Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

This is filled with so many inconsitancies it's not worth even commenting on.
You are not allowed to copy and paste an entire article, bud.

Do you have any original thoughts of your own, or is that too taxing for you?
He left out the last sentence "Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory? Stay tuned, because we’ll be naming names and doing a deeper dive into both in future issues." I looked for the deeper dive in future issues (past Oct, 31. 2018) but found none. Sounds like combination of Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory. Oh, well. :dunno:
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

Another word press blog being mechanically aped.

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

This is filled with so many inconsitancies it's not worth even commenting on.
You mean that you don't like the facts........
So we have a spy agency created in the 60's and still not operational in 2020. Yet it elected joe biden. Dumb.
There seems to be no herd immunity against ODS...it just keeps re-appearing.
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

This is filled with so many inconsitancies it's not worth even commenting on.
You mean that you don't like the facts........

You mean that you don't like the facts........

amen to that. :up: :thankusmile:
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

Jfk yes but dont even think about putting that traiterous and murderous pig Ronnie Reagan in there,the media and our corrupt school system have brainwashed americans that he was the greatest president of the 20th century cause he got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president expanded on until Trump came along.

when our last halfway decent president carter got in who reformed the CIA firing the evil george bush as director and replacing him with stansfield turner,turner immediately cleaned house in the CIA firing all covert operaters.

Once Carter was gone,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey who got the CIA back to its old dirty tricks operations of covert wars not to mention he tripled the deficit three times higher before taking office worse than all presidents before him COMBINED and ran the most corrupt administration ever having more Reagan officials indicted than any other president combinded as well.

asshole Ronnie NEVER had the interest of americans in his mind.

this is the REAL Reagan exposed,the satanic monster this is a rabbit hole half of americans do not want to go down,they refuse to look at the evidence that exposes their hero,criminal war criminal traiter Ronnie.

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Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

That's all very interesting, my only question is if Obama could do all that with a simple EO, a mere two-year man in the Senate who rarely ever showed up for a vote, then what stopped Trump from undoing it in four years?

A: Either the story is false or it wasn't Obama doing this but someone above Obama pulling HIS strings, and so ultimately, Trump's.

i see doc is closed minded and the truth hurts. does not want to go down that rabbit hole closing his eyes and plugging his ears to pesky facts of disgusting monster reagan. you might as well join the biden fans for participating in the coverup crimes of reagan not even open minded enough to consider these facts to read them and blatantly ignoring the evidence of this war criminal who took a major shit on the constitution.
You mean that you don't like the facts........

turtlesoup just described YOU to a tee doc,:auiqs.jpg:what a hypocrite you are,I just exposed your satanic war criminal here and yet you do the same as the biden fans,refuse to look at the facts on your hero same as they do on biden and obama

Reagan worshipper doc is so much in denial mode on mass murderer traiter reagans criminal crimes,he will probably tell me i do not know what i am talking about when reagan was leaving office,his approval rating with the american people was VERYYYYY low.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: he will of course say i dont know what ai am talking about no doubt even though its all documented.:uhoh3:looks like the truth hurts.
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Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

Jfk yes but dont even think about putting that traiterous and murderous pig Ronnie Reagan in there,the media and our corrupt school system have brainwashed americans that he was the greatest president of the 20th century cause he got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president expanded on until Trump came along.

when our last halfway decent president carter got in who reformed the CIA firing the evil george bush as director and replacing him with stansfield turner,turner immediately cleaned house in the CIA firing all covert operaters.

Once Carter was gone,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey who got the CIA back to its old dirty tricks operations of covert wars not to mention he tripled the deficit three times higher before taking office worse than all presidents before him COMBINED and ran the most corrupt administration ever having more Reagan officials indicted than any other president combinded as well.

asshole Ronnie NEVER had the interest of americans in his mind.

this is the REAL Reagan exposed,the satanic monster this is a rabbit hole half of americans do not want to go down,they refuse to look at the evidence that exposes their hero,criminal war criminal traiter Ronnie.

I'm afraid, after the Deep State sent Ronnie a message, (Bush's mind controlled assassin,) Ram Fan is correct, Reagan not only got on board, but was awarded for his work.

Here he is, awarded the honorary S'MOM. I do not know if this is while he was president, or just after. This ceremony is sort of memory holed. Very hard to find this picture, even harder to find information on it.

(Sovereign Military Order of Malta)


From the Constitution.

Clause 8

Clause 8. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

,o1 a-1.jpg
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

Jfk yes but dont even think about putting that traiterous and murderous pig Ronnie Reagan in there,the media and our corrupt school system have brainwashed americans that he was the greatest president of the 20th century cause he got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president expanded on until Trump came along.

when our last halfway decent president carter got in who reformed the CIA firing the evil george bush as director and replacing him with stansfield turner,turner immediately cleaned house in the CIA firing all covert operaters.

Once Carter was gone,Reagan came in and fired Turner replacing him with William Casey who got the CIA back to its old dirty tricks operations of covert wars not to mention he tripled the deficit three times higher before taking office worse than all presidents before him COMBINED and ran the most corrupt administration ever having more Reagan officials indicted than any other president combinded as well.

asshole Ronnie NEVER had the interest of americans in his mind.

this is the REAL Reagan exposed,the satanic monster this is a rabbit hole half of americans do not want to go down,they refuse to look at the evidence that exposes their hero,criminal war criminal traiter Ronnie.

I'm afraid, after the Deep State sent Ronnie a message, (Bush's mind controlled assassin,) Ram Fan is correct, Reagan not only got on board, but was awarded for his work.

Here he is, awarded the honorary S'MOM. I do not know if this is while he was president, or just after. This ceremony is sort of memory holed. Very hard to find this picture, even harder to find information on it.

