Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..
That's probably because there are no direct flights from West Africa to the US, derp...

Your little stOOpid game of semantics when it deals with people's lives is nothing but complete HORSE SHIT.. NO ONE expects you ever to offer anything of substance , PISS OFF.
That's probably because there are no direct flights from West Africa to the US, derp...

Your little stOOpid game of semantics when it deals with people's lives is nothing but complete HORSE SHIT.. NO ONE expects you ever to offer anything of substance , PISS OFF.
Are there any direct flights from West Africa to the U.S.? If not, what do we do? Shut down all international flights? Do you think the government's masters, Big Business, will allow that?
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..
You answered your own question. obola purposely wants to harm Americans.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..
CDC Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With 8220 Low-Grade 8221 Fever CBS Dallas Fort Worth

We have an Administration Department head who allowed a person who treated Duncan , who traveled and was allowed in from an EBOLA ravaged country, call the CDC with a low grade fever about boarding a plane, tell her NO PROBLEM - Yet we still have this JV League Administration allowing that fruitloop Friedan and his barrel of monkeys at the CDC to remain in their positions. EXTREME INCOMPETENCE.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..
No there weren't. That's CFR WAR propaganda. I'm with you on this ebola issue, but c'mon, can't you see through this WMD ruse? It's to get people on board to fund more war.

Here, Bush came clean and ADMITTING that there were no WMD. YOU DON'T BELIEVE WHEN YOU HEAR IT FROM HIS OWN LIPS? Then you are as bad as the partisans that ignore, "“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,”

You know as well as I that the NYT can be trusted as far as you can throw an Ass, so why do you believe the spin they throw on lies? Don't believe that shit.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..
No there weren't. That's CFR WAR propaganda. I'm with you on this ebola issue, but c'mon, can't you see through this WMD ruse? It's to get people on board to fund more war.

Here, Bush came clean and ADMITTING that there were no WMD. YOU DON'T BELIEVE WHEN YOU HEAR IT FROM HIS OWN LIPS? Then you are as bad as the partisans that ignore, "“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,”

You know as well as I that the NYT can be trusted as far as you can throw an Ass, so why do you believe the spin they throw on lies? Don't believe that shit.

I honestly don't want to defend George Bush on anything, I don't like him and think he's incompetent also.. but the truth is, there were WMD's all along..
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.
Of course the White House ignored the warnings. They ignore everything that doesn't fit "The Narrative", and rely on the Pravda Press to spin the official propaganda.

That tactic worked for awhile; but now that multiple snowballs created by Obama's Hubris+Incompetence are gaining speed and girth, some of the press have finally awakened. It if weren't so deadly, it would be amusing.
CDC Ebola Patient Traveled By Air With 8220 Low-Grade 8221 Fever CBS Dallas Fort Worth

We have an Administration Department head who allowed a person who treated Duncan , who traveled and was allowed in from an EBOLA ravaged country, call the CDC with a low grade fever about boarding a plane, tell her NO PROBLEM - Yet we still have this JV League Administration allowing that fruitloop Friedan and his barrel of monkeys at the CDC to remain in their positions. EXTREME INCOMPETENCE.

Extreme incompetence, or calculated corporate plan? Muahahahahaha. . . . . :FIREdevil:

Remember, the CDC already has one Ebola virus patent, but it isn't the right one. . . . .

Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?'
Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola invention - NaturalNews.com

No medical reason to bring Ebola to the United States
This patent may help explain why Ebola victims are being transported to the United States and put under the medical authority of the CDC. These patients are carrying valuable intellectual property assets in the form of Ebola variants, and the Centers for Disease Control clearly desires to expand its patent portfolio by harvesting, studying and potentially patenting new strains or variants.

Dr. Bob Arnot, an infectious disease specialist who spent time on the ground in developing nations saving lives, recently told Judge Jeanine, "There is no medical reason to bring them here, especially when you see how well Dr. Bradley was." (2)

There is, however, an entirely different reason to bring Ebola patients to America: so they can be exploited for medical experiments, military bioweapons harvesting or intellectual property claims.

Surely, medical authorities at Emory University and the CDC are working hard to save the lives of the two patients who have been transported to the U.S. But they are also pursuing something else at the same time: an agenda of isolating, identifying and patenting infectious disease agents for reasons that we can only imagine.

Only hoping to save lives?
On one hand, it's worth pointing out that the CDC's patent on Ebola is at least partially focused on methods for screening for Ebola and treating Ebola victims with drugs or vaccines. This seems like a worthwhile precaution against an infectious disease that clearly threatens lives.

On the other hand, why the patent? Patenting Ebola seems as odd as trying to patent cancer or diabetes. Why would a government organization claim to have "invented" this infectious disease and then claim a monopoly over its exploitation for commercial use?

Does the CDC hope to collect a royalty on Ebola vaccines? Is it looking to "invent" more variants and patent those too?

Make no mistake that billions of dollars in profits are at stake in all this. Shares of Tekmira surged over 11% last Friday as pressure was placed on the FDA to fast-track Ebola vaccine trials the company has set up. "Health campaigners have started a petition which has already been signed by approximately 15,500 people on change.org pressurizing FDA to approve the drug in the minimum possible time frame," reports BidnessEtc.com. (3)

Carefully scripted medical theater
With this, we start to see the structure of the elaborate medical theater coming together: A global pandemic panic, a government patent, the importation of Ebola into a major U.S. city, an experimental vaccine, the rise of a little-known pharmaceutical company and a public outcry for the FDA to fast-track the vaccine.

If Act II stays on course, this medical theater might someday involve a "laboratory accident" in a U.S. lab, the "escape" of Ebola into the population, and a mandatory nationwide Ebola vaccination campaign that enriches Tekmira and its investors while positioning the CDC with its virus patents as the "savior of the American people."

Yes, we've heard this music before, but the last time around it was called Swine Flu.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.

Read the current news Boo, they DID find WMDs. Thd CDC has admitted mistakes on an almost daily basis this week. Ask yourself this, if a major metropolitian area cannot handle Ebola, what are smaller hopitals going to do?
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.

Like I said I don't really care about Bush and the WMD issue.. whatever, it's an example.. The point is YOUR SUPPORTED ADMINISTRATION IGNORED THE CDC's warning on EBOLA and refuse to stop flights from any EBOLA infested country..
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