Octomom goes on Welfare

After gaining notoriety for going full-term with eight children, to add to the six children she already had, the unmarried Suleman is now almost completely broke, and ready to go on welfare,....

"She's going on welfare and it's going to be very soon," an insider told the web site. "There's just no choice. She's running out of money and those kids need to eat."
Didn't the Porn Industry offer her a movie role and she turned it down?

No, you dreamed that.

Where's the compassion for the children? Instead of talking shit about the mother maybe someon here could come up with an idea as to how this women can help herself and her children.

Heres a suggest
How about the women accept person responsibility.

When I see comments like
Well, I wish they would sterilize the crazy lady.

Didn't the Porn Industry offer her a movie role and she turned it down?

Reproductive irresponsibility is a serious detriment to this planet. Octomom shouldn't be paid, she should be despised.

This despicable woman had three special needs children when she went back for another round of IVF. Aside from her conduct, which ought to have been criminal, there's the conduct of the fertility doctor and the sperm donor to consider.

Whoever did the IVF should be forced to pay for the care for the babies

Ummmmmmmmmm...she should get a "real" job and start paying taxes.

Truely I am ashamed of how uncaring we as humans have become.
Calling for her sterilization is caring- for the children she already has. How is she to care for the children she has if she keeps having more and can't provide for them as-is?
Where's the compassion for the children? Instead of talking shit about the mother maybe someon here could come up with an idea as to how this women can help herself and her children.

How about this for an idea. DONT deliberately have 8 EGGS implanted in you when you have no means to support 8 kids, or even to pay the bills for their delivery.
Calling for her sterilization is caring- for the children she already has. How is she to care for the children she has if she keeps having more and can't provide for them as-is?

I don't have the answer to this but when you open that door to forced sterilization you will neve be able to close it again.
Where's the compassion for the children? Instead of talking shit about the mother maybe someon here could come up with an idea as to how this women can help herself and her children.

How about this for an idea. DONT deliberately have 8 EGGS implanted in you when you have no means to support 8 kids, or even to pay the bills for their delivery.
FYI, you always implant multiple eggs, due to the low probability of a given egg leading to a live birth.

The drugs she was taking are another matter.
Where's the compassion for the children? Instead of talking shit about the mother maybe someon here could come up with an idea as to how this women can help herself and her children.

How about this for an idea. DONT deliberately have 8 EGGS implanted in you when you have no means to support 8 kids, or even to pay the bills for their delivery.

True, but as I said person responsibility should be the leading factor here. Some people really don't have an idea what it is an must be taught, I guess.
Calling for her sterilization is caring- for the children she already has. How is she to care for the children she has if she keeps having more and can't provide for them as-is?

I don't have the answer to this but when you open that door to forced sterilization you will neve be able to close it again.

That's actually false. Forced sterilization is already legal and constitutional in the U.S. The door was thrown open with Buck v. Bell and the States simply closed the screen door in their jurisdictions because it was being abused.

The door's still open, it's just fallen out of favour.
Calling for her sterilization is caring- for the children she already has. How is she to care for the children she has if she keeps having more and can't provide for them as-is?

I don't have the answer to this but when you open that door to forced sterilization you will neve be able to close it again.

That's actually false. Forced sterilization is already legal and constitutional in the U.S. The door was thrown open with Buck v. Bell and the States simply closed the screen door in their jurisdictions because it was being abused.

The door's still open, it's just fallen out of favour.

