Obama wants regime change in Israel,Iran? Not so much


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama has his community organizers in Israel working ot oust Netanyahu


Jeremy Bird, a former Obama campaign organizer, who is advising an effort to oust Benjamin Netanyahu. CreditMelina Mara/Getty Images

WASHINGTON — Jeremy Bird, the architect of the grass-roots and online organizing efforts that powered President Obama’s presidential campaigns from Chicago, is advising a similar operation in Tel Aviv. But this time it is focused on ousting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuof Israel.

His consulting work for the group V15 — an independent Israeli organization that does not support specific candidates but is campaigning to replace Israel’s current government — has added yet another political layer to the diplomatic mess surrounding Mr. Netanyahu’s decision to address a joint meeting of Congress next week on Iran
Remember this? the people where rising up against the Mullahs. Obama didn't support them and said nothing...

The" islamic republic of Iran" Obama likes the sound of that... the mullahs told him they are not developing nukes:uhoh3:

Obama administration talks tough about Nenayahu but, gets screamed at by the Iranians:wtf:

Iran’s Biatch? Iranian Negotiator Ordered To Stop Screaming at John Kerry


So now we know John Kerry’s days as a negotiator trying to make sure Iran’s nukes are “managed” consists of him getting screamed at all day by the Iranian “foreign minister” freak.

He wants to keep the abuse, er, negotiations going. Maybe he likes it. Or is it Battered Woman Syndrome? And people wonder why the Iranians are so smug and we are so screwed.

Iran s Biatch Iranian Negotiator Ordered To Stop Screaming at John Kerry Tammy Bruce

You will have that when you publish your speech before its given,but you know that already.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more popular with Americans than he has been in a long time.

At a time when liberals and members of the media have rebuked both Netanyahu and Speaker John for politicizing negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu is enjoying great favorable rating, according to a Gallup poll.

Netanyahu’s approval is now at 45 percent, a full ten points higher than two years ago. His disapproval stayed relatively the same, now at 24 percent. These are the best numbers Netanyahu has seen this millennium, clearly indicating whatever flak he is taking from the left is not damaging his brand with Americans.

In fact, Netanyahu’s favorability is higher than President Obama’s approval according to Gallup’s daily tracking poll.

Netanyahu is in Washington D.C., today to speak at AIPAC’s summit before he addresses a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.

Democrats disparaged Netanyahu for accepting Boehner’s invitation to speak at the joint session of Congress. The White House was exasperated at the “breach of protocol” because they were never notified of the arrangement until it was announced.

Gallup Big Jump in Netanyahu Approval in United States Washington Free Beacon
Steve Cohen is a piece of shit. I've actually met him. He had bizarre tweets about some rock star I cant remember, maybe Madonna. He compared Obama to Jesus. Now he's going to knuckle under to the Dims and boycott the speech, even though I would bet his black constitueents support Israel.
Obama piously declares he doesnt want to allow Bibi to speak because it might interfere with Israel's election. But he's fine sending operatives there to interfere with Israel's elections.
Obama is a lying piece of Dem scum.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is more popular with Americans than he has been in a long time.

At a time when liberals and members of the media have rebuked both Netanyahu and Speaker John for politicizing negotiations with Iran, Netanyahu is enjoying great favorable rating, according to a Gallup poll.

Netanyahu’s approval is now at 45 percent, a full ten points higher than two years ago. His disapproval stayed relatively the same, now at 24 percent. These are the best numbers Netanyahu has seen this millennium, clearly indicating whatever flak he is taking from the left is not damaging his brand with Americans.

In fact, Netanyahu’s favorability is higher than President Obama’s approval according to Gallup’s daily tracking poll.

Netanyahu is in Washington D.C., today to speak at AIPAC’s summit before he addresses a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.

Democrats disparaged Netanyahu for accepting Boehner’s invitation to speak at the joint session of Congress. The White House was exasperated at the “breach of protocol” because they were never notified of the arrangement until it was announced.

