Obama's Hawaiian vacation could have paid 194 air traffic controllers' salaries


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!
It is more important for obama to have his vacation that air traffic controllers have a job, or for Americans to have access to travel for that matter. It is all about increasing the pain on the public.
It is more important for obama to have his vacation that air traffic controllers have a job, or for Americans to have access to travel for that matter. It is all about increasing the pain on the public.

Which goes back to an earlier thread...

An analysis by Gallup earlier this year revealed that Mr. Obama has been the most polarizing occupant of the Oval Office in the past 60 years.
Obama's Fourth Year in Office Ties as Most Polarized Ever

Five years that are so exceptional polarizing of ALL AMERICANS that When Obama said:
1) "I'd like higher gas prices.." ..........THANKS to Obama the EPA adding 25 cents per gallon next year!
Really you think MOST people want to have higher gas prices????

2) “Under my plan....electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket".
Really you think MOST people want to have higher utility rates??????
Proof from USAToday:Household electricity bills skyrocket ? USATODAY.com
"Electric bills have skyrocketed in the last five years, a sharp reversal from a quarter-century when Americans enjoyed stable power bills even as they used more electricity.
Households paid a record $1,419 on average for electricity in 2010, the fifth consecutive yearly increase above the inflation rate, a USA TODAY analysis of government data found. The jump has added about $300 a year to what households pay for electricity. That's the largest sustained increase since a run-up in electricity prices during the 1970s

3)" So, if somebody wants to build a coal[electric utility] plant, they can. it’s just that it will bankrupt them,!"
Really you think MOST people want to have companies go bankrupt???

4)Told Brazil.."we'll be your best [oil] customer".
Really you think MOST people want to have our BEST OIL supplier be from a foreign supplier????

5) "I favor single payer insurance".. meaning 1,400 insurance companies stop: paying $100 billion in Fed/state/local taxes as well as LOCAL property taxes.
400,000 employees let go collecting $6 billion in unemployment checks!
Really you think MOST people want to have their neighbors out of work, or have to make up the $100 billion in taxes... REALLY????

6) Since Obama NEVER was in the military he had NO problem saying our military methodically planned and executed "air raids on villages killing civilians" Obama did!
Really do you think MOST AMERICANS really believe our military that represents US methodically and systematically executed "air raids to kill civilians" ?

7) Obama still thinks there 46 million uninsured because HE doesn't evidently know that:
a) 10 million are not citizens but he counts them as Uninsured!
b) 14 million all they have to do is enroll but OBAMA counts them as uninsured.. why doesn't he just enroll them??? instead of counting them?
c) 18 million Obama WANTS to force buying health insurance THAT don't want it, can afford it (make over $50k!) and pay their own expenses out of pocket.

That means there are less then 4 million.
If Obama/Congress hadn't taken $300 million in lawyers'donations those 4 million could be covered from a 10% tax on the $200 billion lawyers' income!

8) And for those of you that are in this category..i.e. polarized Americans-- here is what Obama thinks about you!!!

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." --explaining his troubles winning over some working-class voters"
EDITORIAL: Obama's gaffes not for laughs - Washington Times

the president is manifestly obsessed with dismantling traditional, free-market capitalist America and transforming it into a socialist nanny state.

Remember, these people are revolutionaries (that is, engaged in “bringing about a major or fundamental change,” as Merriam-Webster puts it) and utterly committed to replacing one societal structure – America’s constitutional, limited-government, free-enterprise system – with another – a socialist, wealth-redistributionist system run by an all-powerful government.

“All of this is so in our face. Everything that people hold dear is under assault. Deliberately making people upset! This is not what presidents do.”
- unless they happen to be leftist revolutionaries, in which case “deliberately making people upset” is precisely what they do to accomplish their intended “fundamental transformation.”

  • Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
  • Fully one-third of the nation’s employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all “millennials” (18 to 33 year olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.
  • Shocking new research from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that one in five of all high-school-aged children in the United States has been diagnosed with ADHD, and likewise a large new study of New York City residents shows, sadly, that one in five preteens – children aged six to 12 – have been medically diagnosed with either ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder;

Americans ?snapping? by the millions
Congress can end the stupid sequester right now

Why don't they do it?
Hmm, furloughs at the same time we are giving them raises? WAKE UP, AMERICA. There has been an ongoing gigantic ripoff of the taxpayer by public employee unions for the past 30 years. Salaries, pensions and other benefits have risen to obscene levels, yet have been largely hidden from the public.
A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!

