The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom.

The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region against the advice of his generals was because he worked up a dirty deal with terrorists, AGAIN to launch a Military COUP against SYRIA. ISIS was an A Barak Hussein Obama creation.
Obama actually provided financial support to certain factions of ISIS to attack Syria which is unthinkable for a civilized human being to do, let alone a US President.

Obama gave the worst terrorist state in the world, Iran $150 Billion. They used this money to buy Russian Uranium which actually came from the US through Canada via another dirty deal Obama orchestrated, The Uranium One Deal. The used that $150 Billion to build up their military, hire Russian Scientists, and weapons developers to help build Iran, Drones, Missile Defense Systems and Nuclear ICMBS now with the Range to Obliterate Israel. Iran is an enemy of Israel and The United States just like ISIS is.

Obama also sponsored a COUP in Turkey that failed. He wanted a leadership there that was more hostile towards Israel.

Obama launched illegal and unconstitutional military operations in Syria to help depose Assad because Assad is not as hostile towards Israel as Obama wanted him to be. I don't like Assad at all. But the world is actually better off with him running Syria than ISIS would have been.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qaddafi and start a COUP in Libya. They are enemies of Israel.

Side Note: Obama & Clinton against International Law, used The Benghazi Post as a weapons depot to arm The Terrorists that assassinated Qaddafi. Al Qaeda found out about it by hacking in to Sid Blumenthal's Yahoo account that Hillary Clinton emailed him at from her secret server. She was sharing classified information with him about weapons purchases and other actions by our government for the sole purpose of Insider Trading Profiteering. This by the way is just one of the reasons Obama lied about the existence of Hillary's Server and why he lied about him and his staff emailing her through it using aliases. All the emails on that server despite being bleach bitted were classified by Obama as "Crucial to National Security" so despite finding copies of all of them on Anthony Weiner's laptop, The Public will never be allowed to see them. But back to the crux of this side note, I didn't like Qaddafi, but Libya was better under him than it is under Al Qeada.

Obama has given weapons and money to Al Nusra. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama has given weapons and money to HAMAS and THE PLO. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama as he was leaving office stabbed Israel in the back by sponsoring an Anti-Israel UN Resolution as his last official act as president.

Obama poured millions of dollars in to INTEFERING with Israel's elections to try to remove Benjamin Netanyahoo, because Benji is extremely set against giving up land for peace.

Side Note: Trans-Jordan was always designated as the other half of so called Palestine when the UN divided that area to create a two state system for Jews and Arabs living in that area. The Arabs in that area refused to occupy or were prevented by Jordan from occupying the area designated for them by The UN, so The Fake Palestinians have no claim on any land they are squatting on. Go to Trans-Jordan.

Obama & Clinton are both Anti-Semite racists, Hell bent on eliminating Israel from The Middle East and surrounded Israel with numerous more hostile enemies.

Managing Obama's War Against Israel | RealClearPolitics

Why it’s correct to label the Obama administration ‘anti-Israel’

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders

Obama’s Israel legacy: A hostile Democratic Party

Netanyahu says Obama ‘ambushed’ Israel at UN, likens him to ‘deeply hostile’ Carter

ACLJ Demands Answers on Obama Administration’s Diplomatic War Against Israel | American Center for Law and Justice

Ted Cruz: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign Against Prime Minister Netanyahu?
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I don't agree with giving Israel billions. That's money that could be put towards building the wall.
Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom.

The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region against the advice of his generals was because he worked up a dirty deal with terrorists, AGAIN to launch a Military COUP against SYRIA. ISIS was an A Barak Hussein Obama creation.
Obama actually provided financial support to certain factions of ISIS to attack Syria which is unthinkable for a civilized human being to do, let alone a US President.

Obama gave the worst terrorist state in the world, Iran $150 Billion. They used this money to buy Russian Uranium which actually came from the US through Canada via another dirty deal Obama orchestrated, The Uranium One Deal. The used that $150 Billion to build up their military, hire Russian Scientists, and weapons developers to help build Iran, Drones, Missile Defense Systems and Nuclear ICMBS now with the Range to Obliterate Israel. Iran is an enemy of Israel and The United States just like ISIS is.

