Obama's job growth were part-time jobs...partially due to Obamacare!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
The decline of conventional full-time work has impacted every demographic. Whether this change is good or bad depends on what kinds of jobs people want. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger. ”
Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time

The relationship between Obamacare and part-time work is because of this requirement of Obamacare:
ObamaCare’s “employer mandate” is a requirement that all businesses with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees (FTE) provide health insurance to at least 95% of their full-time employees and dependents up to age 26, or pay a fee. ObamaCare Employer Mandate

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated by small businesses seeking to avoid Obamacare’s employer mandate, according to estimates in a new working paper distributed by the National Bureau of Economic Research. Altogether between 28,000 and 50,000 businesses appear to have reduced their number of full-time employees from 2014 to 2016 because of the mandate.
Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate

So for example employer health insurance cost the employer on average "Coverage with employer health insurance averaged $409 a month per person."

So a small employer with say 49 employees wants to hire the 50th employee.
Monthly cost for health insurance by hiring that 50th employee: 50 times $409 equals $20,450/month
$245,400 per year directly from the bottom line of the business.

This small firm with 50 employees average gross revenue: $3,600,000
How Does Your Revenue Stack Up to Other Small Businesses? | QuickBooks
Net profit average per small firm is about 16%
What’s a Good Profit Margin for a New Business?
So now this small business with a net profit of $575,000 has this profit reduced due to Obamacare :
Net income before Obamacare: $575,000
Health insurance premium: 245,400
Net income after premium $330,276
percent reduction in net: Nearly 60% reduction in income.

HENCE...the employer says: hmmm well I won't hire one full time but two part-time!!!

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated
Pretty ambiguous-

I'm not a fan of gov't healthcare- however, Romney implemented a similar plan when he was governor- that said, anytime there is a significant change in gov't dictates there will be those who pay and those who are rewarded it doesn't matter what political stripe it happens under. Do you remember Bank Bail Outs by Bush Jr? The MIC profits mightily from war and tax payers foot the bill- not sure the difference can be pointed out with legitimacy- straw man arguments and hyperbole aren't legitimate or credible.
AND, in any economy there are cycles- when gov't intervenes the cycles are blamed, rightfully so, on the gov't whose original job was to ensure (not insure) one didn't have a legal advantage over another- not to impose so many regulations only well resourced participants could, will lag behind the employment curve. The only instant economy action are the Stock Market- all else takes time. IF indeed what the article suggests is true it was already qued up to happen-
Free enterprise is self correcting- gov't intervention is slower because the District of Criminals are, well, criminals and they have to be informed by their underlings that there is a problem, then meet about it to decide what's best to dictate what it fucked up- wash, rinse, repeat wearing out the fabric meaning the fabric has to be upgraded = consumer activity= "we did something" by congress critters- wash, rinse repeat time after time the same exercise and voters are duped into believing this time it will be different with this gov't intervention- SMH
Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated
Pretty ambiguous-

I'm not a fan of gov't healthcare- however, Romney implemented a similar plan when he was governor- that said, anytime there is a significant change in gov't dictates there will be those who pay and those who are rewarded it doesn't matter what political stripe it happens under. Do you remember Bank Bail Outs by Bush Jr? The MIC profits mightily from war and tax payers foot the bill- not sure the difference can be pointed out with legitimacy- straw man arguments and hyperbole aren't legitimate or credible.
AND, in any economy there are cycles- when gov't intervenes the cycles are blamed, rightfully so, on the gov't whose original job was to ensure (not insure) one didn't have a legal advantage over another- not to impose so many regulations only well resourced participants could, will lag behind the employment curve. The only instant economy action are the Stock Market- all else takes time. IF indeed what the article suggests is true it was already qued up to happen-
Free enterprise is self correcting- gov't intervention is slower because the District of Criminals are, well, criminals and they have to be informed by their underlings that there is a problem, then meet about it to decide what's best to dictate what it fucked up- wash, rinse, repeat wearing out the fabric meaning the fabric has to be upgraded = consumer activity= "we did something" by congress critters- wash, rinse repeat time after time the same exercise and voters are duped into believing this time it will be different with this gov't intervention- SMH

