Obamacare bending the cost curve upward


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Contrary to the emphatic claims of libturds, Obamacare is making healthcare more expensive, not cheaper.

Suck on it, libturds.

Yep. It was a classic bait-and-switch con job. Much of the debate over ObamaCare during the leadup to its passage revolved around per capita spending on healthcare in America. This obviously implied that ObamaCare would reduce per capita spending.

Any fool could see that it wouldn't. Not only that, it will bankrupt the federal government and it will bust most, if not all, of the states' budgets.

ObamaCare is a stepping stone to single payer health care. As ObamaCare implodes, you will hear more and more Americans crying out for singler payer health care, at the careful prodding of Democrats. ObamaCare will make it easier for Democrats to openly speak about single payer health care as our last and only refuge.
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Contrary to the emphatic claims of libturds, Obamacare is making healthcare more expensive, not cheaper.

Suck on it, libturds.



How come that curve was pointed down.....I thought costs were going nuts ?
Contrary to the emphatic claims of libturds, Obamacare is making healthcare more expensive, not cheaper.

Suck on it, libturds.



How come that curve was pointed down.....I thought costs were going nuts ?

That was another big lie by the defenders of this massive boondoggle.

Compare the rising cost of healthcare to the rate of inflation and you find that healthcare costs have been outpacing inflation for decades.

That means the cost of healthcare was taking a bigger and bigger chunk of your income with each passing year, as many people can attest, I'm sure.

So it was not a lie that something needed to be done. There is definitely a problem, which the GOP chose to ignore.
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obama said the cost curve would be bent downward; not that it would rise at a slower pace. up is up leftard; and even that claim; that is is going up slower; is debateable

libs are losers who lie to themselves
bedowin, your word is unacceptable.

Post an acceptable source for your statement.
Prepare yourselves, board progressives! You've going to have to explain massive new costs being tacked onto the bottom line of ObamaCare because of the cozy deal Barry, Harry and Nancy worked out with the insurance companies for the Federal Government to subsidize them if their costs turned out to be higher than expected. Guess what? Their costs are exploding and that's going to have to be paid for...by us the taxpayers! Just one more part of the biggest con job in the history of our nation being exposed for what it really is.

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