However Skinner v. Oklahoma, 1942, complicated the legal situation by ruling against sterilization of criminals so I think the door is shut.
If I recall correctly, Skinner v Oklahoma really only requires that white-collar crimes bear the possibility of similar punishment. Also, I don't recall it addressing sterilization for other reasons- such as those cited in the Buck case.
Skinner v. Oklahoma is often erroneously credited with ending all compulsory sterilization in the United States. In reality however the only types of sterilization which the ruling immediately ended were punitive sterilizations—it did not directly comment on compulsory sterilization of the mentally disabled or mentally ill and was not a strict overturning of the Court's ruling in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Furthermore, most of the over 64,000 sterilizations performed in the USA under the aegis of eugenics legislation were not in prison institutions or performed on convicted criminals; punitive sterilizations made up only negligible amounts of the total operations performed, as most states and prison officials were nervous about their legal status (which were not affirmed in Buck v. Bell specifically) as possible violations of the Eighth ("cruel and unusual punishment") or Fourteenth Amendments ("Due Process" and "Equal Protection Clauses"). Compulsory sterilizations of the mentally disabled and mentally ill continued in the USA in significant numbers until the early 1960s. Though many of their laws stayed on the books for many years longer, the last known forced sterilization in the United States occurred in 1981 in Oregon.[2] Over one-third of all compulsory sterilizations in the United States (over 22,670) took place after Skinner v. Oklahoma.
Skinner v. Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
no need to sterilize her. Just take her kids away, as she clearly can not provide for them. Then cut the bitch off. Willfully abusing welfare should come with consequences.
Skinner v. Oklahoma is often erroneously credited with ending all compulsory sterilization in the United States. In reality however the only types of sterilization which the ruling immediately ended were punitive sterilizations—it did not directly comment on compulsory sterilization of the mentally disabled or mentally ill and was not a strict overturning of the Court's ruling in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Furthermore, most of the over 64,000 sterilizations performed in the USA under the aegis of eugenics legislation were not in prison institutions or performed on convicted criminals; punitive sterilizations made up only negligible amounts of the total operations performed, as most states and prison officials were nervous about their legal status (which were not affirmed in Buck v. Bell specifically) as possible violations of the Eighth ("cruel and unusual punishment") or Fourteenth Amendments ("Due Process" and "Equal Protection Clauses"). Compulsory sterilizations of the mentally disabled and mentally ill continued in the USA in significant numbers until the early 1960s. Though many of their laws stayed on the books for many years longer, the last known forced sterilization in the United States occurred in 1981 in Oregon.[2] Over one-third of all compulsory sterilizations in the United States (over 22,670) took place after Skinner v. Oklahoma.
Skinner v. Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's one word I would like to point out

Compulsory sterilization (or sterilisation) also known as forced sterilization programs are government policies which attempt to force people to undergo surgical sterilization.
Compulsory sterilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To make an attempt is not forcing at least in my opinion.
Skinner v. Oklahoma is often erroneously credited with ending all compulsory sterilization in the United States. In reality however the only types of sterilization which the ruling immediately ended were punitive sterilizations—it did not directly comment on compulsory sterilization of the mentally disabled or mentally ill and was not a strict overturning of the Court's ruling in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Furthermore, most of the over 64,000 sterilizations performed in the USA under the aegis of eugenics legislation were not in prison institutions or performed on convicted criminals; punitive sterilizations made up only negligible amounts of the total operations performed, as most states and prison officials were nervous about their legal status (which were not affirmed in Buck v. Bell specifically) as possible violations of the Eighth ("cruel and unusual punishment") or Fourteenth Amendments ("Due Process" and "Equal Protection Clauses"). Compulsory sterilizations of the mentally disabled and mentally ill continued in the USA in significant numbers until the early 1960s. Though many of their laws stayed on the books for many years longer, the last known forced sterilization in the United States occurred in 1981 in Oregon.[2] Over one-third of all compulsory sterilizations in the United States (over 22,670) took place after Skinner v. Oklahoma.
Skinner v. Oklahoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's one word I would like to point out

Compulsory sterilization (or sterilisation) also known as forced sterilization programs are government policies which attempt to force people to undergo surgical sterilization.
Compulsory sterilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To make an attempt is not forcing at least in my opinion.


S: (adj) compulsory, mandatory, required (required by rule)

S: (n) compulsion, coercion (using force to cause something to occur) "though pressed into rugby under compulsion I began to enjoy the game"; "they didn't have to use coercion"

Is there a point to your odd little word game?
no need to sterilize her. Just take her kids away, as she clearly can not provide for them. Then cut the bitch off. Willfully abusing welfare should come with consequences.

And the state would do better? Sure they will be fed and cloth but what else will the state do to them?

Ever heard of adoption?

What do you suggest we let the bitch keep pumping out kids and taking hand outs?
no need to sterilize her. Just take her kids away, as she clearly can not provide for them. Then cut the bitch off. Willfully abusing welfare should come with consequences.

And the state would do better? Sure they will be fed and cloth but what else will the state do to them?

Ever heard of adoption?

What do you suggest we let the bitch keep pumping out kids and taking hand outs?

Yes. There are so many moral issues here on both sides. This discussion should be left up to the experts. Later.
And the state would do better? Sure they will be fed and cloth but what else will the state do to them?

Ever heard of adoption?

What do you suggest we let the bitch keep pumping out kids and taking hand outs?

Yes. There are so many moral issues here on both sides. This discussion should be left up to the experts. Later.

Maybe, sorry if I got a little worked up. But I see this lady as the poster child for what is wrong with society today.

People with an entitlement mindset. She thinks she has the right to have as many kids she wants, knowing the whole time it will be the TAX payer who have to pay for it.

People like this rape Welfare programs and take away from those who actually deserve it, and strain the whole system to the point of collapse.

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