Official USMB Shutdown Showdown Thread --- Jan 10th, 2019

While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
If we stop using words like buffoonery or old hag, I think the discussions would be better. We don't know what Trump or anyone else knows. Perhaps Nancy feels she could take on Trump and win, but not McConnell. I don't like name calling, but your reference to Marco Aurelius Rubio is funny-true sarcasm is a lost art.
You don't think that Trump announcing a fake emergency giving him powers is going to enrage Pelosi's base even more?

She knows exactly what she's doing, and she's just as cagey as the Turtle. The question is whether the Turtle will have the courage to really pass anything substantive. But that is not going to arise while Trump is president.
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
Mitch is under orders to not bring anything to a vote from Drumpf. There are several bills waiting to be voted on that have nothing to do with the wall (or is it now a fence?). Mitch wont allow the repubs to vote on any of them because man baby wants his monument.
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

I know the tyrant in chief probably depends on your demonic input but try and stop trolling at thinking this tRump kisser bs will stick.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
While Pelosi is pretty brilliant at leading the House, neither she nor Schumer are very good at public communication. But the problem with their response to Trump Tuesday night wasn’t so much what they said. It was the same problem that plagued them in their meeting the following day: They were talking to the wrong person.

To borrow a construct from the classical orator Marco Rubio, let’s dispense with the notion that President Donald Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. Because he really, really doesn’t.

Trump is not in control of Washington. He’s not even in control of his own administration, where officials simply ignore his diktats until his feeble attention shrivels. Trump is not in charge even of the West Wing of his White House, where his own aides regularly leak embarrassing details of his ignorance and buffoonery and his recently departed chief of staff definedhis personal achievements in terms of repeatedly foiling the boss’s half-baked (and not quite half-legal) schemes. And, of course, the reason Trump still doesn’t have a wall is that his fellow Republicans refused for two years to fund one.

With Democrats in charge of the House, Pelosi should stop wasting time and energy on the reality-television president and deal instead with the closest we’ve got to the real thing: Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky.
Exactly right.

Here is the order of events:

1. Republican Senate passes spending bill on December 18, and it will next proceed to the House.

2. The Donald announces he will sign the bill when it gets to his desk.

3. Mr. Coulter and Drug Addled Rush pitch a fit.

4. The Donald announces he will not sign the bill. It is then spiked in the Republican House.

5. The new Congress is sworn in.

6. The new House passes the spending bill which had been passed by the Republican Senate.

7. Mitch McConnell refuses to bring the exact same spending bill his Senate passed before to the floor for a vote by the new Senate, because he knows it will pass.

Therefore, you are absolutely correct that Pelosi and Schumer need to work on the Turtle.
You don't think that Trump announcing a fake emergency giving him powers is going to enrage Pelosi's base even more?

She knows exactly what she's doing, and she's just as cagey as the Turtle. The question is whether the Turtle will have the courage to really pass anything substantive. But that is not going to arise while Trump is president.
Trump could say water is wet and every fact checker will be claiming it is not always wet and Pelosi and the usual suspects will be enraged over it.
You don't think that Trump announcing a fake emergency giving him powers is going to enrage Pelosi's base even more?

She knows exactly what she's doing, and she's just as cagey as the Turtle. The question is whether the Turtle will have the courage to really pass anything substantive. But that is not going to arise while Trump is president.
Trump could say water is wet and every fact checker will be claiming it is not always wet and Pelosi and the usual suspects will be enraged over it.
Most would point out that by itself, water isnt wet at all. Wet is the feeling you get when you touch the water dummy.

UCSB Science Line

"Being a liquid, water is not itself wet, but can make other solid materials wet."
The Democrats said they didn't want to negotiate, so Trump went for a sandwich.
Trump left no room TO negotiate!

He walked out!
How do you negotiate with NO?

You say, "yes" and open the govt.