Obama also sponsored a COUP in Turkey that failed. He wanted a leadership there that was more hostile towards Israel.

Obama launched illegal and unconstitutional military operations in Syria to help depose Assad because Assad is not as hostile towards Israel as Obama wanted him to be. I don't like Assad at all. But the world is actually better off with him running Syria than ISIS would have been.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qaddafi and start a COUP in Libya. They are enemies of Israel.

Side Note: Obama & Clinton against International Law, used The Benghazi Post as a weapons depot to arm The Terrorists that assassinated Qaddafi. Al Qaeda found out about it by hacking in to Sid Blumenthal's Yahoo account that Hillary Clinton emailed him at from her secret server. She was sharing classified information with him about weapons purchases and other actions by our government for the sole purpose of Insider Trading Profiteering. I didn't like Qaddafi, but Libya was better under him than it is under Al Qeada.

Obama has given weapons and money to Al Nusra. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama has given weapons and money to HAMAS and THE PLO. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama as he was leaving office stabbed Israel in the back by sponsoring an Anti-Israel UN Resolution as his last official act as president.

Obama poured millions of dollars in to INTEFERING with Israel's elections to try to remove Benjamin Netanyahoo, because Benji is extremely set against giving up land for peace.

Side Note: Trans-Jordan was always designated as the other half of so called Palestine when the UN divided that area to create a two state system for Jews and Arabs living in that area. The Arabs in that area refused to occupy or were prevented by Jordan from occupying the area designated for them by The UN, so The Fake Palestinians have no claim on any land they are squatting on. Go to Trans-Jordan.

Obama & Clinton are both Anti-Semite racists, Hell bent on eliminating Israel from The Middle East and surrounded Israel with numerous more hostile enemies.

Managing Obama's War Against Israel | RealClearPolitics

Why it’s correct to label the Obama administration ‘anti-Israel’

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders

Obama’s Israel legacy: A hostile Democratic Party

Netanyahu says Obama ‘ambushed’ Israel at UN, likens him to ‘deeply hostile’ Carter

ACLJ Demands Answers on Obama Administration’s Diplomatic War Against Israel | American Center for Law and Justice

Ted Cruz: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign Against Prime Minister Netanyahu?
^ :cuckoo:
Brrrrrr. Thankfully we got past BO. Not looking to get another dem any time soon.
He was a bad, bad man. No two ways about it. The fact that he declared the emails on Hillary Clinton's secret server despite the fact they were bleach bitted, as a matter of National Securtiy, and concealed and lied about his use of Clinton's Server, especially in reference to Benghazi, and hostile actions taken against Israel, means that even though all these emails were later found on Weiner's laptop, The Public will not be allowed to see the schemes Clinton, Obama and his staff were up to.

Trump should declassify them. I guarantee Obama was WAY more Hostile against Israel than we know now.
I don't agree with giving Israel billions. That's money that could be put towards building the wall.
The reason we have to give Israel money to help defend themselves is the fact that when The League of Nations, and then the UN divided so called Palestine in half in to a two state system for Jews and Arabs, the Arabs in that area either were prevented by Jordan from occupying their territory in Trans-Jordan, or they themselves refused to settle it.

Instead they embarked on a policy of wanting to wipe Israel out and take their portion of so called Palestine (Israel) for themselves. That is still their position today. It is why they attacked Israel in 1967 after having already gone to war with them and being defeated in 1948 in the Arab-Israeli War. You almost NEVER HEAR THIS DISCUSSED. Egypt, Syria and Iraq combined in to a coalition and attacked Israel and was destroyed in just 6 days in the 1967 war.

The Arabs in that area have been attacking Israel since the 1917 Balfour Declaration

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia

1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

We would not have to give Israel a dime, if The Arabs would simply settle Trans-Jordan instead of continually trying to remove Israel from ....well... Israel.

