Obamacare program costs $50,000 in taxpayer money for every American who gets health insurance, CBO


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Whoa geeze. Revised figures just in. The costs are staggering. Unreal. Nothing like free health care eh?

  • Stunning figure comes from Congressional Budget Office report that revised cost estimates for the next 10 years

  • Government will spend $1.993 TRILLION over a decade and take in $643 BILLION in new taxes, penalties and fees related to Obamacare

  • The $1.35 trillion net cost will result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured – a $50,000 price tag per person at best

  • The law will still leave 'between 29 million and 31 million' nonelderly Americans without medical insurance

  • Numbers assume Obamacare insurance exchange enrollment will double between now and 2025
More at link:

Obamacare program costs 50 000 for every American who gets health insurance Daily Mail Online


PROMISES: Obama pledged in 2009 during a speech before a joint session of Congress that his health insurance proposal would cost $900 billion over ten years – a far cry short of current numbers
  • The $1.35 trillion net cost will result in 'between 24 million and 27 million' fewer Americans being uninsured – a $50,000 price tag per person at best
  • The law will still leave 'between 29 million and 31 million' nonelderly Americans without medical insurance
Don't forget that many less-wealthy Americans who were forced to sign up for Obamacare, are now going without medical procedures they need, because they can't afford the extremely high co-pay costs their "less expensive" Obamacare policies demand.


Dilemma over deductibles Costs crippling middle class

Gold standard sullied?
Employees' deductibles balloon to 80%

Physician Praveen Arla is witnessing a reversal of health care fortunes: Poor, long-uninsured patients are getting Medicaid through Obamacare and finally coming to his office for care. But middle-class workers are increasingly staying away.

"It's flip-flopped," says Arla, who helps his father run a family practice in Hillview, Ky. Patients with job-based plans, he says, will say: " 'My deductible is so high. I'm trying to come to the doctor as little as possible. … What is the minimum I can get done?' They're really worried about cost."

It's a deep and common concern across the USA, where employer plans cover 60% of working-age Americans, or about 150 million people. Coverage long considered the gold standard of health insurance now often requires workers to pay so much out-of-pocket that many feel they must skip doctor visits, put off medical procedures, avoid filling prescriptions and ration pills — much as the uninsured have done.

A recent Commonwealth Fund survey found that four in 10 working-age adults skipped some kind of care because of the cost, and other surveys have found much the same.
The American People are stupid and that's helped us. It is the triumph of the Grubercrats. I wonder at what point people will say "We've been had"?
$50,000 over a ten year estimate is $5,000 per year to put it in perspective. It sure ain't free!
Budget office lowers ObamaCare price tag by 20 percent TheHill

Its interesting how slanted your link is.

The report also cautioned that it is not able to calculate the total effect of ObamaCare “as a whole” because of the vast changes under the law.

i guess this just shows how lazy the OP is and just wanted confirmation bias while enjoying her Canadian healthcare.

I've been fighting for larger two tier system for years Plas.

My wonderful healthcare system under the mega bastard NDP in Manitoba has closed down dozens of rural clinics and ER's.

As a matter of fact my funeral home is closer than an ER for me. One hour in good weather to get to the closest hospital.

Our wait times are the worst in the country. And that's saying something because our wait times are a nightmare across Canada.

I plan on seeing to it that they are removed from power in next provincial election. Gearing up as we post.
Anyone try out the OP's link? You should. It's fucking hilarious. All the stories on the right side of the page. It's like one of those super market rags that has stories about Obama being an alien. Believe me. It's a "must see".
Whoa geeze. Revised figures just in. The costs are staggering. Unreal.

Staggering? That's just over $400 per member month over the next decade (though the CBO suggests they're going to be revising that number downward in the spring, so even lower than that).

Perhaps some perspective will help. The average employer was contributing $412 per member month (for coverage priced at about $502 per member month last year. For single coverage.

A primary objective of the coverage provisions of the ACA is to extend that sort of support to folks who don't have employer-based coverage (and thus don't have an employer paying for the bulk of their plan). Essentially, the federal government, through the tax credits, steps in to play that role.

But the CBO numbers aren't just for individual coverage, they're for everyone (individuals and families) obtaining coverage. And they're not for people buying plans in 2014, they're for people buying plans over the next decade, all the way to 2025.

And the government's average contribution over the next decade (incorporating all expected health care cost growth) is still lower than the average employer's last year. And these numbers are likely to be revised downward in a few months. That's remarkable. Once again, for reference, health plan prices grew by about 70% over the last decade.

That's pretty astonishing.

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