Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

I think this was brilliant.... Politics.

Really puts the clamps on the GOP. If they pass it, UE will decline, the economy will improve, and Obama gets re-elected.

UE didn't decline and the economy didn't improve with the first one. What makes you think it'll work this time?

Oh, yeah -- Obama said so. :lol:
I really don't care I will only allow so much bullshit. They'll have o keep replacing one everyday.

I understand your frustration. You'll be the one replacing it at your expense and paying a fine. Now what you could do is switch vehicles with your neighbor...

It will only be on there to keep you safe.
Just like bodyscans and fingerprinting at the airport.

I rarely feel unsafe. Sometimes others look nervous. Not my problem.
and spending cuts, LOL! duh...
and spending cuts ?? you see it is very simple Obama increases spending while calling it spending cuts , he is not trying to fool the right he is trying to fool the idiots that make up the vast majority of the left in this country !! and when the right calls foul Obama will accuse them of obstruction !!...........your own left wing leaders have no respect for your intelligence !!
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Actually driving is a priviledge, not a right. If you want to drive you get to do it their way.

I really don't care I will only allow so much bullshit. They'll have o keep replacing one everyday.

I understand your frustration. You'll be the one replacing it at your expense and paying a fine. Now what you could do is switch vehicles with your neighbor...

My company had a GPS on our work trucks a couple of yars ago. We munipulate them so they can't be tracked. They removed them from the trucks after that
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I think this was brilliant.... Politics.

Really puts the clamps on the GOP. If they pass it, UE will decline, the economy will improve, and Obama gets re-elected.

If they block it (which I think part of Obama hopes they will), he takes to the streets with that information. You'll find that the kind of things you see in this bill are actually what a majority of us support; If he sells GOP obstruction tactfully, he not only gets re-elected but a bunch of GOPers and especially teabaggers get the boot next year.

Win-win. The only way he can lose is if the GOP/Fox Machine spins it better than he can. This will prove difficult, both because most of the country desires this sort of thing, and because the teabagger/anti-government/conspiracy bullshit is on its last gasp for air.

The gloves are off, and it's obvious to me from both Mr. Obama's demeanor and the lackluster response from the GOP, that both sides have a knot in their stomachs anticipating the way it develops.

Contrast it to the response to HCR - Screaming, shouting, pulling out all the stops to desecrate and destroy the bill at all costs... To this... "Well we think there's some good ideas in there... Not big on the tax cuts... Maybe we should focus on what we agree on..." Very mousy by comparison.

It'll be interesting.

Of course you Lefties do, that is all you care about, Politics. You could give a shit less about how much money he wants to spend, or that he wants to raise taxes on the American citizens to pay for this.. how high unemployment is, how high gas is, HOW HIGH food prices ARE... as long as Obama can PLAY HIS GAME..

A bunch of sad people you are. But you are NOW IN A very SMALL minority in the 40% along with Obama. so go ahead, cheer him on..


You're pathetic. But I digress.

I didn't say I agreed, nor that I disagreed in the post you're replying to. I've just given an analysis of what it appears is happening.

Unfortunately for you, as of now, it appears Obama's got the GOP's number on this one.

As to low approval ratings, I believe they're a result of Obama not doing something like this... Not standing up to GOP teabaggers who'd like to re-instate a Dickensian United States... Hardly because he's done too much of this. I wouldn't be surprised if his numbers rise in the coming weeks. I doubt they'll fall any more. Low approval numbers come from discontented Progressives, not discontented GOP bullhorn moron hacks like yourself. You're going to hate him no matter what, it's baked into the final number regardless.


Pass a jobs bill or suffer in 2012, dismal lying a-hole Pubs- Not you, silly dupes.

Can you see the plan first? JFC! LOL! And good night. Another day wasted trying to educate the uneducateable...
Pubs ended anything like a liberal media when they set up and character assassinated Dan Rather for telling the truth about Bush's "service", but with the wrong copies. Now all the media cares about is ratings. And then there's the Pub Propaganda machine, truly a disgrace...

ROFLMAO, yeah Republicans ruined the Liberal Media. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have ruined themselves with their Open Display of Biased, Partisan Coverage and overt attempts to effect the out comes of Elections. Death by their own Hands, The American people are not buying what their selling anymore, and you Libs can't stand it.

