Obama's Evolving Opinion On Same-sex Marriage


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It's pretty clear that Obama is saying one thing and secretly believes another. I think he looks like a hypocrite when he refuses to say exactly where he stands on same-sex marriage. Instead he meekly says his opinion is evolving.

That isn't even intelligent enough to call stupid.

Fact is Obama has officially said he's against it but his policies say otherwise. I don't need to hear what he believes because I already know. He is pro same-sex marriage, but he's afraid to lose the Latino vote and any conservatives that he once had. He won't say what he really believes till after the election.

What a coward.

I believe that Gays deserve the same rights as everybody else, but I'm not gonna send someone else out to pander to them like Obama did with Joe Biden.

It was unseemly. It was pathetic. I don't think Biden believed a word he said. He's as big a bigot as anyone. However he was told to say what he said on Meet The Depressed Sunday morning. This is Obama's way of starting a new discussion without actually participating. He had Biden put on his knee-pads and grovel to the Gay community while he stays out of it and remains free of criticism.

Typical Obama. He always has somebody else carry his water on the tough issues.

I think hes faking it on this one too.

At least hes moving in the right direction
He's really gotten screwed with this one. In 2008 he was against gay marriage. Now that it seems to be some kind of issue for his liberal base he sends Biden to say it's really OK and he supports it. But he leaves himself wiggle room to say Biden wasn't speaking for him. Because gay marriage is most vociferously opposed in black churches, which is a strong base of support for him.
He would have done better keeping his mouth shut on the issue. Same as he would have with Trayvon Martin and a bunch of other things.
Why is the President so non-committal on this? From a social position, moderates, independents, and liberals are by and large in agreement with him. Is he trying to attract the Religious Right? Can he not show leadership or definitivenrss on something so easy?

It's pretty clear that Obama is saying one thing and secretly believes another. I think he looks like a hypocrite when he refuses to say exactly where he stands on same-sex marriage. Instead he meekly says his opinion is evolving.

That isn't even intelligent enough to call stupid.

Fact is Obama has officially said he's against it but his policies say otherwise. I don't need to hear what he believes because I already know. He is pro same-sex marriage, but he's afraid to lose the Latino vote and any conservatives that he once had. He won't say what he really believes till after the election.

What a coward.

I believe that Gays deserve the same rights as everybody else, but I'm not gonna send someone else out to pander to them like Obama did with Joe Biden.

It was unseemly. It was pathetic. I don't think Biden believed a word he said. He's as big a bigot as anyone. However he was told to say what he said on Meet The Depressed Sunday morning. This is Obama's way of starting a new discussion without actually participating. He had Biden put on his knee-pads and grovel to the Gay community while he stays out of it and remains free of criticism.

Typical Obama. He always has somebody else carry his water on the tough issues.


If he came out loud and clear that he Supported Same Sex Marriage he would lose more than a chunk of the Latino Vote...

He'd Lose a notable number of Blacks. :thup:


Why is the President so non-committal on this? From a social position, moderates, independents, and liberals are by and large in agreement with him. Is he trying to attract the Religious Right? Can he not show leadership or definitivenrss on something so easy?

It's not "so easy". Supporting marriage equality at this juncture wouldn't be prudent. The right isn't exactly excited about Romney, but make marriage equality an issue and it will rile the RW base.
Why is the President so non-committal on this? From a social position, moderates, independents, and liberals are by and large in agreement with him. Is he trying to attract the Religious Right? Can he not show leadership or definitivenrss on something so easy?

It's not "so easy". Supporting marriage equality at this juncture wouldn't be prudent. The right isn't exactly excited about Romney, but make marriage equality an issue and it will rile the RW base.

So is Obama pro gay marriage or anti? Is he just saying stuff to get elected? Isn't that hypocritical? Do you give a shit?
Does it really MATTER what Obama's opinion is, regarding whether-or-not Gay-marriage is recognized, nationwide?

Not really.

The majority of people (in this Country) recognize that it's primarily Conservatives & "conservatives" who are so obsessed with the issue; enough-so that they're pushing for legislation to DENY Gay-marriage recognition.

Obama's opinion is going to change their minds....really??

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It's pretty clear that Obama is saying one thing and secretly believes another. I think he looks like a hypocrite when he refuses to say exactly where he stands on same-sex marriage. Instead he meekly says his opinion is evolving.

That isn't even intelligent enough to call stupid.

Fact is Obama has officially said he's against it but his policies say otherwise. I don't need to hear what he believes because I already know. He is pro same-sex marriage, but he's afraid to lose the Latino vote and any conservatives that he once had. He won't say what he really believes till after the election.

What a coward.

I believe that Gays deserve the same rights as everybody else, but I'm not gonna send someone else out to pander to them like Obama did with Joe Biden.

It was unseemly. It was pathetic. I don't think Biden believed a word he said. He's as big a bigot as anyone. However he was told to say what he said on Meet The Depressed Sunday morning. This is Obama's way of starting a new discussion without actually participating. He had Biden put on his knee-pads and grovel to the Gay community while he stays out of it and remains free of criticism.

Typical Obama. He always has somebody else carry his water on the tough issues.


Bidens even too stupid to know when he's been used.
Why is the President so non-committal on this? From a social position, moderates, independents, and liberals are by and large in agreement with him. Is he trying to attract the Religious Right? Can he not show leadership or definitivenrss on something so easy?

historically black people and catholics (hispanics) do not favor gay marriage. he's between a baaaaaa rock and a haaard place.
Uhhhhhhhhhhh.......that was a "GO!"



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