Obama's Responses To Multiple Mass Shootings/Killings In The U S

Right, suicides would not happen if we didn't have guns. Hey! Did you see that safety net they are building on the Golden Gate bridge in California (the state with the strictest gun laws) to keep people from jumping off of it? But what the hell, it only cost 75 million dollars to put up.

First you ridicule our war on drugs, and then suggest we use the same strategy to get rid of guns.

People have jumped off the Golden Gate and survived. As have those who've taken pills and slit their wrists. Not many survivors who've shot themselves in the head.

So we need to get rid of guns because it gives a suicide victim less of a chance????

No. It is but one reason....there are many..
Many x Zero is still Zero.
Exactly. So what? What difference does it make how many people survive this or that suicide attempt? How does that even bear on a discussion of gun control?

You have one of the highest suicide rates via firearm in the world. the vast majority are fatal. If you can't see a correlation, not my problem. Talk about walking around with your eyes closed...
Exactly. So what? What difference does it make how many people survive this or that suicide attempt? How does that even bear on a discussion of gun control?

You have one of the highest suicide rates via firearm in the world. the vast majority are fatal. If you can't see a correlation, not my problem. Talk about walking around with your eyes closed...

Yeah, you should never walk around like that:


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