Obama's Problem: Some GOP Candidates Are More Likable

Who do you think is more likable then Obama? You can vote for more then one.

  • Nope. I still like Obama better then any of them

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Herman Cain

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Sarah Palin

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Mitt Romney

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Rick Santorum

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Ron Paul

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Tim Pawlenty

    Votes: 9 34.6%
  • Michele Bachmann

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • Newt Gingrich

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 2 7.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama has a considerable task to accomplish before the 2012 election. He has to reinvent himself. The media has a major task ahead of them. They must make this guy more likable.

Right now only a small percentage of his voters actually like him personally. This is a major problem because there are several GOP candidates that head to head could easily beat him in the likability factor.

Herman Cain won raves from his performance during the first Republican debates last month. One thing I can say about the man, he makes sense. Not only that, when he talks I don't get the distinct feeling that he's talking down to me. He talks from authority but not like a stuck up college professor as Obama does.

Sarah Palin is hated by women and by the left with a passion, but she has won over millions of loyal followers because of her spunky attitude and her personality. If you are receptive to her you can't help like her.

Mitt Romney is still a mystery. He has credibility problems because of Romneycare, but head to head he's still more likable then Obama.

You'll never get one of his avid supporters to face up to it, but Obama is really a classless jerk. He has a terrible sense of humor. He makes jokes in front of crowds about how bad the economy is while everyone there is one paycheck away from a pink-slip. When the Israeli President was talking to reporters in the White House Obama sat there and spent most of the time rolling his eyes and even faking falling asleep. It's an old college prof distraction tactic. If you want to fuck with a student while they're giving a speech in front of the class the prof would sit in the class and pull this stunt. Sometimes it throws them off. I just thought to myself when I saw the video, "How childish". :uhoh3: The Brit's code-name for him was "Smart-Alec". Seems they aren't blinded to the truth.

Very few can argue that Romney seems to take things more seriously then Obama. Sure, if it effects his re-election chances Obama is all on that. As he says with everything "I will not rest till this is taken care of or that is taken care of". :lmao:

But usually he can't stick to anything for long. His primary concern is his next round of golf or the next party, or the next championship team to visit the White House. :thanks:

The tactic that the media is using is to repeat over and over that none of the GOP candidates is worthy. None of them are exciting. They're pitiful.....and yet just about all of them have more likability in one finger then Obama has in his whole body. They didn't have to deal with this problem with Clinton. Clinton today is the most popular politician in Washington. He probably will continue to be till he's gone. He has the Reaganesk quality about him that you just love even if you don't agree with him.

Now that the Osama Bin Laden bump has worn off Obama is now trying to bull shit his way through his terrible economic numbers. His chickens are coming home to roost. All of the neglect is catching up to him. Obama's economic policy is to wait for someone else to come up with solutions and then sic his media friends on them. This is not a policy. This is just a delay tactic meant to hold off the dogs.

I mean honestly, what does he have to offer? His policies are disastrous, he seems to piss off all of our allies when he gets together with them, he can't toast to save his life. What does he have going for him?

Well, at least he hasn't sent pics of himself in an excited state over the net. That is really the only strong point he has. He's a family man who seems to be faithful. At least that is how it appears.

The only thing Obama can do is make everyone else look worse then he is, that way enough people might settle for another 4 years from him. This I can assure you would be the worst event in United States history. No really!!!! We are in serious trouble right now and Obama doesn't seem to care enough to deal with it. After he gets to the point where he doesn't have to care at all what people think about him I believe there will be no more Mr. Nice guy.


I know what you're thinking. He's already a jerk. Well trust me, he will get worse. It's in his nature. But I really honestly feel this nature is what the left likes the most about him because it mirrors some of them almost perfectly. That's why they like him, but love him? I don't think so. It's tough to love an asshole. Not unless you're into S&M.

Let's see. They needed a jerk who can lie through his teeth without skipping a beat. A front-man that can distract people just long enough to get their new form of government put in place before anyone gets wise to what it will do to this country.


Now they have to make us like him again. How in the heck are they gonna do that?
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Mitt Romney is pretty low key but I think if he plays his cards right he stands a good chance..

He has to get over that Romney care problem.. at least remind the voters that he's not the governor of Massachusetts any longer, has zero control over what the Democrats have done to it..

Mitt seems far more like an honest President... he would bring prestige back to the office..

Obama is just a flash in the pan... an embarrassment to our nation..
Mitt Romney is pretty low key but I think if he plays his cards right he stands a good chance..
He has to get over that Romney care problem.. at least remind the voters that he's not the governor of Massachusetts any longer, has zero control over what the Democrats have done to it..