You are right about Romney's plan. Did it work for Mass? But we are talking about 50 different states, multiple regions, multiple ethnic groups and ONE f...king size does not fit all for ALL Americans! That's why the 50 states are called "laboratories" for ideas. And healthcare for all will NOT work for ALL 330 million Americans.
JUST this one correction would save nearly $800 billion a year but idiots lthink the "lawsuit lottery" i.e. medical lawsuits will win millions.
HERE read what nearly 3,000 physicians responded to when asked if they practice what most people never heard of..."Defensive Medicine"!
Now if most people would do a little more research regarding issues like this maybe there might be some Tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!

Up to 250,000 positions may have been eliminated
Pretty ambiguous-

I'm not a fan of gov't healthcare- however, Romney implemented a similar plan when he was governor- that said, anytime there is a significant change in gov't dictates there will be those who pay and those who are rewarded it doesn't matter what political stripe it happens under. Do you remember Bank Bail Outs by Bush Jr? The MIC profits mightily from war and tax payers foot the bill- not sure the difference can be pointed out with legitimacy- straw man arguments and hyperbole aren't legitimate or credible.
AND, in any economy there are cycles- when gov't intervenes the cycles are blamed, rightfully so, on the gov't whose original job was to ensure (not insure) one didn't have a legal advantage over another- not to impose so many regulations only well resourced participants could, will lag behind the employment curve. The only instant economy action are the Stock Market- all else takes time. IF indeed what the article suggests is true it was already qued up to happen-
Free enterprise is self correcting- gov't intervention is slower because the District of Criminals are, well, criminals and they have to be informed by their underlings that there is a problem, then meet about it to decide what's best to dictate what it fucked up- wash, rinse, repeat wearing out the fabric meaning the fabric has to be upgraded = consumer activity= "we did something" by congress critters- wash, rinse repeat time after time the same exercise and voters are duped into believing this time it will be different with this gov't intervention- SMH

You are right about Romney's plan. Did it work for Mass? But we are talking about 50 different states, multiple regions, multiple ethnic groups and ONE f...king size does not fit all for ALL Americans! That's why the 50 states are called "laboratories" for ideas. And healthcare for all will NOT work for ALL 330 million Americans.
JUST this one correction would save nearly $800 billion a year but idiots lthink the "lawsuit lottery" i.e. medical lawsuits will win millions.
HERE read what nearly 3,000 physicians responded to when asked if they practice what most people never heard of..."Defensive Medicine"!
Now if most people would do a little more research regarding issues like this maybe there might be some Tort reform of which there was NONE in ACA!

View attachment 301119

Damn Leftists, how come you don't want to touch this=) Let it go away? I think not!

You people are screwed, you really are, and by the time we are done, you will be lucky to be able to be elected DOGCATCHER!
Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."
Last edited:
Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!
Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
I don't know about PT jobs....

But I do know the economy took forever to get rolling under Obama.

It has been smoking hot since Trump took over.

Obama sucked.
Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time
How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!

How many times are you worthless lying scum POS right-wingers going to mindlessly parrot this LIE?????
As you well know PT jobs for economic reasons went DOWN after the passage of the PPACA!!!!!

And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
And how many times do honest people like ME who put the links and substantiation have to contend with people like YOU that state your own personal, subjective and total ignorant comments? PLEASE provide PROOF as I did to back up my statements. WHERE is your PROOF!!!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
But RED ED, YOU are such a bad liar, and such a good communist, you make it mandatory since SOMEONE might actually start to believe the garbage you put out!
You have NO proof of anything only OPINIONS by biased hacks! And you know it. There is no data that supports your lies, the actual data shows that PT jobs for economic reasons, and the PPACA would be such an economic reason as your lying sources claim, DECREASED since the law was passed. And the data is easy to find, so there is no excuse for your sources lies, since the BLS specifically tracks PT jobs for economic reasons every month and reports it every month!!!!!

