Obama's "unprecedented hostility" Toward Israel

Israel needs to get bitch slapped by the US and I just do not give a shit if we lose the Jewish vote; there is a serious humanitarian issue in the fertile cresent that needs to be addressed. People don't want to address it because of God.

Too fucking bad, time for isreal to grow the fuck up and stop looking for us to beat up the mean kids at recess.
^ that
Being as I don't want to quote all of the Copy & Paste stuff, I'll just Copy and Paste the most telling thing in PC's OP.
1. The fact that so many Jewish Americans still voted for the traitor in the Oval Office....
"66% in the 2014 midterm."

You basically screwed your OP with that little gem. Obviously 66% of Jewish Americans don't think "O" has "unprecedented hostility towards Israel". This puts your non-Jewish, but 100% partisan opinion in context. :lol:
This should tell you who is REALLY running the shadow government behind Obama.

and it's not a good one
1. The fact that so many Jewish Americans still voted for the traitor in the Oval Office....
"66% in the 2014 midterm."
2014 Midterms GOP Makes Gains With Jewish Voters Truth Revolt
....is a clear indication that for those folks, secularism/Liberalism has replaced what they lived and died for for over five thousand years.

2. As far back as pre-2008, the handwriting was on the wall.
" How much comfort can pro-Israel voters take in a candidate whose possible Secretary of State feels free to characterize legitimate concerns and questions as revolving around the issue of "is it good for the Jews"? Ms. Power might be unaware that support for our ally Israel is widespread across America and cuts across all religious and ethnic groups.
Blog Samantha Power unplugged updated

3. "We�ve written several times about her views on Israel. The strongly anti-Israel nature of these views has become a problem for the Obama campaign, so Power is using a book promotion tour to engage in damage control. Thus, she appears to have spent much of her interview by Shmuel Rosner of the Haaretz attempting to convince Rosner that most of the things written about her in connection with the Obama campaign are �misleading.� "
Soft Power Part Four Power Line

4. This, from June:
"Obama tells Jews to stop building homes – in Israel!
JERUSALEM – The Obama administration told the Palestinian Authority the “golden era” of Israeli construction in sections of Jerusalem and the strategic West Bank will soon come to an end, a top PA negotiator told WND.

“The U.S. assured us that for the first time since 1967, we are going into a period where there will not be allowed a single construction effort on the part of the Israelis in the settlements, including in Gush Etzion, Maale Adumum and eastern Jerusalem,” said the negotiator, speaking from Ramallah on condition his name be withheld.
Obama tells Jews to stop building homes ndash in Israel

5. This.....today:
"Reports: Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel
White House, State Department refuse to confirm or deny
.... reports that emerged early Thursday claiming that the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem.

The possibility of sanctioning Israel for its ongoing construction sends a signal that the Obama administration is willing to go further in its denunciations of Israel than any previous White House.

At the same time, the White House is vigorously pushing Congress against passing new sanctions on Iran."
Reports Obama Mulling Sanctions on Israel Washington Free Beacon

How blind must one be not to realize the side that Obama supports?

This should tell you who is REALLY running the shadow government behind Obama.

and it's not a good one

George Soros? :eek-52:
Being as I don't want to quote all of the Copy & Paste stuff, I'll just Copy and Paste the most telling thing in PC's OP.
1. The fact that so many Jewish Americans still voted for the traitor in the Oval Office....
"66% in the 2014 midterm."

You basically screwed your OP with that little gem. Obviously 66% of Jewish Americans don't think "O" has "unprecedented hostility towards Israel". This puts your non-Jewish, but 100% partisan opinion in context. :lol:
The young Jewish voters see the hardline zionists as an impediment. This is the reason J Street was created as an alternative to A1PAC
"Obama's "unprecedented hostility" Toward Israel"

This is among the more ridiculous and blatant lies contrived by the right.

President Obama maintains the identical policy toward Israel as his predecessors, both democratic and republican.
"Obama's "unprecedented hostility" Toward Israel"

This is among the more ridiculous and blatant lies contrived by the right.