Everything East of The Jordan River, the so called Palestinians can settle, but West of the Jordan officially is for The Jews. That includes The West Bank.
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Side Note: Transjordan is land that is East of The Jordan River. Trans-Jordan has always been the declared territory for Arabs living in that area for the past 100 years, while The Jews were given the land East of The Jordan River.

The Jordan River is actually the official boundary for what separates The Jewish Homeland and what people refer to as The Palestinian Homeland.

That means The WEST BANK is Israeli Territory.
Side Note: Transjordan is land that is East of The Jordan River. Trans-Jordan has always been the declared territory for Arabs living in that area , while The Jews were given the land East of The Jordan River. The Jordan River is actually the official boundary for what separates The Jewish Homeland and what people refer to as The Palestinian Homeland. That means The WEST BANK is Israeli Territory
Declared by who?
Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom.

The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region against the advice of his generals was because he worked up a dirty deal with terrorists, AGAIN to launch a Military COUP against SYRIA. ISIS was an A Barak Hussein Obama creation.
Obama actually provided financial support to certain factions of ISIS to attack Syria which is unthinkable for a civilized human being to do, let alone a US President.

Obama gave the worst terrorist state in the world, Iran $150 Billion. They used this money to buy Russian Uranium which actually came from the US through Canada via another dirty deal Obama orchestrated, The Uranium One Deal. The used that $150 Billion to build up their military, hire Russian Scientists, and weapons developers to help build Iran, Drones, Missile Defense Systems and Nuclear ICMBS now with the Range to Obliterate Israel. Iran is an enemy of Israel and The United States just like ISIS is.

Obama also sponsored a COUP in Turkey that failed. He wanted a leadership there that was more hostile towards Israel.

Obama launched illegal and unconstitutional military operations in Syria to help depose Assad because Assad is not as hostile towards Israel as Obama wanted him to be. I don't like Assad at all. But the world is actually better off with him running Syria than ISIS would have been.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qaddafi and start a COUP in Libya. They are enemies of Israel.

Side Note: Obama & Clinton against International Law, used The Benghazi Post as a weapons depot to arm The Terrorists that assassinated Qaddafi. Al Qaeda found out about it by hacking in to Sid Blumenthal's Yahoo account that Hillary Clinton emailed him at from her secret server. She was sharing classified information with him about weapons purchases and other actions by our government for the sole purpose of Insider Trading Profiteering. I didn't like Qaddafi, but Libya was better under him than it is under Al Qeada.

Obama has given weapons and money to Al Nusra. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama has given weapons and money to HAMAS and THE PLO. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama as he was leaving office stabbed Israel in the back by sponsoring an Anti-Israel UN Resolution as his last official act as president.

Obama poured millions of dollars in to INTEFERING with Israel's elections to try to remove Benjamin Netanyahoo, because Benji is extremely set against giving up land for peace.

Side Note: Trans-Jordan was always designated as the other half of so called Palestine when the UN divided that area to create a two state system for Jews and Arabs living in that area. The Arabs in that area refused to occupy or were prevented by Jordan from occupying the area designated for them by The UN, so The Fake Palestinians have no claim on any land they are squatting on. Go to Trans-Jordan.

Obama & Clinton are both Anti-Semite racists, Hell bent on eliminating Israel from The Middle East and surrounded Israel with numerous more hostile enemies.

Managing Obama's War Against Israel | RealClearPolitics

Why it’s correct to label the Obama administration ‘anti-Israel’

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders

Obama’s Israel legacy: A hostile Democratic Party

Netanyahu says Obama ‘ambushed’ Israel at UN, likens him to ‘deeply hostile’ Carter

ACLJ Demands Answers on Obama Administration’s Diplomatic War Against Israel | American Center for Law and Justice

Ted Cruz: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign Against Prime Minister Netanyahu?
^ :cuckoo:
You can always move to Transjordan, which is EAST of The Jordan, and if you feel so strongly about removing Israel from the land they have lived in for 5,000 years, you can sign up for ISIS, HAMAS, THE PLO, or AL QAEDA..

