
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.
Lol he can't even figure out how to dunk a cookie. Break it in half dumbass.
I don't know if they were or not.

You guys call Obama divisive. I asked for an example of this supposed divisiveness insofar as you being with a group before he was elected and now you've been turned against them by Obama.

You brought up Boeing moving a plant to South Carolina. I'm trying to figure out how our President divided you against someone you were aligned with before.
what dodge? When candy was the last time you seen so much hate in this country, centrally not when Bush Jr was president he United us , the last time we seen so much hate was with Rodney king

Yes, you guys have an anger problem where Obama is concerned.
A black man is President. He was elected because he was the superior choice to the people he ran against. Not because he was black. You need to get over that.

Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Your stupidity astounds even me, and I have conversed with some very stupid Democrats over the years.

Seven posts and STILL you cannot name one.


you have them over a barrel

that cant do it

what dodge? When candy was the last time you seen so much hate in this country, centrally not when Bush Jr was president he United us , the last time we seen so much hate was with Rodney king

Yes, you guys have an anger problem where Obama is concerned.
A black man is President. He was elected because he was the superior choice to the people he ran against. Not because he was black. You need to get over that.

Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.
Obama stopped a depression: How could anyone be alienated by that?
Obama killed binLaden: Who was alienated by that?
Yes, you guys have an anger problem where Obama is concerned.
A black man is President. He was elected because he was the superior choice to the people he ran against. Not because he was black. You need to get over that.

Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

It's like Hildabeast's accomplishments, ask them for one and they are stumped. But yet they still vote for the vermin.
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.
Billy, billy, billy .... LOL.
Yes, you guys have an anger problem where Obama is concerned.
A black man is President. He was elected because he was the superior choice to the people he ran against. Not because he was black. You need to get over that.

Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?
Unmitigated nonsense. Had Obama been white, Hillary would have been the candidate.

Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

Pulling the race card only shows you have no defense....and wore out about four years ago. The new knee jerk word for you loons is bigot. But we see through that BS also
Still can't come to terms of a black man being your president? I see your anger problem. Too bad you can't take 'em out back and shoot them any more, right?

Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

Pulling the race card only shows you have no defense....and wore out about four years ago. The new knee jerk word for you loons is bigot. But we see through that BS also

When you guys say he was only elected for his race, you're the one playing the card. Obviously, you guys can't come to terms of a black man being President which is why there is so much anger in the country. Obama can't do anything about his race but you guys can do something about your hatred.
Black makes no difference to me. It's the searing malevolence to all things American he expresses that irks me, and his intentional undermining of the constitutional foundations of the nation.
Face it you bigot, you hate Obama because he is black.

Bigot? Sorry, but I am not now, nor have I ever been a Democrat.

I don't hate anyone, but I do hate all that he and his Party currently stand for.

EIGHT posts, and STILL you cannot name one thing.

The only reason you hate Obama is because he is black. You have provided zero evidence that it is not the case.

I bet you hate when people make baseless allegations....

Unless you're the one making them....right Klanny?

Pulling the race card only shows you have no defense....and wore out about four years ago. The new knee jerk word for you loons is bigot. But we see through that BS also

When you guys say he was only elected for his race, you're the one playing the card. Obviously, you guys can't come to terms of a black man being President which is why there is so much anger in the country. Obama can't do anything about his race but you guys can do something about your hatred.

You're so full of shit you stink. All you do is parrot MSNBC BS....everyone notices. You're an Obamabot and a sad, sad individual.
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.
I know what you mean.

The bastard went and got himself born as a negro. So he's been a fucking divider literally since birth!
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.
I know what you mean.

The bastard went and got himself born as a negro. So he's been a fucking divider literally since birth!
Yeah, damn him for being a negro. That really chafes. LOL
Then the negro got uppity and ran for President!

It's like he tries to divide the country on purpose!
Well, I guess this just proves Obama is nothing like Hitler. Hitler was a HUGE uniter. He had his whole country marching in lockstep with him, everywhere he went. The Germans just loooooooved that guy.

Obama should try to be more like Hitler. But first, he'd have to be white.
Then the negro got uppity and ran for President!

It's like he tries to divide the country on purpose!
The irony being that his singular domestic achievement is, basically, universal health care, which was the dream of every WHITE progressive pol since Truman. It's an imperfect law, but it has nothing to do with racial divide. He's incompetent on foreign policy. And the effect of his response to the great recession was workers, and the working poor, lost homes, and Wall St was preserved. LOL
Name one thing he's done that has not divided this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not exacerbated racial tension in this country.

Name one thing he's done that has not alienated our allies, and encouraged our enemies.

Name one thing he's done that has not placed the United States in greater danger.

Here's the floor. Knock yourselves out.

Let's see....

He ate dogmeat and studied Marxism when he was a kid. No wait....

Him's mommy posed for nekkid pictures. No wait...

He roamed the streets of Chicago as a "community organizer"....No, wait, I already covered that one in the first line.

He went to college on Affirmative Action and taught Constitutional Law, then proceeded to ignore everything written in the Constitution. No, wait.

He got and Affirmative Action job as a crooked Illinois Senator, voting "present" most of the time. No, wait.

He went on to become the most racist, bigoted, hateful, divisive, and inept president this country's ever seen. No, wait.

I got nothing.

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