Obama's Divided America: 'Too Many Whites At Mizzou 'Orlando Vigil'

Are Blacks the only ones who get to mourn and pay respects to fallen / murdered AMERICANS now?

Black Lives Matter...but when whites stand with those who are mourning the deaths of Americans killed by terrorists it's not ok? REALLY?
Race Mongers control everything at Mizzou. It's been that way for a long time.
The white bourgeoisie just isn't respected like it use to be in this country....
Yes, 'Virginia', there is racism in America, and despite what Obama tells you, it is NOT all coming from the 'Right'!

This is what the nation, that came together so closely after 9/11/01, has been reduced to:

Mizzou Race Activist Annoyed by Large Presence of Whites at Vigil for Orlando Victims — Just Watch the Response She Gets
She couldn't have been more despicable if she had shouted racial slurs. What a disgrace. It would be unbelievable, except that it is real. I am truly disgusted.
The white bourgeoisie just isn't respected like it use to be in this country....
What an ignorant, bigoted thing to say. This isn't about race, class or socio-economic standing. This is about AMERICANS being murdered by a radical Islamic terrorist. It really doesn't matter to me that they where in a gay club, they where my American brethren. For you to make this about ANYTHING else puts you on the same level as the KKK, Nazis, Terrorists, and militant homophobes (just to name a few).
Yes, 'Virginia', there is racism in America, and despite what Obama tells you, it is NOT all coming from the 'Right'!

This is what the nation, that came together so closely after 9/11/01, has been reduced to:

Mizzou Race Activist Annoyed by Large Presence of Whites at Vigil for Orlando Victims — Just Watch the Response She Gets

And some were pissed that whites weren't out showing support during their BLM protests. The way whites were being attacked, did they really expect more to show up?
Yes, 'Virginia', there is racism in America, and despite what Obama tells you, it is NOT all coming from the 'Right'!

This is what the nation, that came together so closely after 9/11/01, has been reduced to:

Mizzou Race Activist Annoyed by Large Presence of Whites at Vigil for Orlando Victims — Just Watch the Response She Gets

And some were pissed that whites weren't out showing support during their BLM protests. The way whites were being attacked, did they really expect more to show up?
Of course not, but then that is what they want, so they can continue whining about "the white man", AKA the boogie man.
Poor little delicate snowflake. Me thinks she has a big surprise coming when she gets into the real world.
Stupid white gays.

They are just starting to realize who their political and ideological allies are.

Did they really believe Obama when he said he didn't know his pastor was a racist?

Welcome to the future you made. I hope you find joy in it.

The white bourgeoisie just isn't respected like it use to be in this country....
What an ignorant, bigoted thing to say. This isn't about race, class or socio-economic standing. This is about AMERICANS being murdered by a radical Islamic terrorist. It really doesn't matter to me that they where in a gay club, they where my American brethren. For you to make this about ANYTHING else puts you on the same level as the KKK, Nazis, Terrorists, and militant homophobes (just to name a few).

I see I have struck you with my sword of truth and it was a mighty blow. Why else do you howl so much?
The white bourgeoisie just isn't respected like it use to be in this country....
What an ignorant, bigoted thing to say. This isn't about race, class or socio-economic standing. This is about AMERICANS being murdered by a radical Islamic terrorist. It really doesn't matter to me that they where in a gay club, they where my American brethren. For you to make this about ANYTHING else puts you on the same level as the KKK, Nazis, Terrorists, and militant homophobes (just to name a few).

I see I have struck you with my sword of truth and it was a mighty blow. Why else do you howl so much?
Your "sword of truth" is as bigoted as you are then. I am truly sorry for your ignorance.
Yes, 'Virginia', there is racism in America, and despite what Obama tells you, it is NOT all coming from the 'Right'!

This is what the nation, that came together so closely after 9/11/01, has been reduced to:

Mizzou Race Activist Annoyed by Large Presence of Whites at Vigil for Orlando Victims — Just Watch the Response She Gets

The inability of conservatives/republicans to understand simple truths has been a BOOOOON for the Democratic Party.

You can whine and complain all you want, but none of that will change the dire and pathetic circumstances the Right has put themselves in.

Don't like people of color .. who cares? People of color don't like republicans .. and republicans are almost irrelevant in today's society.

Don't like gays, Mexicans and other immigrants .. who cares? :0)

Because of right-wing hate and ignorance, your children will grow up in a society where what the right-wing thinks won't even matter.

The Right Don't (eb) Matter. :0)
Yes, 'Virginia', there is racism in America, and despite what Obama tells you, it is NOT all coming from the 'Right'!

This is what the nation, that came together so closely after 9/11/01, has been reduced to:

Mizzou Race Activist Annoyed by Large Presence of Whites at Vigil for Orlando Victims — Just Watch the Response She Gets

The inability of conservatives/republicans to understand simple truths has been a BOOOOON for the Democratic Party.

You can whine and complain all you want, but none of that will change the dire and pathetic circumstances the Right has put themselves in.

Don't like people of color .. who cares? People of color don't like republicans .. and republicans are almost irrelevant in today's society.

Don't like gays, Mexicans and other immigrants .. who cares? :0)

Because of right-wing hate and ignorance, your children will grow up in a society where what the right-wing thinks won't even matter.

The Right Don't (eb) Matter. :0)

Your bigoted statement is such a wonderful example of how disgustingly racist you are and revealed in your comments to easyt65. You did not address the subject matter in the OP whatsoever.

You represent a certain segment of American blacks that are the most racist people I have ever met in my life. Hell's bells, northern blacks even hate southern blacks who in turn hate northern blacks and both hate blacks who are too black or too light skinned and really really hate any black who succeeds in a profession that is outside of sports or rap these days.

Racist blacks call these successful people like Jackie Robinson, Louis B Armstrong in the past Uncle Toms. In today's world you call some like Condi Rice Uncle Toms and you can't even get that bigotted shit right.

Because Tom was a good Christian man all thru the book and tried desperately to help the slaves around him and died trying to protect them. But then racist blacks only parrot what their masters like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton have told them. They never read the book.

BlackAsCoal my island and continental friends are constantly shocked at US blacks and sadly I just have to tell them that BLM activists are just par for the course because victimhood in the US black community is like a badge of honor.

You are a poster child for this condition. Bigoted and racist as can be.

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