I jest...

On a serious note, what do you have against Israel? I don't understand that.
Since we are talking a lot about Anti-Semitism in The Democrat Party, I thought I'd post this. This is just off the top of my head, but I will provide links to articles that go in to a lot more detail at the bottom.

The reason Obama actually abruptly pulled out of the Syria & Iraq region against the advice of his generals was because he worked up a dirty deal with terrorists, AGAIN to launch a Military COUP against SYRIA. ISIS was an A Barak Hussein Obama creation.
Obama actually provided financial support to certain factions of ISIS to attack Syria which is unthinkable for a civilized human being to do, let alone a US President.

Obama gave the worst terrorist state in the world, Iran $150 Billion. They used this money to buy Russian Uranium which actually came from the US through Canada via another dirty deal Obama orchestrated, The Uranium One Deal. The used that $150 Billion to build up their military, hire Russian Scientists, and weapons developers to help build Iran, Drones, Missile Defense Systems and Nuclear ICMBS now with the Range to Obliterate Israel. Iran is an enemy of Israel and The United States just like ISIS is.

Obama also sponsored a COUP in Turkey that failed. He wanted a leadership there that was more hostile towards Israel.

Obama launched illegal and unconstitutional military operations in Syria to help depose Assad because Assad is not as hostile towards Israel as Obama wanted him to be. I don't like Assad at all. But the world is actually better off with him running Syria than ISIS would have been.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization to launch a COUP in Egypt. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama & Clinton paid and armed Al Queda in Libya to assassinate Qaddafi and start a COUP in Libya. They are enemies of Israel.

Side Note: Obama & Clinton against International Law, used The Benghazi Post as a weapons depot to arm The Terrorists that assassinated Qaddafi. Al Qaeda found out about it by hacking in to Sid Blumenthal's Yahoo account that Hillary Clinton emailed him at from her secret server. She was sharing classified information with him about weapons purchases and other actions by our government for the sole purpose of Insider Trading Profiteering. I didn't like Qaddafi, but Libya was better under him than it is under Al Qeada.

Obama has given weapons and money to Al Nusra. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama has given weapons and money to HAMAS and THE PLO. They are enemies of Israel.

Obama as he was leaving office stabbed Israel in the back by sponsoring an Anti-Israel UN Resolution as his last official act as president.

Obama poured millions of dollars in to INTEFERING with Israel's elections to try to remove Benjamin Netanyahoo, because Benji is extremely set against giving up land for peace.

Side Note: Trans-Jordan was always designated as the other half of so called Palestine when the UN divided that area to create a two state system for Jews and Arabs living in that area. The Arabs in that area refused to occupy or were prevented by Jordan from occupying the area designated for them by The UN, so The Fake Palestinians have no claim on any land they are squatting on. Go to Trans-Jordan.

Obama & Clinton are both Anti-Semite racists, Hell bent on eliminating Israel from The Middle East and surrounded Israel with numerous more hostile enemies.

Managing Obama's War Against Israel | RealClearPolitics

Why it’s correct to label the Obama administration ‘anti-Israel’

America’s Most Biblically-Hostile U. S. President - WallBuilders

Obama’s Israel legacy: A hostile Democratic Party

Netanyahu says Obama ‘ambushed’ Israel at UN, likens him to ‘deeply hostile’ Carter

ACLJ Demands Answers on Obama Administration’s Diplomatic War Against Israel | American Center for Law and Justice

Ted Cruz: Has President Obama Launched a Political Campaign Against Prime Minister Netanyahu?
^ :cuckoo:
You can always move to Transjordan, which is EAST of The Jordan, and if you feel so strongly about removing Israel from the land they have lived in for 5,000 years, you can sign up for ISIS, HAMAS, THE PLO, or AL QAEDA..

I jest...