President Obama maintains the identical policy toward Israel as his predecessors, both democratic and republican.

really, show us another one that talked of putting sanctions on them? or your post is another contrived one
Obama is in bed with Turkey even more than his predecessor Bush, so it doesn't surprise me that he doesn't like Israel. Erdogan is a vocal opponent of Israel, so Obama's stance seems to be bought and paid for by the Turkish lobby.

Then there is the proxy war where the US supports Turkey, which in turn supports IS - then we support the Iraqis that fight IS. Makes no sense, then the Iran-Iraq war didn't either.

Obama is Bush 2.0, with a pro Turkish and anti-Israel lean. He decries human rights abuses in Israel while turning a blind eye to the thousands of political prisoners (mainly journalists) locked up in Turkish prisons. So much for positive 'change' in US foreign policy.

Who the hell said anything about Obama not liking Israel?

This isn't the Jr prom, Obama recognizes that Israel brings a lot of its own problems upon itself.
You obviously haven't read about the FBI translator sacked* for exposing how Turkey has bought and paid for the US government, and how our foreign policy is up for the highest bidder. Whatever lobby can pay or bribe the most effectively directs US foreign policy.

Obama doesn't 'recognize' anything, he just gets told what to do and say by the lobby groups that are closest to him. You are naive if you think that Obama's opposition to settlements and so forth, is really honest concern. This is a political power play in the Middle East between Turkey and Israel. Obama says bad things about Israel for brownie points.

If Obama was really concerned he would have kept America out of it.

And over tea one Sunday morning, the Dickersons suggested that Sibel and her husband might like to join an organization called the American Turkish Council, which is essentially a business group which exists to foster trade deals, mainly of a military nature, between America and Turkey. And they suggested that — according to Sibel and her husband, they suggested that if they did this, they might become rich.
Bought and paid for by Turkey? Using what, baklava?
No, US dollars. Mostly Turkey bribes foreign politicians to deny genocides, so hypothetically it is blood money too.
In response to the murder of 3 Israelis earlier this year, the Israelis killed about a 1000 innocent Palestinian civilians. That is what is known as collective punishment, and is considered a war crime.

hey dumbass. Did you know that Muslims have killed thousands of innocent Israeli's? Rockets, suicide bombers, women and children as shields. Are you this ignorant in real life?
this is the last 30 days you fucking liberal scum.....