Gallup Big Jump in Netanyahu Approval in United States Washington Free Beacon
Wait until after he gives the speech.
Steve Cohen is a piece of shit. I've actually met him. He had bizarre tweets about some rock star I cant remember, maybe Madonna. He compared Obama to Jesus. Now he's going to knuckle under to the Dims and boycott the speech, even though I would bet his black constitueents support Israel.
Obama piously declares he doesnt want to allow Bibi to speak because it might interfere with Israel's election. But he's fine sending operatives there to interfere with Israel's elections.
Obama is a lying piece of Dem scum.
The guy is not all there:cuckoo:
Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
When did that happen? Yeah, never. ANd of course the influence of Israel on the US is exactly the same as the US on Israel.
Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
When did that happen? Yeah, never. ANd of course the influence of Israel on the US is exactly the same as the US on Israel.

See, not only did they not mind, some are willing to pretend it never happened.

Remarks by Mr. Netanyahu, in which he seemed to chastise Mr. Obama for not taking action to defend Israel from the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb, were used in a television ad that ran in Florida during the final weeks of the campaign. That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister. (During the secretly recorded addressMr. Romney gave to wealthy donors in Florida this year, he boasted that consultants working for his election “work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races.”)

Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
When did that happen? Yeah, never. ANd of course the influence of Israel on the US is exactly the same as the US on Israel.

See, not only did they not mind, some are willing to pretend it never happened.

Remarks by Mr. Netanyahu, in which he seemed to chastise Mr. Obama for not taking action to defend Israel from the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb, were used in a television ad that ran in Florida during the final weeks of the campaign. That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister. (During the secretly recorded addressMr. Romney gave to wealthy donors in Florida this year, he boasted that consultants working for his election “work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races.”)

So a Republican tried to win an election and used a clip from Bibi. And that's somehow the equivalent of Obama sending operatives to Israel ahead of an election?
Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
When did that happen? Yeah, never. ANd of course the influence of Israel on the US is exactly the same as the US on Israel.

See, not only did they not mind, some are willing to pretend it never happened.

Remarks by Mr. Netanyahu, in which he seemed to chastise Mr. Obama for not taking action to defend Israel from the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb, were used in a television ad that ran in Florida during the final weeks of the campaign. That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister. (During the secretly recorded addressMr. Romney gave to wealthy donors in Florida this year, he boasted that consultants working for his election “work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races.”)

So a Republican tried to win an election and used a clip from Bibi. And that's somehow the equivalent of Obama sending operatives to Israel ahead of an election?

"That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister."

It just keeps getting better. Then a guy that worked for President Obama went to work in Israel against Bibi. Oh my, the horror!!!!!!!!
Turn about is fair play. Bibi worked for regime change here in the United States as well, but like the good followers, I'm sure most of the folks having conniption fits over President Obama doing the same against Bibi, didn't mind that at all did-cha?
When did that happen? Yeah, never. ANd of course the influence of Israel on the US is exactly the same as the US on Israel.

See, not only did they not mind, some are willing to pretend it never happened.

Remarks by Mr. Netanyahu, in which he seemed to chastise Mr. Obama for not taking action to defend Israel from the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb, were used in a television ad that ran in Florida during the final weeks of the campaign. That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister. (During the secretly recorded addressMr. Romney gave to wealthy donors in Florida this year, he boasted that consultants working for his election “work for Bibi Netanyahu in his races.”)

So a Republican tried to win an election and used a clip from Bibi. And that's somehow the equivalent of Obama sending operatives to Israel ahead of an election?

"That ad was produced by a Republican political operative who has worked for the Israeli prime minister."

It just keeps getting better. Then a guy that worked for President Obama went to work in Israel against Bibi. Oh my, the horror!!!!!!!!

So Obama shouldn't be working for Regime change in Iran? which has been the long time U.S. policy. Is that your position? Is it your position that Iran be encouraged to spread it's influence as a counter to isis? Which seems to be the goal of Obama
So Obama shouldn't be working for Regime change in Iran? which has been the long time U.S. policy. Is that your position? Is it your position that Iran be encouraged to spread it's influence as a counter to isis?

My posts didn't address regime change in Iran at all.

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