On a serious note, what do you have against Israel? I don't understand that.
I could take your house and say “hey, you can just move to Maryland?”
Side Note: Transjordan is land that is East of The Jordan River. Trans-Jordan has always been the declared territory for Arabs living in that area , while The Jews were given the land East of The Jordan River. The Jordan River is actually the official boundary for what separates The Jewish Homeland and what people refer to as The Palestinian Homeland. That means The WEST BANK is Israeli Territory
Declared by who?
Do you not read the materials that posters like myself include in their posts?

The links are there, so read the pages.

Do you not know what Transjordan is? That was the designated home of the so called Palestinian Arabs, as defined by The Balfour Declaration, League of Nations, The UN, etc. etc. It's in black and white. Those resolutions, declarations and treaties have been in place since World War I after the Ottoman Empire tried to commit Genocide against The Jewish People during The Armenian Genocide, and killed 2 Million Jews.

Those agreements were again reconfirmed after World War II after Hitler & His Nazi Party launched The Holocaust and killed 7 Million Jews.

The so called Palestinian Arab Homeland is East of The River Jordan. All things West of The Jordan River is The Jewish Homeland as defined in multiple resolutions, agreements and declarations.
Side Note: Transjordan is land that is East of The Jordan River. Trans-Jordan has always been the declared territory for Arabs living in that area , while The Jews were given the land East of The Jordan River. The Jordan River is actually the official boundary for what separates The Jewish Homeland and what people refer to as The Palestinian Homeland. That means The WEST BANK is Israeli Territory
Declared by who?
Do you not read the materials that posters like myself include in their posts? The links are there, so read the pages.

Do you not know what Transjordan is? That was the designated home of the so called Palestinian Arabs, as defined by The Balfour Declaration, League of Nations, The UN, etc. etc. It's in black and white. Those resolutions, declarations and treaties have been in place since World War I after the Ottoman Empire tried to commit Genocide against The Jewish People during The Armenian Genocide, and killed 2 Million Jews.

Those agreements were again reconfirmed after World War II after Hitler launched The Holocaust and killed 7 Million Jews.
The Armenian genocide was against Jewish people? You should write a book.

At least you acknowledge some totally outside group declared the people of a land were no longer allowed to be partnof that land
Letter from Nazi Germany during World War II urging Arabs in the so called Area of Palestine to go to war with Israel. Final Victory = Final Solution. The extermination of The Jewish People.

From WIKI: Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

Even though Arabs were not highly regarded by Nazi racial theory, the Nazis encouraged Arab support as a counter to British hegemony.[40] SS-Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler was keen to exploit this, going so far as to enlist the aid of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, sending him the following telegram on 2 November 1943:

To the Grand Mufti:

The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers.

In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world.

In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory – Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler
Letter from Nazi Germany during World War II urging Arabs in the so called Area of Palestine to go to war with Israel. Final Victory = Final Solution. The extermination of The Jewish People.

To the Grand Mufti:

The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers.

In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world.

In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory – Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler
No mention of Israel in that letter, as it didn’t exist until the UN carved it out of a stretch of inhabited land.
You do realize that for the past 2,000 years or more that Israel was renamed Palestine by The Roman Empire when they occupied it, and that The West including Great Britain called Israel by the name of Palestine until after 1948.

You are aware of that, correct?

And The Balfour Declaration in 1917 declares that Israel or Palestine the Roman Name for Israel includes the entirety of this area shown on the below map.

Mandatory Palestine


Everything East of The Jordan River can be settled by so called Palestinian Arabs, which are not a genetic population but are made up of Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians. If the so called Palestinian Arabs do not like Transjordan, they can reture to Egypt, Syria, or Jordan, their homelands. The entire Middle East is made up of Arabs covering millions and millions of square miles of land that dwarfs tiny Israel exponentially.

Why does the entire Arab Population need a tiny area the size of the state of New Jersey too, when they occupy an area many times larger than The United States of America?