(Sovereign Military Order of Malta)


From the Constitution.

Clause 8

Clause 8. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

View attachment 430427
Indeed,the elite were happy with Ronnie when they made him president because of his corruption he engaged in as far back as an actor spying on fellow actors suspected of being communist for the FBI destroying careers of many innocent actors who were not. He was rewarded governor for that. Dont even get me started on his corruption as governor.

the difference in jfks assassination and ronnies is they let him off with a warning shot,sending him the message you play ball with us or the next one will be fatal.he got the message.

Had they really wanted to kill him they would have made sure as they did with JFK but they were willing to give him a second chance meaning in the beginning he was doing things his own way,things they did not like not beneficial to THEM,but you study what he was doing before the assassination and after,his policys drastically changed after that for the worse and unfortunately for the american people who were victems the victems of it all.
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

This is filled with so many inconsitancies it's not worth even commenting on.
name all of them. we are waiting. dont forget to show your links. cant wait for your deflection
Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army

Obama’s Secret Stay Behind Army - St. Paul Research
31 Oct 2019 ~~ By Marty Robinson
It’s the most powerful three-letter agency in government.
More powerful than the CIA, the NSA and the FBI.
In fact, it’s so powerful it has its own seal and its own flag.
And no, it’s not the FDA, the SEC, or the IRS.
But thanks to an obscure executive order and the secretive, if not treasonous, actions by former President Barack Obama…
It’s become the hidden force behind the coup of a duly elected president and the ongoing “complete transformation of America.”
And only by exposing it and bringing it out of the shadows, will it ever be stopped.
You see, on December 15th, 2015, six months after Donald J. Trump declared his candidacy for president and began to rise in the polls…
Former President Barack Obama signed what at the time, appeared to be an innocuous executive order.
However, Obama’s intentions were much more complex and sinister.
Because with that single executive order, Barack Obama launched an accelerated purge of thousands of American patriots from virtually every government agency — including our intelligence services and the military —while replacing them with party loyalists and political operatives loyal not to the country and the Constitution, but to him and his globalist and progressive-socialist agendas.
The Department of The Deep State
The Senior Executive Service, or “SES,” was created on September 19, 1979 during the Carter administration.
It was originally formed to professionalize career civil service, while attracting the nation’s best and brightest in an effort to improve and modernize the management of the federal bureaucracy.
A position within the “SES” is considered the equivalent to general officer or the flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces.
For that reason, they are often referred to as our “civilian generals.”
Red September… Obama’s Benghazi Stand Down Order
General Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he defied Obama’s “stand down” orders to not mount a rescue mission in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi.
And Rear Adm. Chuck Gaouette, commander of the John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group, was relieved for disobeying orders when he sent his group on Sept. 11 to “assist and provide intelligence for military forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham.”
And as damaging as Obama’s purge of the military was, it was his takeover and transformation of the Department of Justice, the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies that raise the greatest threat to America today.
Because instead of being tools for implementing the policies of the president and the United States government…
They’ve become the defacto 4th Branch of Government and are now dictating and carrying out their own policies, while openly subverting and sabotaging those of a duly elected president.
Trump: America’s Last President
You see, in the post 9/11 world, we’ve transferred far too much power to the office of the president.
And that’s created a very big problem for the Deep State and our Shadow Government.
Because the one thing they can no longer ever allow to happen
Is to have an outsider not under their control, become president.
And Donald J. Trump is definitely an outsider who is not under their control.
That’s why they launched their “insurance policy,” before President Trump was even sworn into office.
You remember their “insurance policy,” don’t you?

The one orchestrated by Obama’s secret stay behind sleeper cell…

Located on the 7th floor of the Truman building in Washington D.C.
The “insurance policy” that Peter Strzok (the FBI’s Chief of Counterespionage), referred to in the now infamous text he sent to FBI attorney Lisa Page.
It was “Plan B,” just in case Trump was elected.
It’s what the Steele Dossier, the Mueller Investigation, the entire Russia-gate hoax and their current impeachment witch-hunt is all about…
Because as far as the Deep State and our Shadow Government are concerned…
The office of The President of the United States of America as we know it, no longer exists.
A real President…
Like JFK, or Reagan?
No longer acceptable.
You saw what happened to both of them...
No Dear Reader, they’re not looking for Presidents any more…
Nor will they tolerate one.
Especially one picked by you and not by them.

Although this was written over a year ago, I thought this article was interesting enough to post here.
Fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory?
The Senior Executive Services (SES)
See: Senior Executive Service (United States) - Wikipedia
See Also: They Decide What Government Does - The New American
Marxists always create a parallel government/organization to continue on their subterranean subversion until, like the 17 year cicada, they can safely surface and carry out their treason with relative punity (aka the Obama regime).
"In a constitutional Republic where government is supposed to represent the people and protect their rights, there must be ways to rein in bureaucrats who are harming America. Yet it appears that many SES members are under the impression that they have some sort of divine right to work on “climate” alarmism or pseudo-environmentalism, among other absurdities, and to earn massive amounts of tax money while doing it. They also appear to believe that they are entitled to do so regardless of what the Constitution permits or what the American people vote for — in this case, a president who openly and regularly ridiculed the man-made global-warming theory as a “hoax” being used to undermine sovereignty, prosperity, and liberty".

This is filled with so many inconsitancies it's not worth even commenting on.
name all of them. we are waiting. dont forget to show your links. cant wait for your deflection

There are no links to fake claims. If you provide the links but most of them will be traced back to conspiracy sites that just make shit up or back to Rump himself who isn't known to stick with too many facts. Your misinformation failed. Get over it and move on. I am sure that as Biden goes on after he starts you will have plenty of real ammo. I know I will have. But I will be using facts and truths. You will still be using the conspiracy crap.

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