Obama: You Oppose Climate Initiatives Because They’re Confused, Blind, Haters, Racists, Mommy Issues

What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.

Germany is BEGGING for nat gas from ANYWHERE, because they've already overbuilt the maximum grid stable amounts of wind and solar. Want to see solar in Germany???


People there are gonna go bankrupt first then die in the winter. Solar can't be efficient in most of Germany. And wind is a fucking joke for an industrialized nation..

It's CLEAR that most technology phobic leftists fear nuclear more than GW. That's telling in itself. If we can't handle the 0.7 ounces of waste per household per year -- we're not being driven enough to do that.

What is the half-life of the heavy metals and toxics from all those battery powered cars? Clue -- It's longer than the 1/2 life of spent nuclear fuel..

Total Bullshit.

Despite your cries to the contrary, one in 3 houses over there is powered by renewable resources.
candycorn Re: Germany.

Solar Subsidy Sinkhole: Re-Evaluating Germany's Blind Faith in the Sun - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

The costs of subsidizing solar electricity have exceeded the 100-billion-euro mark in Germany, but poor results are jeopardizing the country's transition to renewable energy. The government is struggling to come up with a new concept to promote the inefficient technology in the future.

The Baedeker travel guide is now available in an environmentally-friendly version. The 200-page book, entitled "Germany - Discover Renewable Energy," lists the sights of the solar age: the solar café in Kirchzarten, the solar golf course in Bad Saulgau, the light tower in Solingen and the "Alster Sun" in Hamburg, possibly the largest solar boat in the world.

The only thing that's missing at the moment is sunshine. For weeks now, the 1.1 million solar power systems in Germany have generated almost no electricity. The days are short, the weather is bad and the sky is overcast.

As is so often the case in winter, all solar panels more or less stopped generating electricity at the same time. To avert power shortages, Germany currently has to import large amounts of electricity generated at nuclear power plants in France and the Czech Republic. To offset the temporary loss of solar power, grid operator Tennet resorted to an emergency backup plan, powering up an old oil-fired plant in the Austrian city of Graz.

Solar energy has the potential to become the most expensive mistake in German environmental policy.

Chasing the Sun: German and Chinese Solar Firms Battle for Survival - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

People in Germany aren't buying all these solar modules because the sun shines particularly often in their country. They're buying them because they will receive subsidies known as feed-in tariffs for the electricity for 20 years. The state has guaranteed every producer of solar power a price that was initially 50 euro cents per kilowatt hour higher than the market price.

Since making solar modules is no longer difficult, more and more companies have entered the sector in recent years, not only in Germany and China, but also in Japan and Korea. However, the subsidies available in Germany have not been limited to electricity produced by German-made solar panels, as politicians did not specify where the modules should come from. In Italy, by contrast, power customers receive a bonus for installing solar panels made in Europe. As a result, the German subsidy program has had an effect across the world, and primarily in Asia.

This led to a bubble in the solar-technology market. Manufacturers worldwide were soon making far more modules than customers wanted to purchase, and they started to undercut each other's prices, which fell by 50 percent last year.

Since then, one manufacturer after the other has filed for bankruptcy, more than half a dozen in Germany alone since December.

The Germans have shelled out over €100 billion alone in funding for the solar panels that have been installed to date. This is paid for by all electricity customers, who will soon be shelling out 4 cents per kilowatt hour on their utility bills to support solar power.

Another critical voice, the German Advisory Council on the Environment, argues that far too much money is being invested in solar energy. "Solar energy has recently experienced nothing less than an extreme and even excessive boom," says environmental expert Olav Hohmeyer, noting that this jeopardizes acceptance of renewable energy even before the energy transition has truly begun.

Figures indicating the peak performance of solar energy systems are easily misunderstood, a report by the German Physical Society says. "Essentially," the report concludes, "solar energy cannot replace any additional power plants."