List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 30 Days
Country City Killed Injured Description
2014.12.05 Somalia Baidoa 9 41 A suicide bomber detonates outside a tea shop, slaughtering nine passersby.
2014.12.04 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three mucisians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.04 Pakistan Gwadar 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate the principal of a co-educational school.
2014.12.04 Iraq Kirkuk 16 22 Sixteen innocents at a restaurant are murdered by Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2014.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 Four are left dead after an al-Shabaab sucide bomber detonates near an airport.
2014.12.02 Libya Benghazi 9 27 A child is among nine killed when Ansar al-Sharia fire a shell at a hospital.
2014.12.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 22 40 Nearly two dozen people are laid out at a market by young female suicide bombers.
2014.12.01 Afghanistan Burka 9 18 Nine mourners at a funeral are exterminated by a suicide bomber.
2014.12.01 Tunisia El Kef 1 0 A police officer is beheaded by radical Muslims.
2014.12.01 Somalia Wajir 1 12 al-Shabaab hurl grenades into a bar, killing at least one patron.
2014.12.01 Nigeria Damaturu 47 78 The bodies of forty-seven defenders, doctors and children are found after Boko Haram storm a small town.
2014.12.01 Bangladesh Gournadi 0 13 A Muslim gang smashes idols and beats Hindus in their homes and near a temple.
2014.12.01 Iraq Balad 8 20 Eight residents are killed when ISIS send mortars into a Shiite neighborhood.
2014.12.01 UAE Abu Dhabi 1 0 An American kindergarten teacher and mother of three is stabbed to death in a targeted attack at a mall.
2014.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 Holy Warriors bomb a grocery, killing three patrons.
2014.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Sunni bombers.
2014.11.30 Syria Aleppo 4 0 A woman and her three children are pulverized by an al-Nusra mortar.
2014.11.30 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three tribal elders are executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.30 Nigeria Lassa 11 0 At least eleven innocents lose their lives when Boko Haram go on a church-burning spree.
2014.11.30 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two members of a secular-leaning party are cut down by suspected Taliban.
2014.11.30 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 A cleric is one of two Shiites picked off by Sunni gunmen.
2014.11.30 India Shopian 1 0 A man is killed in his home by religious radicals.
2014.11.30 Iran Jahrom 0 6 Six 'improperly veiled' women are stabbed following a call for violence by a cleric.
2014.11.30 Iraq Samarrah 6 4 Pro-Sharia car bombers kill six Iraqis.
2014.11.29 Pakistan Sukkur 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead.
2014.11.29 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three suicide bombers murder a charity worker and his two children at a foreign guesthouse.
2014.11.29 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten doctors are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.29 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A Buddhist woman dies from injuries suffered during a shooting by Muslim 'insurgents' at her grocery.
2014.11.29 Yemen Hadramawt 3 0 al-Qaeda militants fire an RPG point-blank at a vehicle, killing three occupants.
2014.11.29 Pakistan Korangi 1 1 Radical Sunnis fire on two Shiites, killing one.
2014.11.29 Nigeria Shani 40 0 Scores are reported killed when Islamists ride motorbikes into a Christian town and fire indiscriminately at fleeing residents.
2014.11.29 Syria Kobani 11 0 At least eleven others are killed in a series of ISIS suicide bombings.
2014.11.28 Nigeria Kano 120 270 One-hundred and twenty members of a mosque are taken out by two suicide bombers shortly after their imam calls for peace.
2014.11.28 Iraq Husseiniyah 4 9 Four people at a market are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.28 Pakistan Kuchesar Chauplato 2 0 A Hindu and his Muslim bride are quickly hacked to death by her conservative family.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Camp Bastion 6 16 A massive suicide assault on a local army base leaves six defenders dead.
2014.11.28 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 1 A Taliban bomb kills two people.
2014.11.28 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two police officers are murdered by suspected Islamists.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Nawzad 4 5 A suicide truck bomber takes out four Afghans.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Khogyani 0 36 Radicals bomb a rival mosque during Friday prayers.
2014.11.28 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 3 12 Mujahid bombers send shrapnel through a commercial district and claim three shoppers.
2014.11.27 Afghanistan Kabul 6 33 Three members of the same family are among six people blown apart by a suicide bomb blast.
2014.11.27 India Jammu 7 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists militants murder three Indian soldiers and four civilians in a suicide assault.
2014.11.27 Nigeria Mubi 40 35 Islamists bomb a bus stop, killing over three dozen.
2014.11.27 Iraq Madaen 3 11 Women are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2014.11.26 Nigeria Mubi 5 7 A Boko Haram bomb leaves five dead.
2014.11.26 Iraq Baghdad 5 8 Five shoppers at an outdoor market are reduced to pulp by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.26 Iraq Sadr City 7 15 Sunnis car bomb a Shiite commercial district, killing seven.
2014.11.26 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 A prayer leader is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.26 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two former female candidates for parliament are captured and executed by a Sharia court.
2014.11.26 Pakistan Quetta 4 3 Three women are among four polio workers machine-gunned by fundamentalists.