It does not make sense at all, unless understanding it can only be accomplished in recognizing Arab Hatred of The Jew, and in reading and understanding their written declarations to Exterminate Israel.
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I don't agree with giving Israel billions. That's money that could be put towards building the wall.
Here are the countries that receive the most foreign aid from the US

In terms of individual countries, the following receive the most in economic [not security] aid:
Afghanistan (650 million)
Jordan (635 million)
Kenya (632 million)
Tanzania (534 million)
Uganda (435 million)
Zambia (428 million)
Nigeria (413 million)

In terms of security aid, the countries receiving the most help are:
Afghanistan (5.0 billion)
Israel (3.2 billion)
Iraq (1.3 billion)
Egypt (1.3 billion)
Syria (541 million)
Jordan (364 million)

The large majority of aid Israel has received from the U.S. has been for military and security. If it were not for so many hostile neighbors always attacking, always plotting, Israel would be fine without having to spend half their GDP on defense. But they are vilified by Americans who think it is a crime to give Israel anything. I accessed an old article from the 1984 that shows some of what the US was spending defending Western Europe, Japan, et al. No one seems to care how many billions went that way and are still flowing.

The Defense Department has reported to Congress that United States forces committed to the defense of Western Europe cost $105 billion in 1982. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, has estimated that cost would be $133 billion this year. Earl C. Ravenal, a former Pentagon analyst now at Georgetown University, has asserted that United States commitments to Europe, Asia and the Persian Gulf region would cost $212 billion in 1984.
I don't agree with giving Israel billions. That's money that could be put towards building the wall.
Here are the countries that receive the most foreign aid from the US

In terms of individual countries, the following receive the most in economic [not security] aid:
Afghanistan (650 million)
Jordan (635 million)
Kenya (632 million)
Tanzania (534 million)
Uganda (435 million)
Zambia (428 million)
Nigeria (413 million)

In terms of security aid, the countries receiving the most help are:
Afghanistan (5.0 billion)
Israel (3.2 billion)
Iraq (1.3 billion)
Egypt (1.3 billion)
Syria (541 million)
Jordan (364 million)

The large majority of aid Israel has received from the U.S. has been for military and security. If it were not for so many hostile neighbors always attacking, always plotting, Israel would be fine without having to spend half their GDP on defense. But they are vilified by Americans who think it is a crime to give Israel anything. I accessed an old article from the 1984 that shows some of what the US was spending defending Western Europe, Japan, et al. No one seems to care how many billions went that way and are still flowing.

The Defense Department has reported to Congress that United States forces committed to the defense of Western Europe cost $105 billion in 1982. Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, has estimated that cost would be $133 billion this year. Earl C. Ravenal, a former Pentagon analyst now at Georgetown University, has asserted that United States commitments to Europe, Asia and the Persian Gulf region would cost $212 billion in 1984.

The Arabs have rejected literally thousands of proposals to end their hostilities against Israel. The Arabs also have millions and millions of square miles they inhabit, but have gone to war 100s of times since the 1917 Balfour Declaration to destroy Israel who only occupies a tiny area the size of New Jersey.

It is not about land, it is about Hatred of The Jew. If you ally with Nazi Germany to kill Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Armenian Genocide of 2 Million Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Holocaust that killed 7 Million Jews, you hate Jews. The conflict over a tiny piece of land only exists because of Arab Hatred of The Jewish People
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The Arabs have rejected literally thousands of proposals to end their hostilities against Israel. The Arabs also have millions and millions of square miles they inhabit, but have gone to war 100s of times since the 1917 Balfour Declaration to destroy Israel who only occupies a tiny are the size of New Jersey.