That last line is significant. Solar is NOT an Alternative to any form of RELIABLE grid energy. It's a PEAKER system to be used opportunistically during the daytime peak demands. But at 10PM in the summer, the demand is 80% of the peak daytime needs. So you pay TWICE for generation capability that is idled daily. That's why Germans are paying some of highest electricity rates in the world EVEN WITH the subsidies.

You can't HAVE more than about 15% of the load "handled" by solar without having COMPLETE prime, reliable generation behind it.
What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.

Germany is BEGGING for nat gas from ANYWHERE, because they've already overbuilt the maximum grid stable amounts of wind and solar. Want to see solar in Germany???


People there are gonna go bankrupt first then die in the winter. Solar can't be efficient in most of Germany. And wind is a fucking joke for an industrialized nation..

It's CLEAR that most technology phobic leftists fear nuclear more than GW. That's telling in itself. If we can't handle the 0.7 ounces of waste per household per year -- we're not being driven enough to do that.

What is the half-life of the heavy metals and toxics from all those battery powered cars? Clue -- It's longer than the 1/2 life of spent nuclear fuel..

Total Bullshit.

Despite your cries to the contrary, one in 3 houses over there is powered by renewable resources.

Not a SINGLE house "ON GRID" is powered by solar and/or wind. Because they'd all be dead by now. Because the hospitals wouldn't run and the supermarkets would be burying spoiled food.

These are PEAKER technologies. Never meant to REPLACE reliable 24/7/365 primary generation. You MIGHT have a house off-grid with enough toxic batteries to MOST days get you thru the night -- but that would be iffy.. AND very expensive..
What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.

Germany is BEGGING for nat gas from ANYWHERE, because they've already overbuilt the maximum grid stable amounts of wind and solar. Want to see solar in Germany???


People there are gonna go bankrupt first then die in the winter. Solar can't be efficient in most of Germany. And wind is a fucking joke for an industrialized nation..

It's CLEAR that most technology phobic leftists fear nuclear more than GW. That's telling in itself. If we can't handle the 0.7 ounces of waste per household per year -- we're not being driven enough to do that.

What is the half-life of the heavy metals and toxics from all those battery powered cars? Clue -- It's longer than the 1/2 life of spent nuclear fuel..
Would that be the same Germany that rduced its emissions 27%+, using existing technology? Asking for a friend.

Tell your friend that DESPITE OBAMA and the leftists doing everything to BLOCK natural gas development in the US whenever they could -- that WE reduced our CO2 emissions back to mid 1990s levels by just building more NAT GAS PLANTS.. MOST of that figure from Germany is the same deal. Because they are building out nat gas plants as fast as they can to keep people and their economy alive despite snowy days and windless or rainy days or days when the wind is TOO strong to run turbines.
I do not understand the resistance from the left for nuke energy as long as the safeguards that the navy has proven time and again are effective are employed.

Neither do I. As a minimum, we should have a development grant for demonstration plants to be built in the Nevada test range or some other NIMBY situation.. License them and build them in 4 years. And chose which designs would be PRE-approved for construction everywhere else. The technology is way BEYOND 8 ton fuel rods and boiling water. And we're losing our technical expertise on the whole field. Need to show how 3rd Gen nuclear solves a lot of previous issues.

AND -- include some of the "medium scale" designs capable of being buried in a subdivision for 60 years before refueling.
Scientist confirm Obama and Gov Gerry Brown are bitter, whiny, tantrum-throwing, anti-Trump, lying Global Warming Hucksters...

Blaming California Wildfires On Global Warming ‘Has Little Grounding In Fact,’ Scientist Says

"Despite what Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown and environmentalists say, man-made global warming is not a big factor in the wildfires raging across California, according to a veteran climate scientist.

University of Washington climate scientist Cliff Mass, no skeptic of global warming, said blaming California’s deadliest wildfire on a changing climate “has little grounding in fact or science.”

“Global warming is a profoundly serious threat to mankind, but it has little impact [on] the Camp Fire and many of the coastal California fires of the past few years,” Mass wrote on his blogTuesday.

“And blaming global warming takes attention away from the actions needed to prevent such tragedies from happening again,” Mass wrote."

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