Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to control anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to control anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

You mean the tax/fines applied to the poor. Nice

My premium increased as a result of maternity coverage I don't need and the mandate that I pay for drug addicts, losers and every other form of darkness all because I choose to work instead of staying at home all day using my Obamaphone

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Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to control anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

You mean the tax/fines applied to the poor. Nice

My premium increased as a result of maternity coverage I don't need and the mandate that I pay for drug addicts, losers and every other form of darkness all because I choose to work instead of staying at home all day using my Obamaphone

I have Cigna Major Medical as my primary, and Medicare as my secondary coverage. ( I'm 67 years young ) For the past two years, my premium and deductible has gone up, and my coverage has decreased. I'm paying more and getting less. This all started as soon as Obamacare was a hot topic. I have heard/read that Wal-Mart workers pay as little as $1.00 a month for insurance, but the deductibles start at $6,000. How many people working at Wal-Mart can afford a $6,000 deductible? I'm considered upper Middle Class and I couldn't afford a $6,000 deductible.

It's true that Obamacare has helped some, but how many has it hurt? I have also read that the big winners of Obamacare are the pharmaceuticals, doctors, labs, clinics, hospitals, and insurance companies. And of course, politicians. Once again, John Q. Public has fallen victim to a government gone awry.
Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to contr anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

Seems we're all going to "take the fall" for it, regardless. Corporatism über alles!
Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to control anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

leave it to big government to tax the shit

out of those who could least afford it
One would think after the horrendous failure that is Obamacare, Ds and libs would turn away from Big Ears....but no. They are loyal to him to the end.
Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

SURPRISE ............. NOT !!!!!

After some estimate the end cost of Obamacare to be in the neighborhood of $1 to $2 Trillion, we're finally seeing the penalties and actual cost to taxpayers who either have it, or that don't have it. This in addition to increased premiums, higher deductibles, and less coverage.

And the winners are: Pharmaceuticals, Labs, Clinics, Hospitals, and Doctors. ( Oh, and lets not forget politicians ) ***** ( Did I mention insurance companies? )

And the losers are: John Q. Public ( As usual when government steps in to contr anything and everything )

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty - Jan. 28 2015

Did you fall for the Obamacare scam?

Seems we're all going to "take the fall" for it, regardless. Corporatism über alles!

Seems we're all going to "take the fall" for it, regardless.

not everyone

big business and big union got a pass

with a stroke of the obama pen

which left all those employees responsible for the bill

splendid job obama

My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
Actually, it is a penalty for everyone, even those getting help with cost. In the past two years, my premiums have gone up, the deductible has gone up, and the benefits have decreased. I have Cigna as my major insurance, and Medicare as my secondary coverage. I now pay co-pays which I didn't before. Obamacare is a scam and a con to enrich the pharmaceuticals, doctors, clinics, labs, and hospitals. Insurance companies are caught in the middle. Everyone in the health care industry is engaging in price gouging in one form or the other. One of the worst cases that I've heard is Wal-Mart employees that have low premiums, but the deductible is $6,000. How many Wal-Mart employees can afford a $6,000 deductible?

Co-pays and deductibles are hurting almost everyone. The relatively few that Obamacare really helps, are a very small percentage compared to the cost passed on to the rest of us. Now, when you consider those with low wage jobs, and companies offering less company paid benefits, health care cost has become akin to a mortgage payment each month. I have no idea as to where the breaking point is for the general public, but we have to be very close to it as we speak. Combine health care cost with higher rent, higher food cost, and higher utility cost, and we're creating a larger and growing class of poor. We're already a poor and dependent citizenry, supported mainly by government debt.

Of the necessities for survival, water and clothing are the only two that are affordable for almost everyone. Shelter, food, and health care are rapidly pricing many out of the market and into extreme poverty. The proverbial economic rock bottom hasn't occurred yet, but at the rate the economy and cost of living is putting pressure on incomes, the bottom may get here sooner than later.
The whole thing is such a scam and the establishment democrats should be ashamed of themselves for it. We Vermonters tried to get single payer for our state only to have the health insurance industry buy our politicians assuring it will never pass. Unforgiveable.
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
I am curious.

Did you two vote for Obama?
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
Actually, it is a penalty for everyone, even those getting help with cost. In the past two years, my premiums have gone up, the deductible has gone up, and the benefits have decreased. I have Cigna as my major insurance, and Medicare as my secondary coverage. I now pay co-pays which I didn't before. Obamacare is a scam and a con to enrich the pharmaceuticals, doctors, clinics, labs, and hospitals. Insurance companies are caught in the middle. Everyone in the health care industry is engaging in price gouging in one form or the other. One of the worst cases that I've heard is Wal-Mart employees that have low premiums, but the deductible is $6,000. How many Wal-Mart employees can afford a $6,000 deductible?