Agreed 100% with the bolded part..and not with the unbolded part. "RomneyCare" is actually a success and a big hit in Massachusetts.
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I'd have a beer with Bubba but he's not on the list.

I guess I'd rather have a beer with ether Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann because both of them are cute. Course I wouldn't be able to relax around Palin till I had a few in me. She seems more like my mom then a girl.
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I wouldn't mind sitting down with Romney dining on lobster and drinking fine wine, talking about making money..

He strikes me as a gentleman.. a nice guy.. just not flashy or theatrical..

I just don't see him making speeches from under plastic roman columns...:boobies:
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I'd have a beer with Bubba but he's not on the list.

I guess I'd rather have a beer with ether Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann because both of them are cute. Course I wouldn't be able to relax around Palin till I had a few in me. She seems more like my mom then a girl.
Hmmmm......ya' got two "Daddies", huh?

Who knew?

None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I'd have a beer with Bubba but he's not on the list.

I guess I'd rather have a beer with ether Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann because both of them are cute. Course I wouldn't be able to relax around Palin till I had a few in me. She seems more like my mom then a girl.

Bachmann and Palin? Yeah they are physically attractive but that nervous chatter would drive me nuts.

Yeah..I think Clinton is approachable as well..:cool:
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I wouldn't mind sitting down with Romney dining on lobster and drinking fine wine, talking about making money..

He strikes me as a gentleman.. a nice guy.. just not flashy or theatrical..

I just don't see him making speeches from under plastic roman columns...:boobies:

Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.
None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I wouldn't mind sitting down with Romney dining on lobster and drinking fine wine, talking about making money..

He strikes me as a gentleman.. a nice guy.. just not flashy or theatrical..

I just don't see him making speeches from under plastic roman columns...:boobies:

Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.

I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...
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None of them are more "Likable".

Bush, although a terrible president..was probably on par or more "likable" then Obama.

Obama would be someone you could have a beer with and a have a complex conversation about politics or law.

Bush would be someone you could have a beer with and oogle at chicks.

The only one that comes close here..is Romney. And for the life of me..I can't see myself having a beer with the guy.

But as Bush has shown..that shouldn't be a criteria for President.

I wouldn't mind sitting down with Romney dining on lobster and drinking fine wine, talking about making money..

He strikes me as a gentleman.. a nice guy.. just not flashy or theatrical..

I just don't see him making speeches from under plastic roman columns...:boobies:

Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.
I wouldn't mind sitting down with Romney dining on lobster and drinking fine wine, talking about making money..

He strikes me as a gentleman.. a nice guy.. just not flashy or theatrical..

I just don't see him making speeches from under plastic roman columns...:boobies:

Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.

I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...

The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.
Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.

I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...

The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.

Problem is we have a CEO that doesn't really have any urgency.

Immigration should have been taken care of over a decade ago. Obama knows it's a serious problem, but states are having to do something about it, and the DOJ sues them for their troubles.
Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.

I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...

The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.

That's also a good sign.. Obama has failed miserably with that...
I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...

The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.

That's also a good sign.. Obama has failed miserably with that...

On the military side he hired Bush's people.

On the economic side he hired college professors.

Those who can.......do.

Those who can't.....teach.

Every one of them is ether teaching now or going back to it.
Romney strikes me as a typical CEO. They don't talk to you..they talk at you. And the "preside" over dinners..and they don't really "participate" in conversations. They tell you their views..and expect you to parrot them back. I know this from experience. I've never had dinner with Romney..but I have had dinner with a few CEOs.

Overall..as a politician...he has chops. And if he makes it to the general..he has a real shot at being president.

I've worked with plenty of CEO's, the successful ones ask the right questions and listen.. As far as I know Romney is quite successful...

The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.

My Dad's one of those successful CEO's and he doesn't hire stand out of the way. It's his company, he runs it. He does hire some great people - most of whom started off waaay down the ladder. He tends to promote and train rather than hire at the top.

You tend to judge all CEO's as being like the ones you happen to have met. Ain't like that. They are people, just like everyone else. But most did not become CEO's by letting the other guy do it.
The successful ones hire the right guys..tell them what they want to happen..then stay out of the way while the guys they hired make it so.

That's also a good sign.. Obama has failed miserably with that...

On the military side he hired Bush's people.

On the economic side he hired college professors.

Those who can.......do.

Those who can't.....teach.

Every one of them is ether teaching now or going back to it.

I disagree. Those who can: Do and teach. Those who can't: Flounder at both.

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