It is not about land, it is about Hatred of The Jew. If you ally with Nazi Germany to kill Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Armenian Genocide of 2 Million Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Holocaust that killed 7 Million Jews, you hate Jews. The conflict over a tiny piece of land only exists because of Arab Hatred of The Jewish People
All you say here is obvious and factual. The defense of Israeli Jews vs. the hostility of Arab nations towards them for 100 years or more should be undeniable. And yet, scores of political forces in Europe and the USA are forever vilifying Israel, blaming them by far the most for this ongoing conflict, and pointing out everything they do to defend themselves to be an atrocity against innocent folks. It's demonic, this assault. This is a spiritual battle --- and you need not agree with me on that point. But the fact the U.N. hates Israel, most vocal college professors are vehemently against Israel, the MSM is not on Israel's side -- no way, liberal politicians even liberal churches make Israel to be some kind of malevolent beast we are all giving in to ---------- this whole matter makes zero sense except for a spiritual element to me.
The Arabs have rejected literally thousands of proposals to end their hostilities against Israel. The Arabs also have millions and millions of square miles they inhabit, but have gone to war 100s of times since the 1917 Balfour Declaration to destroy Israel who only occupies a tiny are the size of New Jersey.

It is not about land, it is about Hatred of The Jew. If you ally with Nazi Germany to kill Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Armenian Genocide of 2 Million Jews, you hate Jews. If you participated in The Holocaust that killed 7 Million Jews, you hate Jews. The conflict over a tiny piece of land only exists because of Arab Hatred of The Jewish People
All you say here is obvious and factual. The defense of Israeli Jews vs. the hostility of Arab nations towards them for 100 years or more should be undeniable. And yet, scores of political forces in Europe and the USA are forever vilifying Israel, blaming them by far the most for this ongoing conflict, and pointing out everything they do to defend themselves to be an atrocity against innocent folks. It's demonic, this assault. This is a spiritual battle --- and you need not agree with me on that point. But the fact the U.N. hates Israel, most vocal college professors are vehemently against Israel, the MSM is not on Israel's side -- no way, liberal politicians even liberal churches make Israel to be some kind of malevolent beast we are all giving in to ---------- this whole matter makes zero sense except for a spiritual element to me.

And you are 100% correct. That is why the issue of Israel's existence will never be resolved until The End Times Prophecies are fulfilled. After that point, there will be neither Jew, nor Gentile and swords shall be beaten in to plowshares.
Obama Bucks for Iran, funding Obama Bombs for Israel.

Snippage of the following article. Full article and interview available at the provided link:

Israel calls on UN Security Council to block Iranian terror funding: 'Israel will not hold back’

Israel’s United Nations Ambassador Danny Danon called on members of the United Nations Security Council Tuesday to take action to help stop Iran’s funding of global terrorism -- and warned that Israel will act if attacked by terrorists.

“If we must, we will respond alone. We will defend our democracy; safeguard our sovereignty; and protect our people,” Danon told the Council at a debate on the Middle East. "If Israel must act, Israel will not hold back."

Danon said Tehran spends $7 billion a year on funding terrorism, and presented members with new information showing how Iran had been increasing funding and training to terror groups in the West Bank. He called on the U.N. to label groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic jihad as terrorist organizations, which would in turn bar countries from sending them money.

Danon said when the Security Council labeled Al Qaeda, the Taliban and ISIS as terror groups, their terror threat was reduced. He urged members to show the same zeal against groups that receive Iranian terror funding and to crack down on that funding.

“In our region, the money trail of terror leads back to one common supplier. The world must acknowledge that supplier – the source that is the epicenter of modern terrorism,” he said

He was backed in his assessment by U.S. Acting Permanent Representative Jonathan Cohen, who said that “we see Iran’s proxies taking dangerous steps that threaten international peace and security.”

On Tuesday, while Danon acknowledged that in recent months countries in the Europe and the Middle East have started to look into the funding levels, he warned that Iran is now, “trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria,” which is also known as the West Bank.

Danon said that over $100 million is given by Iran to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, both of whom are on the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and said Iran has now boasted about such cooperation.

“With Iran’s blessing, Hamas is growing closer to Hezbollah, and sharing its preferred terror tactics, including tunnels, which we now seen in Southern Lebanon. He continued that, “Iran all of a sudden is now speaking publicly about training Palestinian terrorists. High profile terrorists of Hamas and Islamic Jihad are meeting with high ranking officials in Tehran.”


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