Obama WILL BE Cutting MY MEDICARE!!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A thread topic recently...'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like' attributed to Ann Romney.

Well I KNOW for a FACT Obama is going to cut IF he is re-elected MY MEDICARE and here is how.

I currently have Medicare Advantage. Because my PLAN makes a profit... Obama hates them!
So Advantage plans will go away AFTER Obama's re-election and it will cost ME and almost 10 million people on Medicare a minimum of $3,000 A YEAR MORE!

I've got the facts and can prove it and 10 million more Americans on Medicare Advantage will KNOW it if Obama re-elected!

Since Advantage plans are "for profit" Obama hates for profits! EVEN though THEY pay TAXES! They hire people! They pay payroll taxes!
But like most economically challenged idiots OBAMA hates them!
Almost $60 billion a year in FRAUD is wasted in Medicare.
But Advantage plan fraud expense to Medicare? ZERO!!! NOTHING!! WHY?
Because Medicare KNOWS exactly the cost for Advantage plan .. BUT the traditional Medicare... ADD $60 billion for FRAUD!!!
DOWN WITH OBAMA!!!! His stupid healthcare law is skyrocketing the cost of healthcare.

I am sure YOU know what an "actuary" does but for those people that still haven't decided Obama is destroying our health industry actuaries calculate what the premiums will be for health insurance companies to charge people that want to have health insurance.

Here is what ACTUARIES project insurance premiums will be because of Obamacare!!!


A nationwide study conducted by Milliman Inc. for the Society of Actuaries found that nationwide the premiums in the individual market would increase from 8 to 37 percent in 2014 — with a cumulative increase of as much as 122 percent between 2013 and 2017."

think about it! 122% increase! With the average individual health insurance premium today being $4,547 in 2011, That will be $9,000 in 2017!!!
I thought right wingers wanted people to be "self sufficient"? Ok, then be it.
"Share The Wealth" is our new US slogan. Make the people who work suffer, and lazy good-for-nothings continue doing what they are doing. If he is re-elected, cant wait to see the unemployment rate in a year or two. Employees will not be affordable. But hey at least everyone has healthcare! Now when people can only pay the penalty, I guess we will be going in the negative... Oh wait.. R&R baby!
A thread topic recently...'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like' attributed to Ann Romney.

Well I KNOW for a FACT Obama is going to cut IF he is re-elected MY MEDICARE and here is how.

I currently have Medicare Advantage. Because my PLAN makes a profit... Obama hates them!
So Advantage plans will go away AFTER Obama's re-election and it will cost ME and almost 10 million people on Medicare a minimum of $3,000 A YEAR MORE!

I've got the facts and can prove it and 10 million more Americans on Medicare Advantage will KNOW it if Obama re-elected!

Since Advantage plans are "for profit" Obama hates for profits! EVEN though THEY pay TAXES! They hire people! They pay payroll taxes!
But like most economically challenged idiots OBAMA hates them!
Almost $60 billion a year in FRAUD is wasted in Medicare.
But Advantage plan fraud expense to Medicare? ZERO!!! NOTHING!! WHY?
Because Medicare KNOWS exactly the cost for Advantage plan .. BUT the traditional Medicare... ADD $60 billion for FRAUD!!!

Obama WILL BE Cutting MY MEDICARE!!!!

Good. Keep us posted on how long you have to live.
A thread topic recently...'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like' attributed to Ann Romney.

Well I KNOW for a FACT Obama is going to cut IF he is re-elected MY MEDICARE and here is how.

I currently have Medicare Advantage. Because my PLAN makes a profit... Obama hates them!
So Advantage plans will go away AFTER Obama's re-election and it will cost ME and almost 10 million people on Medicare a minimum of $3,000 A YEAR MORE!

I've got the facts and can prove it and 10 million more Americans on Medicare Advantage will KNOW it if Obama re-elected!

Since Advantage plans are "for profit" Obama hates for profits! EVEN though THEY pay TAXES! They hire people! They pay payroll taxes!
But like most economically challenged idiots OBAMA hates them!
Almost $60 billion a year in FRAUD is wasted in Medicare.
But Advantage plan fraud expense to Medicare? ZERO!!! NOTHING!! WHY?
Because Medicare KNOWS exactly the cost for Advantage plan .. BUT the traditional Medicare... ADD $60 billion for FRAUD!!!

