Of all things in the world, Germans fear the US regime the most

Surreal? The history showed at least twice that they aren't that surreal.
If in your opinion the small countries must be protected from the powerful, who is going to protect them?
And yes, surreal. How are Germany and Russia threatening Belgium?
/——/ Due to its strategic location and the many armies fighting on its soil Belgium has often been called the "battlefield of Europe" or the "cockpit of Europe". History of Belgium - Wikipedia
But now it is the center of our union. I guess your forgot that or didn´t know at all.
/----/ I worked for Janssen Pharmaceutica (Division of J&J) from 1986 - 1992. They developed Fentanyl. It was based in Belgium. The original logo was a deer looking up to see the next invading army. That's what I know.
So now that we have solved that question, what´s that threat to Belgium.
/—-/ Oh nothing you goof ball. Your meme fits you well.
... No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.

Do you know what it means for Europe and your own country USA to install intermediate range nuclear forces in Poland, Hungaria and the Ukraine? Besides the nucelar waste of Europe also the end of your own country.

We - all mankind - has by the way a much more bigger problem than the US-American dream of a dead Europe and the US-American paralytic delusions in context the problem climate change. The insects are dying out! Insects are the base of the eco-systems of the planet. This catastrophe will be able to kill the biopsphere where from we are all a part on our own. What is your nation doing to fight against this most important problem in the world? Not to speak about? Not to notice anything, because it makes no one happy to see the results of the own wrongness?

Here's some information about the problem: Scientists warn insects could be extinct 'within a century' | Daily Mail Online

/—/ We don’t have a dream of ax dead Europe. If we did, we wouldn’t have saved their sorry azzes twice during the last century and would have let the USSR roll over them. What a stupid Strawman argument.

Of course we did the first two wars over Republican resistance. I used to be for isolationism which was a disaster and ruined the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles at the same time. Since then they have been the military industrial complex pretty much a disaster also. Your trumpian feelings on this today are also a disaster. How does it feel to be a Russian asset?

/—-/ I wouldn’t know. How does it feel to be a cannibal?

Republicans are the ones admiring Putin an oligarch tyrant and probably the puppeteer of the orange clown. I see we're giving away Libya to the Turks and Russians now along with Syria and Iraq going to Russia and Iran. North Korea is now a player on the world stage thanks to the clown. This is really so dumb it's probably treasonous. making friends with Putin and Kim jong-un while screwing up alliances with Democratic friends.... And your admiration of RT another propaganda outlet. You are totally misinformed although this link mayb correct
... No way. I don't want to be there to correct their wrongs. To save who? England? Nope. Spain? Nope. Who? Maybe Poland or Hungary, true allies. The rest of Europe can go hang as far as I'm concerned.

Do you know what it means for Europe and your own country USA to install intermediate range nuclear forces in Poland, Hungaria and the Ukraine? Besides the nucelar waste of Europe also the end of your own country.

We - all mankind - has by the way a much more bigger problem than the US-American dream of a dead Europe and the US-American paralytic delusions in context the problem climate change. The insects are dying out! Insects are the base of the eco-systems of the planet. This catastrophe will be able to kill the biopsphere where from we are all a part on our own. What is your nation doing to fight against this most important problem in the world? Not to speak about? Not to notice anything, because it makes no one happy to see the results of the own wrongness?

Here's some information about the problem: Scientists warn insects could be extinct 'within a century' | Daily Mail Online

/—/ We don’t have a dream of ax dead Europe. If we did, we wouldn’t have saved their sorry azzes twice during the last century and would have let the USSR roll over them. What a stupid Strawman argument.

Of course we did the first two wars over Republican resistance. I used to be for isolationism which was a disaster and ruined the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles at the same time. Since then they have been the military industrial complex pretty much a disaster also. Your trumpian feelings on this today are also a disaster. How does it feel to be a Russian asset?

/—-/ I wouldn’t know. How does it feel to be a cannibal?

Republicans are the ones admiring Putin and oligarch tyrant and probably the puppeteer of the orange clown. I see we're giving away Libya to the Turks and Russians now along with Syria and Iraq going to Russia and Iran. North Korea is now a player on the world stage thanks to the clown. This is really so dumb it's probably treasonous. making friends with Putin and Kim jong-un while screwing up alliances with Democratic friends....

/—-/ None of that is true, it’s just your twisted distortions. Get a life.
Do you know what it means for Europe and your own country USA to install intermediate range nuclear forces in Poland, Hungaria and the Ukraine? Besides the nucelar waste of Europe also the end of your own country.

We - all mankind - has by the way a much more bigger problem than the US-American dream of a dead Europe and the US-American paralytic delusions in context the problem climate change. The insects are dying out! Insects are the base of the eco-systems of the planet. This catastrophe will be able to kill the biopsphere where from we are all a part on our own. What is your nation doing to fight against this most important problem in the world? Not to speak about? Not to notice anything, because it makes no one happy to see the results of the own wrongness?

Here's some information about the problem: Scientists warn insects could be extinct 'within a century' | Daily Mail Online

/—/ We don’t have a dream of ax dead Europe. If we did, we wouldn’t have saved their sorry azzes twice during the last century and would have let the USSR roll over them. What a stupid Strawman argument.