2014.11.26 Syria Irbin 1 0 al-Nusra shoot a man to death for 'insulting the prophet Muhammad'.
2014.11.26 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Three Egyptians are shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2014.11.26 Yemen Shabwa 5 3 Five local soldiers are murdered at their base by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2014.11.26 Iraq Badghis 2 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two people.
2014.11.25 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two men are stoned to death by the caliphate after being declared homosexual.
2014.11.25 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 Two Jewish seminary students are stabbed by Arab youth.
2014.11.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 78 54 Two young female suicide bombers detonate in a packed market, killing nearly eighty, including those who rushed to help victims of the first blast.
2014.11.25 Iraq Trebil 5 9 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates five Iraqis.
2014.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A man and three women are shot to death in their home by Mujahideen.
2014.11.25 Mali Bourem 2 4 Two people are killed by a bomb planted by suspected al-Qaeda.
2014.11.25 Pakistan Korangi 1 5 Two women and a child are among the casualties of a motorcycle bomb.
2014.11.24 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Three women are among six executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.24 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A man slashes the throat of his unmarried sister after discovering that she is pregnant.
2014.11.24 Syria Homs 1 0 A religious minority is beheaded by the caliphate for apostasy.
2014.11.24 DRC Beni 45 0 Forty-five more victims of Islamist violence are found buried in a common grave.
2014.11.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 5 Two women are among six who bleed to death in the aftermath of a blast from a bomb planted on a motorcycle at a market.
2014.11.24 Iraq Shaab 12 32 A caliphate car bomb at a packed market in a majority-Shiite area claims a dozen lives.
2014.11.24 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Three civilians are aerated by a bomb planted on a bicycle.
2014.11.24 Nigeria Damasak 50 100 At least fifty people are thought to have been killed during a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2014.11.24 Nigeria Chibok 20 3 Twenty villagers are shot and burned by pro-Sharia militants.
2014.11.23 Philippines M'lang 3 22 Bangsamoro Islamic bombers lay three civilians at a plaza out cold.
2014.11.23 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A secular party leader is assassinated by religious radicals.
2014.11.23 Iraq Yusufiyah 7 16 Muslim terrorists bomb a busy market, killing seven.
2014.11.23 Afghanistan Paktika 61 66 Sixty people, including seventeen children, are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber at a volleyball match.
2014.11.23 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist couple on their way to sell vegetables are shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2014.11.23 Iraq Diyala 7 18 A suicide bomber kills seven Iraqis.
2014.11.23 Iraq Badush 50 0 A mass grave containing the remains of fifty victims executed by the Islamic State is discovered.
2014.11.22 Mali Aguelhoc 2 10 Islamists kidnap a dozen children and kill two for trying to escape.
2014.11.22 Kenya Mandera 28 0 Religion of Peace proponents stop a bus, single out and slaughter twenty-eight non-Muslims (including nine women) after identifying them as Christians.
2014.11.22 Iraq al-Sajariya 25 0 Twenty-five locals are shot to death by Islamic State 'fighters'.
2014.11.22 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 At least one person is killed by a Taliban bomb targeting a family vehicle.
2014.11.22 Pakistan Orangi 1 36 One person is killed when the Taliban throw a grenade into a political rally.
2014.11.22 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 0 1 A Danish citizen is shot by ISIS members.
2014.11.22 Iraq Balad 12 18 A dozen civilians are killed during a sustained ISIS assault on their town.
2014.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 21 Two Mujahid bombings leave eight dead.
2014.11.22 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two middle-aged women are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 1 Two brothers are among three Afghans gunned down by Sunni extremists.
2014.11.21 Iraq Raqqa 6 0 Six Sunnis are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.21 Iraq Albu Farraj 5 10 Five people are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.21 Pakistan Mithra 2 0 Islamic militants kill two people with a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2014.11.21 Iraq Zab 2 0 ISIS beheads two people at a market after accusing them of apostasy.
2014.11.20 DRC Beni 50 0 Fifty villagers are butchered by axe and machete-wielding Islamists.
2014.11.20 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 5 A young boy is taken out by a Taliban rocket.
2014.11.20 Nigeria Doron Baga 56 0 Fifty-six fish vendors are brutally butchered by Islamists, some by beheading and others by drowning.
2014.11.20 Iraq al-Zawiya 18 0 Eighteen children die when ISIS display their families and force them to march through the desert.
2014.11.20 Egypt al-Sharqiya 1 1 A policeman is gunned down by Religion of Peace radicals.
2014.11.19 Nigeria Azaya Kura 45 0 Forty-five villagers are slaughtered by armed Islamists, who tied the victims and slit their throats.
2014.11.19 Iraq Tikrit 15 50 Shiite militia attack a Sunni village and murder fifteen people.
2014.11.19 Iraq Tikrit 12 0 Twelve young ISIS execution victims are found bound and shot.
2014.11.19 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia police officer is gunned down in a targeted sectarian attack.
2014.11.19 Iraq Erbil 6 29 A suicide bomber takes out five Kurdish 'apostates'.