God damn you guys and your Persecution complexes and Delusions.
Thier problem is that they cannot stand competition.

Pass a jobs bill or suffer in 2012, dismal lying a-hole Pubs- Not you, silly dupes.

Can you see the plan first? JFC! LOL! And good night. Another day wasted trying to educate the uneducateable...

asshat where did all that stimulus money go to?
oh thats right it went to the public sector unions in other words obama had to finish paying off their debt. Even san fran nan had to take some heat from the people who support her. At a town hall meeting they wanted to know where there money was?

Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled - "You Have Made Your Point" - YouTube

Pass a jobs bill or suffer in 2012, dismal lying a-hole Pubs- Not you, silly dupes.

Can you see the plan first? JFC! LOL! And good night. Another day wasted trying to educate the uneducateable...

asshat where did all that stimulus money go to?
oh thats right it went to the public sector unions in other words obama had to finish paying off their debt. Even san fran nan had to take some heat from the people who support her. At a town hall meeting they wanted to know where there money was?

Nancy Pelosi Gets Heckled - "You Have Made Your Point" - YouTube
And did it change the way she conducts herself? Nope. SOSDD. The old bat needs to go.

Pass a jobs bill or suffer in 2012, dismal lying a-hole Pubs- Not you, silly dupes.

Can you see the plan first? JFC! LOL! And good night. Another day wasted trying to educate the uneducateable...

yes, but we keep right on trying, because we know eventually you may be educable.

BTW... SPELL CHECK is your friend... use it. The word is ineducable... not 'uneducateable'.
I think this was brilliant.... Politics.

Really puts the clamps on the GOP. If they pass it, UE will decline, the economy will improve, and Obama gets re-elected.

UE didn't decline and the economy didn't improve with the first one. What makes you think it'll work this time?

Oh, yeah -- Obama said so. :lol:

Anyone who think this "jobs bill" will actually create jobs is a moron.
This bill is more of the same ole same ole. It is DOA in the House.
I think this was brilliant.... Politics.

Really puts the clamps on the GOP. If they pass it, UE will decline, the economy will improve, and Obama gets re-elected.

UE didn't decline and the economy didn't improve with the first one. What makes you think it'll work this time?

Oh, yeah -- Obama said so. :lol:

Anyone who think this "jobs bill" will actually create jobs is a moron.
This bill is more of the same ole same ole. It is DOA in the House.

It's comical to watch all the drama the obama and his drones create, when it's not a bit different than the bullshit they've spewed for 3 yrs.
Obama has absolutely no idea what to do. His staff has no idea what to do, his czar's have no idea what to do. It's same ole, same ole every day. Dumping this country deeper into debt, deeper into dependence on China. The wanna be President is a complete failure, how this guy even got in office is pretty telling on the intelligence level of the left. You know the people that claim to be so much smarter than conservatives. I often refer to them as over educated idiots, common sense is not taught by liberal professors.
Grampa is right. This thing will be DOA in the HOUSE. Barry's bill is another stimulus that didn't work the first time.

He's playing politics hoping to throw it back at the GOP. Don't know if its gonna work though as Americans are beginning to see through this guy. He may be in for a big surprise. I sure hope so.

Who in their right mind would go for tax increases in this economy??

If they were going to raise taxes they'd get much more revenue from the middle class. There just aren't enough wealthy folks out there and they already pay more than their
"fair share."

Anyone heard Barry screaming to tax the middle class where all the dough is??
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Obama has absolutely no idea what to do. His staff has no idea what to do, his czar's have no idea what to do. It's same ole, same ole every day. Dumping this country deeper into debt, deeper into dependence on China. The wanna be President is a complete failure, how this guy even got in office is pretty telling on the intelligence level of the left. You know the people that claim to be so much smarter than conservatives. I often refer to them as over educated idiots, common sense is not taught by liberal professors.

It's the failure of a gang of faculty lounge theoreticians who think the economy runs off government edicts from the central planners. Then they roll out a laundry list of rules, regulations, taxes and fees that impede growth, and then claim they need more rules, regulations, taxes and fees to get it moving.

Sorry, these folks aren't that smart.

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