Of course we did the first two wars over Republican resistance. I used to be for isolationism which was a disaster and ruined the league of Nations and the treaty of Versailles at the same time. Since then they have been the military industrial complex pretty much a disaster also. Your trumpian feelings on this today are also a disaster. How does it feel to be a Russian asset?

/—-/ I wouldn’t know. How does it feel to be a cannibal?

Republicans are the ones admiring Putin and oligarch tyrant and probably the puppeteer of the orange clown. I see we're giving away Libya to the Turks and Russians now along with Syria and Iraq going to Russia and Iran. North Korea is now a player on the world stage thanks to the clown. This is really so dumb it's probably treasonous. making friends with Putin and Kim jong-un while screwing up alliances with Democratic friends....

/—-/ None of that is true, it’s just your twisted distortions. Get a life.

You don't know that Iran and Russia are dominant in Syria and Iraq now? And turkey is giving weapons to the Tripoli libyans? You really ought to try a real news Operation. Google Google news it has Fox and all the other media outlets. So you can see how off GOP propaganda is from every respected media in the world. Not RT thank you very much...
All the more reason we should pull out of Europe and NATO.

Let the Europeans deal with Germany and Russia.

When it once more becomes the time for the US to bail Europe out of their own stupidity again, it should the policy of the US to get paid upfront before a single troop is deployed.

I find it amusing that people actually are so pussified that they think the US is a threat. I guess that is what happens when you are terrified.
What Europeans will deal with Germany and Russia? Such dwarfs like say the Danish, Austrians or Belgians?
Not our problem.
What Europeans will deal with Germany and Russia? Such dwarfs like say the Danish, Austrians or Belgians?
Are you again intervening to fend off surreal threats?
Surreal? The history showed at least twice that they aren't that surreal.
If in your opinion the small countries must be protected from the powerful, who is going to protect them?
And yes, surreal. How are Germany and Russia threatening Belgium?
The countries I mentioned in the previous post were just examples to show that 'the Europeans' mostly comprise of small states which cannot counter Germany and Russia in the case of a possible conflict.

Actually, we already discussed it with you, IIRC. And I told you that the division lies between Eastern and Western Europe in this matter. The East European countries view Russia as a threat and seek to defend themselves from it; while the West European countries see it as one of the main economic partners and seek a closer cooperation.

'Who is going to protect them?' isn't a correct form of the question. They should do their best to boost their capabilities to counter possible aggression as far as possible. But even their combined forces can't be on pair with Russia's. So, I am in faviour of creating of some organization similar to Nato, but for East European countries, with the US, Canada and Britain taking part in it.
We can argue that Mexico is frightened by the US, as well...
All the more reason we should pull out of Europe and NATO.

Let the Europeans deal with Germany and Russia.

When it once more becomes the time for the US to bail Europe out of their own stupidity again, it should the policy of the US to get paid upfront before a single troop is deployed.

I find it amusing that people actually are so pussified that they think the US is a threat. I guess that is what happens when you are terrified.
What Europeans will deal with Germany and Russia? Such dwarfs like say the Danish, Austrians or Belgians?
Not our problem.
I see. The policy of isolationism may have great advances of course. But one of the flaws is that you can end up with missiles on Cuba again.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung
And? Lets conflate "National socialism" into anything or anyone that isn't a gullible fool.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

I have a difficult time understanding why you think Germany, being afraid of the US is a bad thing. We trusted Germany twice in the past!

Maybe y'all should take a look at yourself before worrying about the USA protecting you.

Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
by Soeren Kern
October 20, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade. — Die Welt.

  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country.

  • "We refugees... do not want to live in the same country with you. You can, and I think you should, leave Germany. And please take Saxony and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with you.... Why do you not go to another country? We are sick of you!" — Aras Bacho an 18-year-old Syrian migrant, in Der Freitag, October 2016.

  • A real estate agent in a town near Lake Balaton, a popular tourist destination in western Hungary, said that 80% of the Germans relocating there cite the migration crisis as the main reason for their desire to leave Germany.
Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
The USA is not important for us and never was. It is the political bonds that keep us together. With the USA trying to limit German exports while at the same time enforcing US imports on us, this bonds takes more damage. This will isolate the US and eventually limit their influence.

You are wrong. German soldiers of world war 2 were as normal people as US-American soldiers of world war 2 were normal people.


The Nazis were being fed crystal meth by the handful. It was called Pervitin and was used over the counter by the public as well. The side effects became obvious later in the war.

Besides allowing their soldiers to go for days without sleep, making the Blitzkrieg possible, a side effect is to increase soldiers' hostility and also to virtually eliminate any empathy. Great traits for a fighting soldier.

Okay. You was succesful in hoaxing me. You have not any real idea about Germans and Germany. Why for heavens sake do you do such stupid things? Do you think it's without any importance what you are doing and saying? Life is a joke? Are all US-Americans meanwhile such freaks like you and Donald Trump? By the way. North Korea suffers hunger. It would had been better your president never had spoken with the tryant of North Korea.