When the PPACA passed in March 2010 there were 9,126,000 working PT for economic reasons, when Obama left office it was down to 5,664,000. It is now 4,111,000
Here is the link to the BLS data:
Table A-8. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status
select Part time for economic reasons seasonally adjusted and then scroll down further and click on "retrieve data."

Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
But RED ED, YOU are such a bad liar, and such a good communist, you make it mandatory since SOMEONE might actually start to believe the garbage you put out!
Only the Right consider actual data as "garbage."
Here are the "biased hacks" Fast forward 6 years, when a report by Harvard and Princeton economists Lawrence Katz and Alan Krueger
YOU depended on BLS data and that was the problem as these economists who have considerable more expertise then you have came to the conclusion based
on more intensive studies. In their study, the duo show that from 2005 to 2015, the proportion of Americans workers engaged in what they refer to as “alternative work” soared during the Obama era, from 10.7% in 2005 to 15.8% in 2015.

Nevertheless, we impose the BLS’s classification hierarchy in our analysis below to make the results are as
The survey was conducted online between October 19, 2015 and November 4, 2015. A total of 6,028 subjects were invited to fill out the questionnaire, and a total of 3,850 completed the questionnaire, for a response rate of 63.9 percent

The rise in alternative work arrangements evident in Table 2, especially the increase in the share of workers who indicated that they were “working or self-employed as an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a freelance worker” from 6.9 percent in 2005 to 8.4 percent in 2015 is a stark contrast to the declining trend in the share of employees who indicate that they are self-employed based on published CPS data.
The problem is you didn't do enough thorough research as is wont with less educated people evidently like YOU!

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
But RED ED, YOU are such a bad liar, and such a good communist, you make it mandatory since SOMEONE might actually start to believe the garbage you put out!
Only the Right consider actual data as "garbage."
Funny as that is EXACTLY what the left says when confronted by real facts...... such as the left letting out criminals without bail and the mother fuckers go out and commit the same crime over and over again!

Federal authorities are turning to a new tactic in the escalating conflict over New York City’s so-called sanctuary policies, issuing four “immigration subpoenas” to the city for information about inmates wanted for deportation.

“This is not a request — it’s a demand,” Henry Lucero, a senior U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official, told The Associated Press. “This is a last resort for us. Dangerous criminals are being released every single day in New York.” […]

The development comes days after ICE sent similar subpoenas to the city of Denver, a move that reflected the agency’s mounting frustration with jurisdictions that do not honor deportation “detainers” or provide any details about defendants going in and out of local custody.

The subpoenas sent to New York seek information about three inmates — including a man wanted for homicide in El Salvador — who were recently released despite immigration officials requesting the city turn them over for deportation.

The fourth subpoena asks for information about a Guyanese man charged this month with sexually assaulting and killing Maria Fuertas, a 92-year-old Queens woman. …

(Excerpt) Read more at apnews.com ...

Yes, vote DEMONRAT SO THAT YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS CAN BE KILLED. by some scumbag that the demonRAT Mayor or governor promoted to GET OUT OF JAIL FREE, and do some serious crime....they will do ANYTHING to get a VOTE. EVEN KILL YOU!....

Like I have shown so many times before, when caught lying the Right just keep on lying.
After proving the LIE that 94% of Obama's new jobs were PT with actual BLS data, you now shift from PT jobs to "GIG" jobs, Citing the hacks Kats and Krueger's flawed RAND study that they have since walked back after the BLS reported their 2017 study which updated the 2005 study your hacks pretended to duplicate in 2016. The 2017 BLS report showed that the so called "GIG" jobs had actually DECLINED from 2005 to 2017 from 10.7% to 10.1%, but you knew that already since YOU do such thorough research!

Economists walk back study showing huge increase in gig work - CNN
Washington, DC (CNN Business)It was one of the most striking findings of 2016: The share of workers in "alternative" work arrangements, such as Uber drivers and other independent contractors, had risen dramatically over the previous decade.

