Congress does not.
The only people that need government are you liberals. You call these liberals hostages, I call them traitors. We seem to be at an empasse.
"Need government"?

The lack of government is anarchy.

There are places that have Somalia. I suggest you move there

Are you implying the ghettos are going to erupt when their EBT cards are no longer valid?
America's sacrifice zones will be kept in check by our militarized corporate state police and our world renowned incarceration/surveillance/internment camp apparatus. Not to worry. What is Appalachia if not another american sacrifice zone. A wall around the people and a couple of generations of public water supply contaminated kids should wrap up the next population the power structure seeks to subjugate out of the way of progress. ll these workers and jobs simply aren't necessary for profit margin growth top infinity in the technological age.

All I can say to that? .....Fucken move!
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
Well McConnell withdrew any participation in the "negotiation." Trump said he wouldn't open the gummit without at least 5.7 bil for the wall. Pelosi said not a penny for the wall.

Lindsey Graham and at least four more gop senators walked Daca for the Wall past Trump, but he said fock no cause Rush reamed my ass on that last year.
Actually we do have walls and fences. They work wonders everyplace we have them. And we do have border security. They nabbed over 300,000 people trying to cross into the US during 2017.

The problem however is we don't have walls and fences everywhere needed so these people can still sneak in.

The 300,000 figure is for all points of entry, not just the southern border.

We've always had fences and walls, and undocumented immigrants have always found ways around them. If Oceans and Mountains can be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome.

Do you know why attempts to cross the Southern Border are down?

1) Increased workplace enforcement.
2) Increased economic opportunities in Mexico
3) Increased efficiency by the BP in doing their jobs without wasteful walls.

Or the real reason: Trump put the fear of God into these people.

Yes, they found ways around our walls, they simply went to places that didn't have them. And no, the 300,000 is just for apprehensions at the border.
The thing is, the GOP gets dumb white people like you to vote against your own economic interests, which is why you are happy driving around in a dead end job with no health insurance, as long as you got m ore than the Darkies.

Gets dumb white people like me? You belong to a party that wants to wipe you and your race out of the political arena, and you're like that happy frog in the pot of cold water on top of the stove.

Let me ask: what other group of people would support a government trying to make them a minority in their own country other than stupid white liberals?
No. That's not inflicting pain on people who have nothing to do with it.

Holding hostages is not negotiating.

It's obvious that Trump needs these hostages and Congress does not.
The only people that need government are you liberals. You call these liberals hostages, I call them traitors. We seem to be at an empasse.
"Need government"?

The lack of government is anarchy.

There are places that have Somalia. I suggest you move there

Are you implying the ghettos are going to erupt when their EBT cards are no longer valid?
America's sacrifice zones will be kept in check by our militarized corporate state police and our world renowned incarceration/surveillance/internment camp apparatus. Not to worry. What is Appalachia if not another american sacrifice zone. A wall around the people and a couple of generations of public water supply contaminated kids should wrap up the next population the power structure seeks to subjugate out of the way of progress. ll these workers and jobs simply aren't necessary for profit margin growth top infinity in the technological age.

All I can say to that? .....Fucken move!

So you have no rebuttal. Down to the "love-it-r-leave-it" escape hatch. Exceptionally american.
I'm sure Trump has a stockpile of dem policies that he will be able to beat them over the head with in 2020.
A list something like this:
1. Open borders
2. Sanctuary cities
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE
6. Promote Globalism
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and delivery systems
11. Tax corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges deny any speakers except liberals and indoctrinate kids to be lifelong liberals or flunk out
20. The dems "Central Committee" appoint super-delegates to vote and subvert regular voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and published the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger. Stop and frisk saved lives, democrat Chicago is a war zone
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Colleges only hire liberal professors, and promote only the Leftist perspective, conservatism is not allowed on campus.
32. Democrats refuse to provide any funding for the wall, which DHS says is desperately needed.
33. Democrats want to give $billions to Mexico and Central America, but won't help USA citizens living in tent cities, or fund the wall to protect jobs & wages
34. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
35. Spend billions for a "Marshal Plan" for Central America to stop the flow of migrants to the US
Wow, such bizarre thoughts you have.

But I do have a question. How well do you think Republicans will do moving into the future as the number of college degrees in the nation increases, but the number of college degrees in the GOP decreases? Some might consider a large and uneducated population a hindrance rather than a help.
And how will such a membership attract minorities, if they want to move beyond being a nearly all white party?
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
Trump is laughing his head off watching you Leftists scream for open borders and defunding ICE just as the 2020 campaign kicks off.
Some dems beginning to crack...saying to Pelosi that they want border security and the shut down won't get us there....
The only people that need government are you liberals. You call these liberals hostages, I call them traitors. We seem to be at an empasse.
"Need government"?

The lack of government is anarchy.

There are places that have Somalia. I suggest you move there

Are you implying the ghettos are going to erupt when their EBT cards are no longer valid?
America's sacrifice zones will be kept in check by our militarized corporate state police and our world renowned incarceration/surveillance/internment camp apparatus. Not to worry. What is Appalachia if not another american sacrifice zone. A wall around the people and a couple of generations of public water supply contaminated kids should wrap up the next population the power structure seeks to subjugate out of the way of progress. ll these workers and jobs simply aren't necessary for profit margin growth top infinity in the technological age.

All I can say to that? .....Fucken move!

So you have no rebuttal. Down to the "love-it-r-leave-it" escape hatch. Exceptionally american.

So your answer is to stay in an impoverished area and suffer?
Sounds pretty stupid but ok.
Americans have always moved where the work is. So what happened?
Fear the Walking Dem's season 4


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