A thread topic recently...'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like' attributed to Ann Romney.

Well I KNOW for a FACT Obama is going to cut IF he is re-elected MY MEDICARE and here is how.

I currently have Medicare Advantage. Because my PLAN makes a profit... Obama hates them!
So Advantage plans will go away AFTER Obama's re-election and it will cost ME and almost 10 million people on Medicare a minimum of $3,000 A YEAR MORE!

I've got the facts and can prove it and 10 million more Americans on Medicare Advantage will KNOW it if Obama re-elected!

Since Advantage plans are "for profit" Obama hates for profits! EVEN though THEY pay TAXES! They hire people! They pay payroll taxes!
But like most economically challenged idiots OBAMA hates them!
Almost $60 billion a year in FRAUD is wasted in Medicare.
But Advantage plan fraud expense to Medicare? ZERO!!! NOTHING!! WHY?
Because Medicare KNOWS exactly the cost for Advantage plan .. BUT the traditional Medicare... ADD $60 billion for FRAUD!!!


Damn, good one. obamacare still sucks though
A thread topic recently...'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like' attributed to Ann Romney.

Well I KNOW for a FACT Obama is going to cut IF he is re-elected MY MEDICARE and here is how.

I currently have Medicare Advantage. Because my PLAN makes a profit... Obama hates them!
So Advantage plans will go away AFTER Obama's re-election and it will cost ME and almost 10 million people on Medicare a minimum of $3,000 A YEAR MORE!

I've got the facts and can prove it and 10 million more Americans on Medicare Advantage will KNOW it if Obama re-elected!

Since Advantage plans are "for profit" Obama hates for profits! EVEN though THEY pay TAXES! They hire people! They pay payroll taxes!
But like most economically challenged idiots OBAMA hates them!
Almost $60 billion a year in FRAUD is wasted in Medicare.
But Advantage plan fraud expense to Medicare? ZERO!!! NOTHING!! WHY?
Because Medicare KNOWS exactly the cost for Advantage plan .. BUT the traditional Medicare... ADD $60 billion for FRAUD!!!

Whew!!! You're pretty, fuckin' stupid......

December 21, 2012

Lil' Dumbya's BIGGE$T Give-Away

"One of the most popular benefits of Medicare is the Part D prescription drug program, which enables seniors and the disabled to buy taxpayer-subsidized coverage for many of the most widely prescribed medicines. When it created the costly benefit in 2003, though, Congress provided no way to pay for the subsidies, which have cost more than $300 billion so far. Worse, it barred the government from negotiating with drug makers for better prices — an extra gift to the pharmaceutical industry, which already stood to gain from the increased demand for its newly subsidized products. Now that policymakers are casting about for ways to save money on Medicare, they should allow it to take advantage of its market power."
Medicare advantage is a Bush giveaway we can't afford. You'll be fine. And the Ryan plan would have done the same thing, but just for a tax cut for the rich. Dupe.
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Obama WILL BE Cutting MY MEDICARE!!!!

Good! With all your complaining you deserve it. Now you can be the rugged individual you always thought you were..you just never had to prove it.

Right now we have FOUR (4) health care systems:

1. Private/Group health insurance for those under 65
2. Medicare for those over 65
3. Medicaid for those who are poor (many also have Medicare, requiring coordination between two different systems)
4. Hospital emergency rooms or nothing (tough shit, let your condition get worse and more costly to taxpayers down the road) for those who can't afford health insurance

"Absurd" doesn't seem like a strong enough word to me.

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Right now we have FOUR (4) health care systems:

1. Private/Group health insurance for those under 65
2. Medicare for those over 65
3. Medicaid for those who are poor (many also have Medicare, requiring coordination between two different systems)
4. Hospital emergency rooms or nothing (tough shit, let your condition get worse and more costly to taxpayers down the road) for those who can't afford health insurance

"Absurd" doesn't seem like a strong enough word to me.


“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Medicare for all!

Right now we have FOUR (4) health care systems:

1. Private/Group health insurance for those under 65
2. Medicare for those over 65
3. Medicaid for those who are poor (many also have Medicare, requiring coordination between two different systems)
4. Hospital emergency rooms or nothing (tough shit, let your condition get worse and more costly to taxpayers down the road) for those who can't afford health insurance

...each of which can be further divided into at least two more additional systems.

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