Pam Bondi Trump Defense Team Member


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2019
Picture of Pam Bondi and Lev Parnas emerges after she joins Trump impeachment defense

Also this Trump University Investigation

On Sept. 9, 2013, Trump signed a Trump Foundation check for $25,000 to And Justice For All. The group received the check on Sept. 17, 2013, which was reported at the time by the Orlando Sentinel.

The timing makes it appear Trump sent the check to stop Bondi from investigating Trump Institute, the Florida affiliate. But the Associated Press reported in a Sept. 6, 2016, article that Bondi had "personally solicited" Trump’s contribution several weeks before her office was made aware of the lawsuit. This account means Bondi wouldn’t have known about the Trump investigation.

Bondi’s office decided not to pursue the case. Florida Assistant Attorney General Mark Hamilton made the "rightful determination" that because New York's lawsuit was on behalf of all consumers nationwide, "no further action need be taken," Bondi spokesman Gerald Whitney Ray told the Tampa Bay Times in June 2016.
Pam Bondi
Parnas friend.. Pictures Provided.

Those that say good things about me.
WTF has Pam Bondi ever done to show she is competent. Ziltch.

But she did get $$$$ for a trump donation, and litigation on trump university.
Go fucking figure.

Cons loves cons.

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