2014.11.19 Egypt Negah Shabana 10 1 Three women and three children are among ten civilians killed when their houses are hit by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis mortars.
2014.11.18 Yemen Taez 1 0 A prominent Sunni politician is assassinated by suspected Shia radicals.
2014.11.18 Pakistan Nasti Kot 2 5 An 11-year-old boy is among two killed when the Taliban bomb a school bus carrying Shia students.
2014.11.18 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Three suicide bombers manage to take out two security guards near a housing complex.
2014.11.18 Kenya Mombasa 3 0 Youth rampage through the streets and stab three people to death 'in revenge' for police raids on two mosques
2014.11.18 Israel Jerusalem 5 7 Three Americans are among four rabbis and a guard, who are hacked to death at a synagogue by two Palestinian terrorists with axes shouting praises to Allah.
2014.11.18 Afghanistan Baghlan 0 20 Children are among the casualties when fundamentalists bomb a crowd gathered to watch a sporting event.
2014.11.18 Pakistan Shabqadar 2 0 al-Qaeda member throw a grenade at two traffic cops, killing them both.
2014.11.17 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six doctors are executed in cold blood by the caliphate.
2014.11.17 Iraq Tikrit 3 12 Three people are killed when the Islamic State blows up their homes.
2014.11.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Somali-American engineer is shot by al-Shabaab while working on a sanitation project.
2014.11.17 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 8 Two bombings, one a suicide blast, leave three dead.
2014.11.17 Iraq Majjara 18 44 A sustained assault by the caliphate that included a suicide bomber leaves eighteen defenders dead.
2014.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 6 16 Six Iraqis are laid out by a Mujahid car bomb.
2014.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 8 22 Jihadis set off a car bomb in a commercial district that claims the lives of eight innocents.
2014.11.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is shot dead and his wife injured by Muslim militants.
2014.11.17 Pakistan Manghopir 1 0 A seminary administrator is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.17 Afghanistan Farah 2 1 A civilian and police officer succumb following at Taliban ambush.
2014.11.17 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 Three off-duty soldiers are machine-gunned in their pickup truck by Bangsamoro Islamic members.
2014.11.16 Syria Dabiq 18 0 Caliphate members line up and slit the throats of eighteen prisoners in a mass beheading.
2014.11.16 Afghanistan Faryab 3 1 Two women are among three family members executed by a religious fundamentalist.
2014.11.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Three children and their parents are slaughtered by ISIS for refusing to allow a member to 'marry' their daughter.
2014.11.16 Iraq Beiji 9 15 A Religion of Peace car bomb sends nine souls to Allah.
2014.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Two bombings at an airport - one a suicide blast - leave three others dead.
2014.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 3 17 Three people are killed when a suicide bomber tries to assassinate a female lawmaker.
2014.11.16 Bangladesh Rajshahi 1 0 A professor is hacked to death near his university for opposing full-face veils.
2014.11.16 India Dogripora 1 0 A civilian is promptly eliminated after running afoul of Islamic extremists.
2014.11.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman who ran for political office is arrested and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.16 Philippines North Cotabato 1 17 One person is killed when Islamists set off a bomb near an elementary school.
2014.11.16 Iraq Hillah 2 1 Terrorists take out two children with a roadside bomb.
2014.11.16 Pakistan Datta Khel 4 11 Religious hardliners fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing four security personnel.
2014.11.16 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two women are shot to death by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2014.11.16 Syria Dabiq 1 0 The Islamic State beheads a humanitarian worker while crediting Allah.
2014.11.16 Nigeria Azere 13 65 A female suicide bomber detonates at a mobile phone market, killing thirteen patrons.
2014.11.15 Iraq Taji 4 21 Four people are murdered at a market by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.15 Iraq Anbar 4 0 Four truck drivers are kidnapped and executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.15 Iraq Jalawla 2 0 Two civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.15 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist teacher is brought down by Muslim gunmen.
2014.11.15 Nigeria Gombi 2 0 Two town residents are murdered by Boko Haram.
2014.11.15 Philippines Pikit 2 3 Two civilians die when Bangsamoro Islamic terrorists send a mortar into their village.
2014.11.15 Afghanistan Arandu 2 4 Two defenders are killed when the Taliban attack a border checkpoint.
2014.11.14 Iraq Baghdad 10 36 Two car bombs produce ten dead Iraqis.
2014.11.14 Iraq Waziriya 9 34 Fundamentalists set off a car bomb near a theater, killing nine.
2014.11.14 Nigeria Kano 6 5 A suicide bomber at a petrol station incinerates six other souls.
2014.11.14 Iraq Tikrit 15 5 Fifteen Iraqis are taken out by a suicide bomber near a university.
2014.11.14 Iraq Fallujah 2 7 A woman and child are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2014.11.14 Nigeria Chibok 12 0 A dozen are killed when Islamists invade a peaceful town and throw explosives into homes.
2014.11.14 Afghanistan Mehraban Kalay 1 0 A man is publicly beheaded by religious fundamentalists.
2014.11.14 Iraq Azamiyah 11 24 Eleven lose their lives when Jihadis bomb a street packed with shops and vendors.
