Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

So does Trump get the blame because TX, FL & AZ won't put in mask mandates ?

Have a friend who said bars in AZ are still filled to the max with people not masking or social distancing.

Texas has a mask mandate. Florida and Arizona don't.

Does Trump get the blame for that? Absolutely. He's the one who politicized masks to begin with. He refused to comply with CDC suggestions months ago and even now refuses to encourage masks.

“I don’t agree with the statement that if everybody wear a mask, everything disappears.” - Trump

Arizona and Florida have Republican governors who refuse to implement mask mandates. It's Republicans who attack everything Dr. Fuaci recommends, including masks. The women in Palm Beach County protesting masks are Republican Trump supporters.

The entire mask thing has been politicized and it's 100% because of Trump.
Links on Trump's refusal to wear a mask.

A mask for our health is the very last thing that should have been politicized, and it still happened. Looking around this forum, there are tons of anti-maskers, and they're ALWAYS conservatives. That's not a coincidence. Look at who set that example for them - Trump.
Sweden is still getting new cases, but deaths are now landing at single digits on a consistent basis.
Sundays and Mondays have been under-reported. I expect numbers to pick back up tomorrow.

If they don't, then that will be pretty suspicious.
Positive Test Rates:

Arizona: 23.6% (Down 3.0%)
Nevada: 19.1% (Up 5.9%)
Florida: 18.7% (Up 0.1%)
Alabama: 18.1% (Up 2.5%)
Idaho: 18.1% (Up 3.2%)
South Carolina: 15.7% (Down 3.4%)
Georgia: 15.2% (Down 0.8%)
Texas: 15.1% (Down 2.6%)
Mississippi: 14.8% (Down 6.7%)
Arkansas: 11.3% (Down 0.6%)
Kansas: 10.6% (Up 0.3%)
Louisiana: 10.1% (Up 0.4%)
Utah: 9.3% (Down 1.6%)
Tennessee: 9.0% (Up 0.4%)
Oklahoma: 9.0% (Up 1.2%)
Iowa: 8.9% (Same)

National Average: 8.5% (Down 0.3%)

Indiana: 8.0% (Down 0.4%)
Missouri: 7.7% (Up 1.6%)
California: 7.3% (Down 1.0%)
Wisconsin: 7.3% (Up 0.4%)
Colorado: 7.3% (Up 0.7%)
North Carolina: 7.2% (Down 0.6%)
Virginia: 6.5% (Up 1.3%)
Wyoming: 6.4% (Up 1.5%)
Nebraska: 6.1% (Down 0.3%)
Oregon: 6.1% (Same)
Ohio: 6.0% (Down 0.1%)
North Dakota: 6.0% (Up 0.5%)
Pennsylvania: 5.6% (Up 0.2%)
Washington: 5.5% (Down 1.0%)
Kentucky: 5.4% (Down 1.7%)
South Dakota: 5.4% (Down 1.2%)
Maryland: 5.2% (Down 0.3%)
Delaware: 4.6% (Down 0.4%)
Montana: 4.2% (Up 0.4%)
Minnesota: 4.0% (Down 1.1%)
New Mexico: 3.9% (Down 0.5%)
Rhode Island: 3.8% (Up 0.7%)
West Virginia: 3.5% (Down 0.8%)
Illinois: 2.9% (Down 0.1%)
Alaska: 2.9% (Up 1.3%)
Michigan: 2.7% (Up 0.1%)
Massachusetts: 2.3% (Down 0.2)
District of Columbia: 2.0% (Up 0.3%)
New Hampshire: 1.8% (Up 0.1%)
Hawaii: 1.4% (Down 0.7%)
New Jersey: 1.4% (Up 0.1%)
New York: 1.2% (Up 0.2%)
Maine: 1.0% (Up 0.1%)
Connecticut: 0.8% (Down 0.2%)
Vermont: 0.8% (Same)
Overall, positive test rates are trending downward slightly.

The lowest rates in the North East are staying consistently low at around 1%.

There's a significant amount of movement at the top of the list. South Carolina, Texas, and Mississippi both saw significant improvements which dropped them out of the top 5. Arizona has improved but stays at the top. Florida is bad and staying flat. Nevada, Alabama, and Idaho have seen significant increases and are now in the top 5.

We ONLY had 63,000 new cases and 545 new deaths. It's pretty pathetic that this is considered a good day, but it's likely due to under-reporting as we come out of the weekend. Despite the low death count, we're still seeing big numbers from Texas (118) and Florida (90). Relatively low numbers from California and Arizona.

Arizona is currently 4th in infection rates. Louisiana has reclaimed 3rd place. Both states appear to be headed toward the top. Florida jumped into 6th place and is on its way to the top as well.

Louisiana is 6th in death rates, Arizona is 14th in death rates, Florida is 24th, California is 27th, Texas is 34th. With their climbing infection rates, expect these death rate rankings to increase as well, as they have been doing.
67,000 new cases and 1,119 new deaths. Hopefully I'm wrong, but it looks like we may be back to over 1,000 deaths per day.

Leading in deaths are the big 4 once again.

Arizona: 134 deaths (2nd highest)
Florida: 132 deaths (2nd highest tied)
California: 120 deaths (8th highest)
Texas: 118 deaths (6th highest tied)

Louisiana has moved into 2nd place in infection rates, above New Jersey. Arizona is close behind in 4th place and moving up quickly. Florida is now in 5th place. All three states are quickly moving to the top of the list - New York.
Arizona is approaching New York in terms of infection rates (per 1,000,000 population.

Arizona has 1/4 the deaths of New York (per million).

Florida's infection rate is rocketing.

Florida has 1/6 the death rate of New York.

At the numbers being reported, we'll never get back to where we were when Cuomo was systematically killing off the elderly.
We had 72,000 new cases today and 1,205 deaths. New cases are still terrible and new deaths are getting worse, which was completely expected with the skyrocketing cases we have had.

Leading in deaths today:

Texas: 202 (new record, their previous record of 167 which was set yesterday)
California: 156 (new record, their previous record was 150 from two weeks ago)
Florida: 140 (2nd highest)
Georgia: 81 (3rd highest)

Surprisingly, Arizona was not in the top 4. Hopefully that continues, but I'm not optimistic about them.

Alabama also topped their previous record of new deaths, which is now at 61. Idaho also topped theirs, which is now only at 9. Nevada tied theirs at 28.
Texas had 202 deaths. A record for them.

Another 800 added to that and they'll look like New York did.
We had 69,000 new cases and 1,150 deaths today. This is the third straight day of over 1,000 new deaths and appears to be the new norm for a while the way things are going.

Leading in deaths today were the big four once again.

Texas: 212 (new record again, highest three days of deaths have been the last three days)
Florida: 173 (new record, previous record was 150 set a week ago)
California: 157 (new record, previous record was 156 set yesterday)
Arizona: 89 (6th highest state total)

Texas, Florida, and California all hit new records today. Further down the list, Tennessee also hit a new high at 37.
Positive Test Rates:

Arizona: 24.7% (Up 0.9%)
Nevada: 20.5% (Up 1.4%)
Idaho: 20.5% (Up 2.4%)
Florida: 18.6% (Down 0.1%)
Alabama: 18.6% (Up 0.5%)

National Average: 8.5% (Same)

New Jersey: 1.4% (Same)
New York: 1.1% (Down 0.1%)
Connecticut: 1.0% (Up 0.2%)
Maine: 0.8% (Down 0.2%)
Vermont: 0.7% (Down 0.1%)

Nationally, the infection rate has stayed the same. The worst states appear to be getting mostly worse. The best states appear to be getting mostly better.

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