Obama's Cousin Gives Him A Math Lesson


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007

An excellent math smackdown performed by Obama's cousin:

Waving his finger at Americans, President Obama declared that income taxes must be increased, not on those who aren’t even paying them, but rather on those who, despite already paying the whole of the bill, somehow still aren’t paying their fair share. “This is not class warfare,” defended the redistributor-in-chief, “this is math.”

OK, Mr. President, I’ll bite. How about this math?

Under Obamanomics, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.8 percent to 9.1 percent, and underemployment has increased from 14.0 percent to 16.2 percent. The average length of unemployment has increased from 19.9 weeks to 40.3 weeks. Median income has dropped from $52,029 per year to $49,445.

Since Mr. Obama has taken office, the total number of jobs in America has decreased from 142.2 million to 139.6 million. Most schoolchildren with a calculator would say that’s a loss of 2.6 million jobs, but not Barack Obama. The White House has claimed that the stimulus created - or saved - 2.5 million to 3.6 million jobs. Off by 6 million, but close enough for government work, I suppose.

Now the administration claims that the president’s new jobs plan will create 1.9 million jobs. Please, Mr. President, the few Americans fortunate enough still to have jobs beg you: Stop “creating” away so many of their jobs....

WOLF: Barack Obama's remedial math lesson - Washington Times

And the Spender-in-Chief wants to pour more money down the drain...
Think of all the oil people in Louisiana and the coal workers in West Virginia who don't have jobs because of obie doodle's meddling ways.. but that was the plan stan.. yep..

An excellent math smackdown performed by Obama's cousin:

Waving his finger at Americans, President Obama declared that income taxes must be increased, not on those who aren’t even paying them, but rather on those who, despite already paying the whole of the bill, somehow still aren’t paying their fair share. “This is not class warfare,” defended the redistributor-in-chief, “this is math.”

OK, Mr. President, I’ll bite. How about this math?

Under Obamanomics, the unemployment rate has increased from 7.8 percent to 9.1 percent, and underemployment has increased from 14.0 percent to 16.2 percent. The average length of unemployment has increased from 19.9 weeks to 40.3 weeks. Median income has dropped from $52,029 per year to $49,445.

Since Mr. Obama has taken office, the total number of jobs in America has decreased from 142.2 million to 139.6 million. Most schoolchildren with a calculator would say that’s a loss of 2.6 million jobs, but not Barack Obama. The White House has claimed that the stimulus created - or saved - 2.5 million to 3.6 million jobs. Off by 6 million, but close enough for government work, I suppose.

Now the administration claims that the president’s new jobs plan will create 1.9 million jobs. Please, Mr. President, the few Americans fortunate enough still to have jobs beg you: Stop “creating” away so many of their jobs....

WOLF: Barack Obama's remedial math lesson - Washington Times

And the Spender-in-Chief wants to pour more money down the drain...
Seems their fuzzy math has considerably transformed itself into mythical math.

Rhetoric too.
Remember that inside the beltway math gets fuzzy. So we aren't going to be spending a billion dollars next year on Iraq. That's a billion dollars we've saved. Multiply by 10 because we wont be spending a billion for the next ten years and that's $10B we've saved for domestic programs.
He doesn't need to spend much more money in Afghanistan. So that's probably $500M we wont spend. There's $500M in savings.
Get the picture?
It DOES make sense. If you are saving 10B, you can afford to spent 3T this year because you are saving 10B already!
BS- more like 50-100 billion a year. 1 billion just for one program training Iraqi police next year...more clueless Pub dupes whining about EVERYTHING!
It's amazing how Obama thinks he should get a pass for being a horrible President... It is nice to know near all the Dems I know in person really don't like Obama.

Obama somehow takes credit for anything *good* that happens and places all the blame for the bad on others... Of course if you just look at the good and the bad without taking credit or passing out blame to others, the picture of the country is pretty bleak.

I need no other example than the current UE rate. Obama takes credit for all jobs created but in the end it's a HUGE net loss when you look at the jobs lost over that same amount of time... To make Obama look good he then passes all the job losses onto Bush, Republicans and the TP...

So, when are we allowed to hold Obama accountable as he said he would be?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]
BS- more like 50-100 billion a year. 1 billion just for one program training Iraqi police next year...more clueless Pub dupes whining about EVERYTHING!

Does it really matter if Obama saves 100 billion from taking the troop level in Iraq from 45k to 15k when he turns around and wants to spend 450BILLION? Remember what I said about the net loss VS real gains?

If the deficit for this year of spending was 1.6 Trillion

Then Obama brings it down to 1.5 Trillion (100billion from Iraq, super high estimate)

But then Obama spends 450 Billion on a second stimulus…

Obama UPS that year’s deficit spending to 1.95Trillion

It's an epic fail.

1.6 Trillion > 1.95 Trillion = 350 Billion in spending increase...

It’s easy!
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