2014.11.14 Philippines Talipao 5 26 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Abu Sayyaf.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 1 One civilian is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A moderate cleric is gunned down by co-religionists.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 The Taliban murder four local soldiers with IEDs.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 Children are among the casualties of a fundamentalist bombing.
2014.11.13 Thailand Yala 1 1 Militant Muslims gun down a cleric and injure his young son.
2014.11.13 Libya Derna 2 0 Two more secularists are beheaded by Islamic supremacists.
2014.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Seventeen victims of a suspected Shia militia execution are discovered, each shot in the head.
2014.11.13 Iraq Thar Thar 16 0 Two children are among sixteen victims of a brutal Islamic State execution.
2014.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Five patrons at a restaurant are blown up in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2014.11.13 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two tribal elders are dragged to a bridge and murdered by caliphate loyalists.
2014.11.13 Nigeria Gwoza 16 0 Boko Haram murder sixteen civilians looking for food.
2014.11.13 Egypt Sinai 5 16 Five security personnel are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2014.11.12 Nigeria Kontagora 0 4 Four others are injured when a female suicide bomber detonates at a teachers college.
2014.11.12 Iraq Yusifiya 6 20 A half-dozen Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A man is shot to death in his car by al-Shabaab.
2014.11.12 Yemen Rada 26 0 Two dozen devout Shiites are sent to Allah by equally devout al-Qaeda bombers.
2014.11.12 Iraq Diyala 6 0 Six are reported dead following a suicide car bombing.
2014.11.12 Yemen Rada 16 0 An al-Qaeda suicide car bomber dispatches over a dozen Shiites.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Qambar 1 0 A secular party leader is assassinated by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The bullet-riddled body of a Shiite is found after being kidnapped by suspected Sunnis.
2014.11.12 Iraq Kobani 3 8 Three civilians are killed when ISIS shells a town.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Charsadda 1 2 The caretaker of a Shia shrine is picked off in a sectarian drive-by.
2014.11.12 Egypt Domyat 8 5 Eight Egyptian sailors are dead following a boat attack by Islamic militants.
2014.11.12 Libya Tobruk 9 20 At least nine people lose their lives to two Islamist car bombs.
2014.11.12 Iraq Baghdad 11 21 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eleven people milling around a town square.
2014.11.12 Syria Karnaz 7 9 Seven children are bleed out after Sunni terrorists fire a rocket into their school.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hindu trader is shot in the head by Muslim gunmen.
2014.11.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 One person is killed during two Islamist shooting attacks.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Shirindara 2 6 Fifty Islamists attack a police checkpoint and kill two officers.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Bajaur 3 2 Three guards are killed when fundamentalist bombers target an anti-polio medical team.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Lahore 3 0 Three alleged prostitutes are 'honor' killed by family members.
2014.11.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 A civilians is left dead after Sharia advocates send a mortar round into a neighborhood.
2014.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 8 23 Eight people are eliminated by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a teacher to death on his way to school.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Quetta 1 32 Islamists are suspected in a bombing that kills an 11-year-old boy.
2014.11.11 Iraq Baiji 8 15 Eight people are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.11 Egypt al-Arish 0 10 Religious extremists set off a bomb at a fast food restaurant.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A local Shia leader is picked off in a grocery store by Sunni gunmen.
2014.11.11 Nigeria Rim 1 0 Muslim gunmen target church-goers, killing one.
2014.11.11 Iraq Tarmiya 3 16 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Kyber 3 1 A student is among three people murdered by Taliban militants.
2014.11.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist man is shot to death in a Muslims attack that leaves his wife seriously injured.
2014.11.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 1 Three teachers are killed when fundamentalists bomb a school.
2014.11.10 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A soldier is stabbed by an Arab terrorist.
2014.11.10 Pakistan Sadiqabad 2 2 Sunni gunmen kill two people at a Shiite worship hall.
2014.11.10 Syria Damascus 5 0 al-Nusra is blamed for the murder of five engineers.
2014.11.10 Afghanistan Puli Alam 9 3 Nine Afghans are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.10 Iraq Baiji 5 11 Five Iraqis are cut to shreds by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.11.10 Iraq Makhoul 15 0 Women and children are heavily represented among fifteen civilians killed by targeted bomb attacks on their homes.
2014.11.10 Somalia Mogashishu 1 0 al-Shabaab gunmen pick off a government official.
2014.11.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 22-year-old pregnant woman is shot to death by her father for marrying by choice.
2014.11.10 Nigeria Potiskum 58 117 A horrific suicide blast at a school assembly claims the lives of sixty students and teachers.
2014.11.10 Yemen Sanaa 3 0 Radical Shiites attack an airport and kill three people.
2014.11.10 Israel Alon Shvut 1 4 Palestinians stab an Israeli woman to death.
2014.11.09 Cameroon Kolofata 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Boko Haram stage attacks on their town.
2014.11.09 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Two brother are among three shepherds shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2014.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni rickshaw driver is shot dead by sectarian rivals.
