Obama warns group of mayors that the 'biggest mistake' is to 'misinform' during the pandemic


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through. The biggest mistake any [of] us can make in these situations is to misinform, particularly when we’re requiring people to make sacrifices and take actions that might not be their natural inclination,"
-- Former President Barak Obama

China lied about its epidemic, tried to hide it, and knowingly allowed it to spread across the globe by refusing to shut down international travel from the epicenter of the outbreak.

The WHO told the world there was no reason for the world to fear, told them not to shut its borders, and spread China's propaganda that all was controlled and being handled.

Joe Biden led Democrats early on in their opposition to President Trump's imposed China Travel Ban, calling him a Xenophobe for doing it, while Democrats told their constituents there was no reason to fear. They spread the message that people should go about their daily lives, herd in large numbers, ride the subway, 'Come to China Town' - 'nothing to see here'.

Eventually, from his bunker, Biden called on President Trump to take aggressive actions against the pandemic .... actions President Trump had already taken, and agreed that the Travel Ban was a good idea that saved lives.

I want to thank President Obama from coming forward and specifying that in a situation like this - a global pandemic - that telling the truth, being honest, is what should be done. (Other times, it seems, it is ok to lie to the American people - like when you tell them ;If you like yout plan / doctor you can keep them', but during a global pandemic one should tell the truth.)

People say death and taxes are the only 2 sure things and life and that death is the only one that doesn't discriminate. I disagree. Death, Taxes, and politicians lying are the THREE things ensured in life, and death and 'party' when it comes to lying are the TWO things that don't discriminate - Everyone dies, and every politician, despite what party they belong to, all lie.

Obama telling Washington politicians to be honest, especially in an election year, is one liar advising a host of other career liars not to lie...and will most assuredly be ignored.

I still believe that when a politician is elected they should have a bracelet attacked to their wrist, one that acts as a Lie Detector: Every time they tell a lie it would shock the SH!T out of them, not enough to kill them but enough to cause a painful reaction everyone watching would be able to see and everyone listening would be able to hear. It should be wired so if they ever try to tamper with it or remove it the thing would go off and shock them even worse.

It probably wouldn't break them from ;lying, but it would be entertaining as hell to watch.

Will Obama be honest when he gives his support to Biden? He's not in a hurry and that says it all. Maybe he knows something we don't. Come on man, come clean.
Yeah, good luck, all Pritzker is doing here in Illinois is leading the rah-rah cheering section, while completely and utterly sidestepping any conversation pertaining to the economic cost of what they're doing.

He posted on his twitter account an "Ask the Governor" thread, saying he would answer as many questions as he could. All he answered were the softballs thrown up that would allow him to paint his actions in a positive light, or do some rah-rahing, while answering literally none of the questions posed by people worried about the financial ramifications- and stopped completely after 1 day, as it was getting snowed under by people worried about their finances.

Then they pivoted to some ad campaign with clips from actors and athletes and people buried those tweets in negative feedback pointing out, correctly, that these people that had nothing to worry about were telling those that did not to worry, which is asinine, so yesterday they posted some 14-18 tweets in succession to push all of that negative feedback down the page with some more rah-rah bullshit.

People are rightfully concerned about their futures and what they're getting are soundbites and bullshit from millionaires and billionaires telling them not to worry. That's a joke. It is also disingenuous to the extreme to avoid the question in the way that they are.

Don't worry if the bank takes your house. You did your part. Here's a pat on the head and the address to the homeless shelter and the food bank, meanwhile we and the banks will be standing by to swoop in and grab those undervalued assets you used to call 'home' and gobble up the equity you've built over years in the bargain. Too bad, so sad. Shoulda been a billionaire like us and you'd be fine....but, hey, you did your part
I was looking at the shootings and murders in Obama’s home town, 3,500 murders 2012-2016, 5,000 shot.. this man was a horrible racist and pawn for the democrat kkk
China lied about its epidemic, tried to hide it, and knowingly allowed it to spread across the globe by refusing to shut down international travel from the epicenter of the outbreak.
Trump did the same thing

But he has taken responsibility. He is meeting this pandemic head on like a Boss, and you still didn't get to keep your doctor.

Deeds are better than words, and President Trump's deeds far outweigh some little "gotcha" soundbite.
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"Speak the truth. Speak it clearly. Speak it with compassion. Speak it with empathy for what folks are going through. The biggest mistake any [of] us can make in these situations is to misinform, particularly when we’re requiring people to make sacrifices and take actions that might not be their natural inclination,"
-- Former President Barak Obama
But Dem politicians go on TV and misinform the American people about Coronavirus everyday.
If there are two things Barry Hussein is an expert on, it's lying and making mistakes.

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