Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech At Elementary School

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
How lame do you have to be that you need a teleprompter in order to speak to a 6th grade class. :eek: :cuckoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVpOH4MGPBg]Obama Uses Teleprompters During Speech At Elementary School - YouTube[/ame]
I usually don't get involved in bashing the president whether it was Bush or now Obama.

But this guy is the leader if the free world.

And can't give an impromptu speech to grade school kids. :lol:
I love how the progressives get assbent over their lords incompetence..

Only a fucking retard needs to use a teleprompter - the simple fact he has a problem with a pen and paper is funny enough, yet the fact he needs a teleprompter to talk to kids is just the cherry on top of the sundae.

What a tool..
Sorry, my fellow rightwing whackjobs, I'm gonna be siding with the 'how pathetic to drag this back up again' side.

Sonny, you are a pathetic twit.... and, apparently, a couple of years behind everyone else... but Muslims generally tend to live a couple of hundred years behind the rest of the world.
Sorry, my fellow rightwing whackjobs, I'm gonna be siding with the 'how pathetic to drag this back up again' side.

Sonny, you are a pathetic twit.... and, apparently, a couple of years behind everyone else... but Muslims generally tend to live a couple of hundred years behind the rest of the world.

I keep my eye on the news and I somehow missed this one a couple years back...

I'm glad it was brought up again ...
Sorry, my fellow rightwing whackjobs, I'm gonna be siding with the 'how pathetic to drag this back up again' side.

Sonny, you are a pathetic twit.... and, apparently, a couple of years behind everyone else... but Muslims generally tend to live a couple of hundred years behind the rest of the world.

I keep my eye on the news and I somehow missed this one a couple years back...

I'm glad it was brought up again ...
Somehow I missed it also.

On the drive home they were laughing about it on the radio program.

So I assumed it was a current event. :cool:
When the President of the United States speaks, the world listens...regardless of who is in the audience at the time.
I dont have an issue with a teleprompter if it gives him the comfort zone to show the world that he is in control.


  • $teleprompter.JPG
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He does that so we will never know what he thinks and that is because he can't he has been brain washed by the like of Jermiah Wright and his other dinner party friend. All we really know is that he can read but does he have original thought, never heard one yet.

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