2014.11.09 Iraq Hit 100 0 One hundred Iraqi tribesmen are lined up and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.08 Iraq Karrada 10 18 Sunnis bomb a street in a Shiite district, killing ten innocents.
2014.11.08 Nigeria Libyabo 33 0 Women are among thirty-three villagers massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2014.11.08 Cameroon Kerawa 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Boko Haram.
2014.11.08 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five are reported dead following a Shahid martyrdom blast.
2014.11.08 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Religion of Peace bombers kill a 10-year-old boy.
2014.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 10 34 Two Mujahid car bombs produce ten dead Iraqis.
2014.11.08 Somalia Kudhaa 60 0 Sixty locals are reported dead as al-Shabaab fighters invade a small town.
2014.11.08 Pakistan Batala 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by the woman's conservative family for marrying by choice.
2014.11.08 Somalia Kudha 2
Two young women are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2014.11.08 Pakistan Tirah Vally 2 1 A Lashkar-e-Islam blast leaves two dead.
2014.11.08 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three 'heretics' are executed by trampling after being sentenced by a caliphate court.
2014.11.08 Iraq Yousifiya 8 17 Two bombings by Sunni hardliners leave eight dead, including two people at a fruit market.
2014.11.08 Yemen Rada 70 0 al-Qaeda claims a suicide attack that killed as many as seventy Shia.
2014.11.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 6 A suicide bomber kills a policeman.
2014.11.08 Iraq Sadr City 11 21 Radical Sunnis set of a bomb in a Shia commercial district that leaves at least eleven dead.
2014.11.07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three female employees of a beauty shop are arrested and quickly executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.07 Iraq Baiji 8 15 Eight Iraqis are dismantled by a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast 'for Allah'.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Badhaber 1 1 One person is killed after an Islamist throws a grenade at a group of police.
2014.11.07 Iraq Jubba 3 3 Three fisherman are murdered by the Islamic State.
2014.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 24 Five people are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Ghallanai 4 2 A vicious roadside blast produces four dead civilians.
2014.11.07 Nigeria Azare 11 24 A suspected Boko Haram blast at a bank kills eleven bystanders.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia cleric is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Safi 7 2 TTP radicals hurl bombs into a group of peace volunteers, killing at least seven.
2014.11.06 Libya Derna 2 0 Two teenaged rights activists are abducted and beheaded by a Sharia court.
2014.11.06 Iraq Kubaisa 17 0 Seventeen civilians are lined up and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.06 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five local journalists are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 A half-dozen civilians are disassembled by two Jihad bomb blasts.
2014.11.06 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 2 Mujahid bombers blow six locals into bits.
2014.11.06 Iraq al-Baghdadi 5 12 A Shahid suicide bomber sends five souls to the great beyond.
2014.11.06 Iraq Shiwaish 7 0 A woman and child are among seven members of a family shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2014.11.06 Iraq Fallujah 16 24 ISIS sends shells into a residential neighborhood, taking out over a dozen innocents, mostly women and children.
2014.11.06 Egypt Menoufa 5 15 Hardliners set off a bomb at a train station, claiming five live.
2014.11.06 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 2 Two religious scholars are shot by rivals.
2014.11.06 Afghanistan Jawzjan 2 0 Two locals are murdered in cold blood by the Taliban.
2014.11.05 Afghanistan Paktia 11 0 Eleven civilians are executed by Sunni fundamentalists.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Gujrat 1 0 A 50-year-old man is hacked to death with an axe by police after allegedly making derogatory remarks about Muhammad's companions.
2014.11.05 Nigeria Malam Fatori 21 30 Twenty-one civilians are killed after pro-Sharia militants fire indiscriminately into a small farming community.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 The Taliban is suspected in the shooting of three members of a secular party.
2014.11.05 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three Iraqis are taken out by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.05 Iraq Ramadi 46 0 Forty-six more victims of Islamic State executions are discovered, including women and children.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baiji 4 7 Four Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baiji 10 4 Several woman and children are among those crushed to death by a suspected ISIS mortar attack.
2014.11.05 Nigeria Whitambaya 2 0 Two people are killed when Boko Haram invade a small town and burn churches.
2014.11.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young female Buddhist student dies after being shot in the head by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2014.11.05 Tunisia Kef 4 11 Four local soldiers are ambushed and killed by armed Islamists.
2014.11.05 Israel Jerusalem 2 12 A Palestinian slams his car into a group waiting for a train, killing two people, including a teenaged student.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A 6-year-old religious minority girl is raped and murdered in what is suspected to be a targeted sectarian attack.
In response to the murder of 3 Israelis earlier this year, the Israelis killed about a 1000 innocent Palestinian civilians. That is what is known as collective punishment, and is considered a war crime.

