Obama's Endgame for the USA: End the $ as the world curency


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Obama will pull the country down around his ears before his miserable one-term is up and his parting shot will be to see to it that the dollar is no longer the worlds reserve currency.

You don't think it matters?

This will not be good.

Not at all.

It's already starting to happen, but Obama will see to it that it happens on his watch.

Gas will double, food will triple, the economy will grind to a complete standstill before he's finished.

And of course he'll blame the Tea Party for it.
That's why we need to kick ourselves out of the system somehow. Don't ask me how, I havent figured that out yet. But we need to somehow have ourselves out of the current system and starting our own.
That's also why Obama started Occupy Wall Street now.

When it finally happens he will have his boots on the ground to make sure markets close and the panic spreads

And he will blame the Tea Party
Obama will pull the country down around his ears before his miserable one-term is up and his parting shot will be to see to it that the dollar is no longer the worlds reserve currency.
Obama is merely the puppet Frank, you have to look past the Man at the Teleprompter and see who bankrolls him. There you will find America's true enemies.
There's been talk of oil being traded in the euro or another currency for years before Obama even ran for president.
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..

That's also why Obama started Occupy Wall Street now.

When it finally happens he will have his boots on the ground to make sure markets close and the panic spreads

And he will blame the Tea Party

right.....what we need is a strong candidate to counterattack and one who will lead us out of this disaster-in-the making....

maybe we need to bring Trump back...
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..


Then you werent paying attention...
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..


Did you hit your head recently? You may be concussed
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..


Did you hit your head recently? You may be concussed


Amnesia is your strong suit. I remember Silverado, Iran/Contra, The bond bailout, Star wars, and the exploding deficit trick.

Along with nearly 10% UE..in the first term.
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..


Did you hit your head recently? You may be concussed


Amnesia is your strong suit. I remember Silverado, Iran/Contra, The bond bailout, Star wars, and the exploding deficit trick.

Along with nearly 10% UE..in the first term.

So Reagan must have had a tough reelection, right?

Star wars worked.

The economy recovered

The Budget Impoundment and Control Act on 1974 kept Reagan from making the lying Dem Congress live up to their spending cut promises
Here's the funny part.

Reagan's economy was just as miserable as Obama's. Probably more so.

Just there wasn't a 24/7 propaganda machine constantly saying how bad it was..

Under Reagan, we did not lose our credit rating. Under Reagan, he actually did his job and presented budgets to Congress. Under Reagan, the dollar did not lose it's power as a world currency (and, that does not mean normal cycling value, FYI).

So, not really, but keep telling yourself that.
Obama just got his jobs bill stopped by his buddy Harry Reid, and then blamed the republicans. There is nothing he won't lie about. He will create a disaster just to lie about it.

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