Thank God.
Trump will never be Prez. The world is safe. The country is safe.
Obama will likely go on to serve on SCOTUS. Hopefully filling Thomas' seat.
However, will Hillary have any more luck working with the corrupt and incompetent congress?
As long at the Tea Baggers still hold the house, we can't fix the ACA -- maybe that's their plan. And we can't get any new Federal firearms laws. The most Hillary can do is order the army to shut down every corrupt and criminal gun dealer in the country and then drone bomb NRA HQ. Love to see that!
Trump will never be Prez. The world is safe. The country is safe.
Obama will likely go on to serve on SCOTUS. Hopefully filling Thomas' seat.
However, will Hillary have any more luck working with the corrupt and incompetent congress?
As long at the Tea Baggers still hold the house, we can't fix the ACA -- maybe that's their plan. And we can't get any new Federal firearms laws. The most Hillary can do is order the army to shut down every corrupt and criminal gun dealer in the country and then drone bomb NRA HQ. Love to see that!