Why don't you suggest the same thing for your side? After all, if they say "yes" to the 5 billion for the wall, the government is reopened.
Why should they?
Trump owns it and a majority of congress want it opened before wall funding is negotiated.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says. He claims he did not lose his temper. So, Schumer said he did and Schumer is more believable than the lying President.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says.
About 10% of the US population that is anti American Citizen have learned not to believe anything your president says, because of what the lame stream media tells you Communist fuckers. Everyone else believes what he says, because he does what he says.
10% your ass dupe. He is the most mocked disrespected President in memory. His lying is a predominant trademark of his Presidency.
Fear the Walking Dem's season 4


Come on people that right there is funny :auiqs.jpg:
'Hundreds of furloughed federal employees chanting “we want to work” gathered for a union-led march to the White House on Thursday, the 20th day of a partial government shutdown over U.S. President Donald Trump’s demand for border wall funding.'

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, shutdown’s got to go” protesters shouted as they assembled in the bitter cold outside of the AFL-CIO union headquarters, hoisting signs reading “Trump: End the Shutdown,” “Reopen Govt” and “Let Me Do My Job.”

Some 800,000 federal government employees have been ordered to stay home or work without pay during the shutdown brought on by a standoff between Trump and Democrats in Congress over Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion to build a wall on the southern U.S. border.

Trump, in a 2016 presidential campaign promise, repeatedly vowed that Mexico would pay for the wall. But he has said he will not sign any bill to reopen the government that does not provide wall funding.

Protesters, many wearing neon green vests reading, “I am a worker. I demand a voice,” on Thursday demanded the government be reopened, separate from any debate over wall funding.

“We want our pay! We want our pay! We want our pay!” shouted government employees and contractors bundled against the cold in knitted hats and scarves as they gathered for the march.

In its third week, the shutdown of about a quarter of the federal government is the second longest since the mid-1970s. Trump has said it could continue for months or even years.'

'We want our pay!' furloughed U.S. workers shout at White House | Reuters

American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says. He claims he did not lose his temper. So, Schumer said he did and Schumer is more believable than the lying President.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says.
About 10% of the US population that is anti American Citizen have learned not to believe anything your president says, because of what the lame stream media tells you Communist fuckers. Everyone else believes what he says, because he does what he says.
10% your ass dupe. He is the most mocked disrespected President in memory. His lying is a predominant trademark of his Presidency.

Lib please Trump triggers you people daily. Clearly he gets under your skin at will.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says. He claims he did not lose his temper. So, Schumer said he did and Schumer is more believable than the lying President.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says.
About 10% of the US population that is anti American Citizen have learned not to believe anything your president says, because of what the lame stream media tells you Communist fuckers. Everyone else believes what he says, because he does what he says.
10% your ass dupe. He is the most mocked disrespected President in memory. His lying is a predominant trademark of his Presidency.

Lib please Trump triggers you people daily. Clearly he gets under your skin at will.

The mere sight of Trump hat sends them into hysterics.

That's not normal
How long will it take for numbnuts Trump to rant fake news & they're all Democrats?

Right after he & Hannity have their nightly pillow talk.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says. He claims he did not lose his temper. So, Schumer said he did and Schumer is more believable than the lying President.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says.
About 10% of the US population that is anti American Citizen have learned not to believe anything your president says, because of what the lame stream media tells you Communist fuckers. Everyone else believes what he says, because he does what he says.
10% your ass dupe. He is the most mocked disrespected President in memory. His lying is a predominant trademark of his Presidency.

Lib please Trump triggers you people daily. Clearly he gets under your skin at will.
Clearly, the American people are triggering Trump into temper tantrums and a meltdown. Mocking Trump and calling him out on his lies have become a national hobby.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says. He claims he did not lose his temper. So, Schumer said he did and Schumer is more believable than the lying President.
American's have learned not to believe anything our lying President says.
About 10% of the US population that is anti American Citizen have learned not to believe anything your president says, because of what the lame stream media tells you Communist fuckers. Everyone else believes what he says, because he does what he says.
10% your ass dupe. He is the most mocked disrespected President in memory. His lying is a predominant trademark of his Presidency.

Lib please Trump triggers you people daily. Clearly he gets under your skin at will.
Clearly, the American people are triggering Trump into temper tantrums and a meltdown. Mocking Trump and calling him out on his lies have become a national hobby.

Chuck Schumer? You realize the lie you told about Trump slamming the desk was proven false right.

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