I wonder how many ATC could have been paid with Bush's 1000 days spent between Crawford and Camp David? Think about it: that's almost 3 years out of an 8-year term that he spent just playing around with his chainsaw.

Stack this up against our previous prez:
We all need a little R&R - even the leader of the Free World. Since assuming office in January 2009, President Obama has taken all or part of 83 vacation days, according to CBS News White House correspondent, Mark Knoller. At that rate, Mr. Obama will be on par to take about 168 vacation days during his eight-year tenure.

168 compared to Bush's 1020. I say send him and the fam to Paris when his term is up.

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These photos were published on Photobucket by a username of "alaskamomma". That explains it.

Dear Alaska Momma,
When the president of the United States (down here in the lower 48) has a White House formal affair, people dress up. They don't wear seal boots or wolf fur hats. And they arrive in cars, not sleds.
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A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!

I wonder how many ATC could have been paid with Bush's 1000 days spent between Crawford and Camp David? Think about it: that's almost 3 years out of an 8-year term that he spent just playing around with his chainsaw.

Stack this up against our previous prez:
We all need a little R&R - even the leader of the Free World. Since assuming office in January 2009, President Obama has taken all or part of 83 vacation days, according to CBS News White House correspondent, Mark Knoller. At that rate, Mr. Obama will be on par to take about 168 vacation days during his eight-year tenure.

168 compared to Bush's 1020. I say send him and the fam to Paris when his term is up.
How President Obama's vacation time stacks up - Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

Bush was at his home. Do you call working from home a "vacation"?
Obama hasn't been to his home in years... spends money on vacation sites like Mexico europe, hawaii... Bush NEVER spent any tax payer money on that!
Why must Obama go to exotic locations for "vacation" while his $50,000 a year mortgage deduction against taxes is empty!

Tell me how many exotic locations Bush went on tax payer expenses?
A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!

I never can understand why this is such a big deal to the right? you do know hawaii is a state right? and obozos birth place? lol.
A May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics report shows the median hourly wages for air traffic controllers was $51.44.

Obama could keep nearly 194 full time air traffic controllers working one year by taking his $20 million Hawaiian vacation.

AF1- $187,000/hour costs to fly.. which is equal to almost 2 air traffic controller at annual salary of $102,000)

If he had done what Bush did go to HIS HOME in Chicago for Christmas instead of the $20 million spent in Hawaii..
Taxpayer Bill for Obama?s Hawaii Vacations: $20 Million | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

that would be equal to 194 full time air traffic controllers for a year!

Which is even more coincidental as Obama could have saved the equivalent of "direct economic output reduction of $19 million annually" that Gov. Scott said would cost Florida economy due to flight controllers.

Strange isn't? Obama not only could have SAVED 194 full time air traffic controllers BUT $19 million in economic output!!!

I never can understand why this is such a big deal to the right? you do know hawaii is a state right? and obozos birth place? lol
yea truth matters sometimes I agree with that statement. come on whats the big deal about obama going to hawaii? we all know bush jr. took more vactions to his ranch in texas.
It is more important for obama to have his vacation that air traffic controllers have a job, or for Americans to have access to travel for that matter. It is all about increasing the pain on the public.

That is what it is all about......
The Fed has no intention of making the cuts easy, they want each and every American Citizen to feel the cuts as much as possible.
one reason , they are racists

Don't be so generalizing. You are such a clueless person...I do not understand how you manage to get out of bed by yourself.

It is a big deal to anyone that understands what the spending of Obama has done and is doing to this country. He spends like a drunken sailor, borrowing each week from next week's pay to finance his continuous shopping spree. He started this sequester shit and then tried to blame it on Republicans. He has cost us hundreds of jobs already with his goddamned ObamaCare bullshit, he has closed the White House tours, he has caused the furlough of government workers...yet he thinks nothing of taking Air Force One for a 20 million dollar trip with all his fucking support crew tagging along at our expense.

Obama is a goddamned smug, self righteous elitist! Anybody that defends his sorry ass for the way he's spending our money is a goddamned dupe!

And there is NOTHING racist about what I say here.

Plain common sense logic and elementary bookkeeping will easily convince a sane person that Obama is a wild spendthrift on a power driven rampage.

And there is NOTHING racist about that!
I still dont get this? what do you want the President of the United states and his family to vacation at a holiday inn in Toledo Ohio? yea the world press would have a field day with that one. lol just stupid.

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