When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

I have a difficult time understanding why you think Germany, being afraid of the US is a bad thing. We trusted Germany twice in the past!

Maybe y'all should take a look at yourself before worrying about the USA protecting you.

Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
by Soeren Kern
October 20, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade. — Die Welt.

  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country.

  • "We refugees... do not want to live in the same country with you. You can, and I think you should, leave Germany. And please take Saxony and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with you.... Why do you not go to another country? We are sick of you!" — Aras Bacho an 18-year-old Syrian migrant, in Der Freitag, October 2016.

  • A real estate agent in a town near Lake Balaton, a popular tourist destination in western Hungary, said that 80% of the Germans relocating there cite the migration crisis as the main reason for their desire to leave Germany.
Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
Merkel was Germany's biggest traitor
You are wrong. German soldiers of world war 2 were as normal people as US-American soldiers of world war 2 were normal people.


The Nazis were being fed crystal meth by the handful.

Your soldiers use drugs too.

It was called Pervitin and was used over the counter by the public as well.

No. It was not under free trade in public during world war 2. After the war the use of this drug was over. In 2014 had appeared in Germany the first public study about the drug chrystal meth (German: Pervitin, Metaamphetamine). This drug is used in public now since about 20 years. This phenomenon is independent from world war 2. Chrystal Meth came as a drug from the USA to Germany. In places like the Czech republic (extremely "tolerant" laws in case of drugs) lots of people produce this drug and sell it in Germany for example.

The side effects became obvious later in the war.

Besides allowing their soldiers to go for days without sleep, making the Blitzkrieg possible,

"Blitzkrieg" (=war in speed of lightening) is a word, which was practically only used from the English propaganda. France had a problem with the Maginot line and Germany used the first time in history skydivers, which had attacked this defense wall from direction France. Bad luck for France. And before this had happened Germany had won very fast against Poland - but Poland was just simple without an army, which had had any chance against the German army.

a side effect is to increase soldiers' hostility and also to virtually eliminate any empathy. Great traits for a fighting soldier.


You imagine Germans = German soldiers = SS = Nazis = monsters. And you think the explanation are drugs. That's the stereotype which allows you to kill without any scruple as many Germans as you like to kill. For example with a bomb Mrs. Smith in Nürnberg in her living room during world war 2, where she watered her flowers. Who did you say is a monster and who did you say is not a monster?

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Okay. You was succesful in hoaxing me. You have not any real idea about Germans and Germany. Why for heavens sake do you do such stupid things? Do you think it's without any importance what you are doing and saying? Life is a joke? Are all US-Americans meanwhile such freaks like you and Donald Trump? By the way. North Korea suffers hunger. It would had been better your president never had spoken with the tryant of North Korea.


It was the first time that the highest leader of the western world spoke with a Korean tyrant. But Kim Yong Chun is only a criminal tyrant in the third generation of criminal tyrants. He should be in jail. But president Donald Trump made Kim Yong Chun to an important man and strengthened his influence within his own country North Korea. The same time this minimized the last rests of hope in North Korea.
When you visit my town you can ask any of the Jungenbumser and they will start singing an alleluia on the US but the reality looks different. The new annual security report by Allensbach includes many factors like economic development, crime, terrorism, cataclysm, ect. But it is astonishing that all this threats are dwarfed by the fear of the US government.
Trump is fueling this fear but he is not the actual catalyst in my opinion. With Trump, the government has just dropped all pretense, that´s all.

"The security report 2019 shows clearly: For the German citizens there is one central instability factor that terrifies them. And that is the USA under Trump."

Sicherheitsreport 2019 | Sicherheitsreport - Centrum für Strategie und Höhere Führung

I have a difficult time understanding why you think Germany, being afraid of the US is a bad thing. We trusted Germany twice in the past!

Maybe y'all should take a look at yourself before worrying about the USA protecting you.

Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
by Soeren Kern
October 20, 2016 at 5:00 am

  • More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, left Germany during the past decade. — Die Welt.

  • Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime, including an epidemic of rapes and sexual assaults. Mass migration is also accelerating the Islamization of Germany. Many Germans appear to be losing hope about the future direction of their country.

  • "We refugees... do not want to live in the same country with you. You can, and I think you should, leave Germany. And please take Saxony and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with you.... Why do you not go to another country? We are sick of you!" — Aras Bacho an 18-year-old Syrian migrant, in Der Freitag, October 2016.

  • A real estate agent in a town near Lake Balaton, a popular tourist destination in western Hungary, said that 80% of the Germans relocating there cite the migration crisis as the main reason for their desire to leave Germany.
Germans Leaving Germany 'In Droves'
Merkel was Germany's biggest traitor

Many Germans are also of this opinion too.
Germany is going to call on the USA to combat their inevitable transition to an Islamic State
Merkel was Germany's biggest traitor
Many Germans are also of this opinion too.

And who of you thinks he is sane?

I'm not a doctor, who makes medical diagnosis.

Then try to find out in another way what's wrong with you, anti-German. For example: When you don't fall out of your bed in the night, but from the ceiling, then perhaps you are a bat.

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