The gig economy was exploding. The study from two well-known economists seemed to confirm that the traditional employment relationship was on the way out, to be replaced by micro-tasks delivered on demand.
Now the authors of that study — Alan Krueger of Princeton University and Larry Katz of Harvard — have walked back its conclusions. Their new study, released Monday, shows the challenge of figuring out how much Uber-type jobs have changed the landscape of American work.
Katz and Krueger's 2016 paper, based on data collected with the RAND Corporation, attempted to replicate the US Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2005 contingent worker supplement. At the time the Labor Department, the parent agency of BLS, didn't have the money to field a new survey itself.
The finding by Katz and Krueger was a blockbuster: They found that 15.8% of workers were in some kind of alternative work situation — from temporary help companies to the self-employed — up from 10.7% in 2005.
Soon after, fueled by questions about how much rideshare apps and other on-demand services were changing work, Congress found the money for an update to the 2005 survey. The new government survey found that the share of workers in alternative work arrangement had actually decreased, from 10.7% to 10.1% in 2017.
So how did Katz and Krueger go so wrong?
Their comprehensive re-evaluation chalks up the gap to differences in survey design that seemed trivial but turned out to matter a lot. For example, the sample of the BLS survey was much larger and conducted over the phone, rather than online, as the RAND survey was. Also, BLS allowed survey respondents to answer for other people in their own households, and they may not have realized the full extent of the side jobs held by their siblings, children or spouses.
After adjusting for all those differences, the economists concluded that gig work had increased by only one or two percentage points since 2005, rather than the more than 5 point increase they reported earlier.

Here is the 2017 BLS report proving your hacks completely WRONG!
Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements Summary
Contingent Work

In May 2017, the three estimates of contingent workers ranged from 1.3 percent to 3.8 percent of employment.
(See table A and the Technical Note for an explanation of the concepts.) In February 2005, the last
time the survey was conducted, all three measures were higher, ranging from 1.8 percent to 4.1
percent of employment.

Alternative Employment Arrangements

The May 2017 survey collected information on the number and characteristics of workers in four alternative
employment arrangements--independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help agency workers, and
workers employed by contract companies.

Compared with February 2005 (the last time the survey was conducted), the proportion of the employed who
were independent contractors was lower in May 2017

Independent Contractors

Independent contractors (including independent consultants and freelance workers) remained the largest
of the four alternative work arrangements. In May 2017, there were 10.6 million independent contractors,
representing 6.9 percent of total employment. This estimate is smaller than the 7.4 percent of workers
in February 2005
who were independent contractors.

Temporary Help Agency Workers

Temporary help agency workers were heavily concentrated in the production, transportation, and material
moving occupations and in manufacturing industries. In May 2017, 46 percent of temporary help agency workers
would have preferred a traditional job, less than the 56 percent in February 2005.
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
But RED ED, YOU are such a bad liar, and such a good communist, you make it mandatory since SOMEONE might actually start to believe the garbage you put out!
Only the Right consider actual data as "garbage."
Funny as that is EXACTLY what the left says when confronted by real facts......
And when the personal attacks fail, the Right desperately try to deflect so they never have to accept the FACTS!
Thank you again!
RED ED is one of Grubers people that is BEYOND STUPID!
As usual, when the Right know the FACTS are against them they reduce themselves to personal attacks!
Thank you!
But RED ED, YOU are such a bad liar, and such a good communist, you make it mandatory since SOMEONE might actually start to believe the garbage you put out!
Only the Right consider actual data as "garbage."
Funny as that is EXACTLY what the left says when confronted by real facts......
And when the personal attacks fail, the Right desperately try to deflect so they never have to accept the FACTS!
Thank you again!
Your welcome RED E . Now everyone can see who is on the left and who is RIGHT!
The Brown Clown of Renown introduced "trickle up poverty" to the electorate. As with everything else he introduced, it was the equivalent of taking a big steamer in our living rooms.

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