Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

DEC. 17, 2013, 10:02 AM

President Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation.

Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.

Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.

Some of the key findings of the WaPo/ABC poll:

43% of respondents approve of Obama, compared with 55% who disapprove;
42% approve of how he's handling the economy; 55% disapprove;
34% approve of how congressional Democrats are handling their jobs; 64% disapprove;
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove;
On the question of who respondents "trust" to do a better job with the nation's problems, 41% say Obama, and 41% say congressional Republicans;
45% trust congressional Republicans more to handle the economy — 41% say Obama;
42% trust Obama more with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — 37% say congressional Republicans.

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider


Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

DEC. 17, 2013, 10:02 AM

President Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation.

Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.

Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.

Some of the key findings of the WaPo/ABC poll:

43% of respondents approve of Obama, compared with 55% who disapprove;
42% approve of how he's handling the economy; 55% disapprove;
34% approve of how congressional Democrats are handling their jobs; 64% disapprove;
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove;
On the question of who respondents "trust" to do a better job with the nation's problems, 41% say Obama, and 41% say congressional Republicans;
45% trust congressional Republicans more to handle the economy — 41% say Obama;
42% trust Obama more with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — 37% say congressional Republicans.

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider



43%? That's up from the 41% and the 39% someone started threads about last month. You guys and your "LOWEST EVAH!" polls crack me up. :lol:
Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

DEC. 17, 2013, 10:02 AM

President Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation.

Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.

Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.

Some of the key findings of the WaPo/ABC poll:

43% of respondents approve of Obama, compared with 55% who disapprove;
42% approve of how he's handling the economy; 55% disapprove;
34% approve of how congressional Democrats are handling their jobs; 64% disapprove;
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove;
On the question of who respondents "trust" to do a better job with the nation's problems, 41% say Obama, and 41% say congressional Republicans;
45% trust congressional Republicans more to handle the economy — 41% say Obama;
42% trust Obama more with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — 37% say congressional Republicans.

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider



43%? That's up from the 41% and the 39% someone started threads about last month. You guys and your "LOWEST EVAH!" polls crack me up. :lol:

They are hoping that his will be as low as Dubya's.
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.

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Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

DEC. 17, 2013, 10:02 AM

President Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation.

Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.

Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.

Some of the key findings of the WaPo/ABC poll:

43% of respondents approve of Obama, compared with 55% who disapprove;
42% approve of how he's handling the economy; 55% disapprove;
34% approve of how congressional Democrats are handling their jobs; 64% disapprove;
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove;
On the question of who respondents "trust" to do a better job with the nation's problems, 41% say Obama, and 41% say congressional Republicans;
45% trust congressional Republicans more to handle the economy — 41% say Obama;
42% trust Obama more with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — 37% say congressional Republicans.

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider



43%? That's up from the 41% and the 39% someone started threads about last month. You guys and your "LOWEST EVAH!" polls crack me up. :lol:

From the first line....

lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.



It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.



It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.

He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.



It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.

He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.

Says the far left Obama drone.
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.


This is true. A lot of white people voted for Obama in a backlash against the Bush and the Dick and their obvious lies. And to this day Iraq is a mess with over 2700 dead since April.
And no one should forget Bush's final numbers:

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent
Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent - CBS News
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It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.

He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.

Says the far left Obama drone.

Indeed... G's head is so far up Obama's ass he can smell his hair tonic.
I can't wait for all the topics you will start in October 2016 touting Obama to Bush in the polls at the same point in their presidencies. Obama is going to have to sink below 18 percent to break that particular record.

Let's not forget Bush is the reason Obama is President today.


This is true.
And no one should forget Bush's final numbers:

Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent
Bush's Final Approval Rating: 22 Percent - CBS News

And despite all the far left propaganda, Bush did not run against Obama.

It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.

He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.

Says the far left Obama drone.

G5 is not a lefty drone, he just gets lost when trying to attack both sides. However he is correct, just it has no real barring on this topic in this thread. Obama could quite easily get in the low 20% as Bush did, people didn't see that coming for Bush when he was just under 50%, so why and try predicting the future.

I'd like top think that Bush was horrible, and Obama is worse... thus giving us a real libertarian President as Bush gave us Obama. Progressives that make up Republican policy and Democrat policy have clearly failed, but the question is will enough voters see that.

It had to do with race and any level headed thinking person would realize it.

Put Bush aside.

He beat Hillary and Biden amongst others.

Yep, a freshman senator with absolutely no experience governing or running a business....OR ANYTHING for that matter, beat Hillary and Biden.


Because many white people voted for him so they could feel good about themselves.

He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.

Says the far left Obama drone.

Kosh, you never have an original, salient, fact-worthy comment. You are like a little girl who stands there with her hands on her hips, stamping her foot and sticking her tongue out. I shudder to think that you actually graduated from high school much less any education after that.
Obama makes Nixon look like Mother Theresa.

I do find it funny that Obama did what Nixon did on a scale that of literally hundreds of millions of times over, and the left still stands silent as a majority... Not to say Obama is not losing huge lumps of supporters.
He had superior organization. And people were tired of the Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton dynasty.

Bush is the reason we have Obama today. If Bush and the GOP had not completely fucked up in every way imaginable, we would be saying, "Barack who?" today.

Says the far left Obama drone.

Kosh, you never have an original, salient, fact-worthy comment. You are like a little girl who stands there with her hands on her hips, stamping her foot and sticking her tongue out. I shudder to think that you actually graduated from high school much less any education after that.

Hey, you mindlessly support this guy...

Obama runs massive deficits
Obama spends over 150 billion more than Bush/Reps on wars
Obama starts new wars and expands old wars
Bush had to end the Iraq war on his set timetable despite Obama trying to keep us there
Obama spies on our allies and all US citizens.
Obama got the country downgraded
Obama divided the country
Obama has more people on food stamps than ever before
Obama has historic welfare usage
Obama has historic black un-employment
Obama managed to be a worse public speaker than mother fucking Bush when he's not reading a script someone else wrote for his ignorant ass
Obama expanded homeland security
Obama expanded the patriot act
Obama failed to close Guantanamo
Obama passed the NDA after claiming he would't
Obama assassinated a US citizen, historic!
Obama plays golf, a lot... LOLz
Obama says "ya'll"
Obama lies so much that most the nation no longer trusts him
Obama is losing the youth
Obama lost 1 million voters in 2012 VS 2008, historic! As no time has either party lost voters outside of Perot. Obama is forcing people to buy a product - can't wait to see where that goes in the future! Obama bailed out the rich Obama blew a near 1 trillion dollar stimulus and then laffed about it "I guess these shovel ready jobs went so shovel ready." Obama got the Government shut down only to days later after it re-opened try and the very thing Republicans were asking to be done due to Obamacare failing, a extension to implement Obamacare..
OK.....how hard did I laugh when I saw this on DRUDGE today?

It took 5 years for people to finally come around to realizing this guy is a total fraud. Hope and Change.......lmao.......now has an official moniker of fAiL and utter gayness.

And how funny is it to see the far left assholes trolling around this board with a gigantic red hot poker slammed up their collective asses?

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider


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