hey dumbass. Did you know that Muslims have killed thousands of innocent Israeli's? Rockets, suicide bombers, women and children as shields. Are you this ignorant in real life?

When two wrongs make a right you'll have a point.
It's amazing how simply treating Israel like any other country morphs into "unprecedented hostility".
Can anyone name the last time an Israeli died fighting alongside Americans?

I ask that because just earlier today I again heard Israel referred to as one of America's staunchest allies.
Can anyone name the last time an Israeli died fighting alongside Americans?

I ask that because just earlier today I again heard Israel referred to as one of America's staunchest allies.

you truly are clueless. Israel supplies intel to the US every day for decades. Lives saved = hundreds to thousands over time.


Again, how many Israelis have died fighting alongside Americans - as our so-called 'ally'?

Iraq II? Afghanistan? Iraq I? Vietnam? Korea?

Eh? What gets you the right to be called one of our greatest allies?
Can anyone name the last time an Israeli died fighting alongside Americans?

I ask that because just earlier today I again heard Israel referred to as one of America's staunchest allies.

you truly are clueless. Israel supplies intel to the US every day for decades. Lives saved = hundreds to thousands over time.


Again, how many Israelis have died fighting alongside Americans - as our so-called 'ally'?

Iraq II? Afghanistan? Iraq I? Vietnam? Korea?

Eh? What gets you the right to be called one of our greatest allies?
Well of course they are silly. Why would we send them so much money and arms if they weren't, not to mention saving their asses more than once. They love us, as long as our wallet is open.

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