Co-pays and deductibles are hurting almost everyone. The relatively few that Obamacare really helps, are a very small percentage compared to the cost passed on to the rest of us. Now, when you consider those with low wage jobs, and companies offering less company paid benefits, health care cost has become akin to a mortgage payment each month. I have no idea as to where the breaking point is for the general public, but we have to be very close to it as we speak. Combine health care cost with higher rent, higher food cost, and higher utility cost, and we're creating a larger and growing class of poor. We're already a poor and dependent citizenry, supported mainly by government debt.

Of the necessities for survival, water and clothing are the only two that are affordable for almost everyone. Shelter, food, and health care are rapidly pricing many out of the market and into extreme poverty. The proverbial economic rock bottom hasn't occurred yet, but at the rate the economy and cost of living is putting pressure on incomes, the bottom may get here sooner than later.
Isn't that ass backwards?

Medicare is my primary, BCBS my secondary.

My deductible is $300, and my last two office visits each cost under $4.00 after insurance.
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
I am curious.

Did you two vote for Obama?
NEVER !!! I'm NOT that stupid.
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
Actually, it is a penalty for everyone, even those getting help with cost. In the past two years, my premiums have gone up, the deductible has gone up, and the benefits have decreased. I have Cigna as my major insurance, and Medicare as my secondary coverage. I now pay co-pays which I didn't before. Obamacare is a scam and a con to enrich the pharmaceuticals, doctors, clinics, labs, and hospitals. Insurance companies are caught in the middle. Everyone in the health care industry is engaging in price gouging in one form or the other. One of the worst cases that I've heard is Wal-Mart employees that have low premiums, but the deductible is $6,000. How many Wal-Mart employees can afford a $6,000 deductible?

Co-pays and deductibles are hurting almost everyone. The relatively few that Obamacare really helps, are a very small percentage compared to the cost passed on to the rest of us. Now, when you consider those with low wage jobs, and companies offering less company paid benefits, health care cost has become akin to a mortgage payment each month. I have no idea as to where the breaking point is for the general public, but we have to be very close to it as we speak. Combine health care cost with higher rent, higher food cost, and higher utility cost, and we're creating a larger and growing class of poor. We're already a poor and dependent citizenry, supported mainly by government debt.

Of the necessities for survival, water and clothing are the only two that are affordable for almost everyone. Shelter, food, and health care are rapidly pricing many out of the market and into extreme poverty. The proverbial economic rock bottom hasn't occurred yet, but at the rate the economy and cost of living is putting pressure on incomes, the bottom may get here sooner than later.
Isn't that ass backwards?

Medicare is my primary, BCBS my secondary.

My deductible is $300, and my last two office visits each cost under $4.00 after insurance.
Isn't what backwards?
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
I am curious.

Did you two vote for Obama?
My husband and I do not have insurance. His employer doesn't offer it, my employer offers high rate, low benefits and I only work part time. We filed our tax returns and had to pay in due to the Obama Care penalty, although we only went to a physician once last year and paid cash. Where does this penalty money go? We are not on government assistance and all of the insurance options are very expensive. nobody should be forced to obtain health insurance or penalized for not having it.
Actually, it is a penalty for everyone, even those getting help with cost. In the past two years, my premiums have gone up, the deductible has gone up, and the benefits have decreased. I have Cigna as my major insurance, and Medicare as my secondary coverage. I now pay co-pays which I didn't before. Obamacare is a scam and a con to enrich the pharmaceuticals, doctors, clinics, labs, and hospitals. Insurance companies are caught in the middle. Everyone in the health care industry is engaging in price gouging in one form or the other. One of the worst cases that I've heard is Wal-Mart employees that have low premiums, but the deductible is $6,000. How many Wal-Mart employees can afford a $6,000 deductible?

Co-pays and deductibles are hurting almost everyone. The relatively few that Obamacare really helps, are a very small percentage compared to the cost passed on to the rest of us. Now, when you consider those with low wage jobs, and companies offering less company paid benefits, health care cost has become akin to a mortgage payment each month. I have no idea as to where the breaking point is for the general public, but we have to be very close to it as we speak. Combine health care cost with higher rent, higher food cost, and higher utility cost, and we're creating a larger and growing class of poor. We're already a poor and dependent citizenry, supported mainly by government debt.

Of the necessities for survival, water and clothing are the only two that are affordable for almost everyone. Shelter, food, and health care are rapidly pricing many out of the market and into extreme poverty. The proverbial economic rock bottom hasn't occurred yet, but at the rate the economy and cost of living is putting pressure on incomes, the bottom may get here sooner than later.
Isn't that ass backwards?

Medicare is my primary, BCBS my secondary.

My deductible is $300, and my last two office visits each cost under $4.00 after insurance.

How about that! You think there will be a reasonable explanation coming your way?
The whole thing is such a scam and the establishment democrats should be ashamed of themselves for it. We Vermonters tried to get single payer for our state only to have the health insurance industry buy our politicians assuring it will never pass. Unforgiveable.

This is the kind of corporatist future we're headed for in general. The more our economic decisions depend on regulation and law, the more companies will focus on political influence as their "ways and means" of turning a profit.

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