obama to condemn Christian film maker before UN

You hate. and very deeply and sincerely. Admit it.

No.....I don't. Why would I hate people I don't even know, other than their writings on a message board that is anonymous...where people can and do post stuff just to piss others off?

You don't know me....you know my politics, but my politics don't define me....not by a longshot. Does your politics define you as a person? Do you speak to everyone in your private life like you do the people on this board?

If you really believe that this message board is representative of our real life society, you need to get out more.

Actually, my politics are defined by my being who I am. The only people that separate their politics from themselves are politicians and hacks, which are you?

Really? Well then that makes you a hateful, bigoted, person who thinks it's too expensive to help our own people but have No Problem with spending 5X more to go kill some "sand *******" that you so despise.
Really? what hatred do I have? Never claimed to be an "ambassador of Christ" I simply do my best to be a good Christian.

But, like I thought....profanities and angry words are acceptable, even encouraged when it comes to your political brethren....but when it comes to someone who does not share your ideology, it's hatred.

Let them laugh. I am firm in my faith and quite comfortable in the fact that the things I believe in politically are compatible with my beliefs.

As I suspected, you really don't know much about your own faith.

Are you Catholic?

Every "believer" is an "ambassador"of "christ" according to the Bible....this shows me you sit in a pew and are told what to believe, all the while never really knowing what your faith is about.

No....I'm not Catholic. I know plenty about my faith.

"I beg ta diffah suh....."

You don't...you didn't know that you are supposed to be an "ambassador" of Christ....
You didn't know that Jesus said that HE was the only way to god....

You don't know very much at all.

There is nothing about you that would make anyuone else want to be a "christian".
No apology, obviously, brainwashed hater dupes. Only on the lying, hateful Pub propaganda machine...the whole party is a worldwide laughingstock disgrace horror, for ugly 'Merican chumps of the greedy rich.

Most of my friends out here are racist a-holes as far as their politics goes- that's why you don't talk about it LOL. Like you morons, they are clueless. Change the channel.

Frankie....SHUT THE FUCK UP....your not only just slightly brainwashed,your also a laughingstock ,a disgrace and a horror yourself......so Chump....i mean Champ.....take your advice one step further......SHUT THE FUCKING TV OFF......
No.....I don't. Why would I hate people I don't even know, other than their writings on a message board that is anonymous...where people can and do post stuff just to piss others off?

You don't know me....you know my politics, but my politics don't define me....not by a longshot. Does your politics define you as a person? Do you speak to everyone in your private life like you do the people on this board?

If you really believe that this message board is representative of our real life society, you need to get out more.

Actually, my politics are defined by my being who I am. The only people that separate their politics from themselves are politicians and hacks, which are you?

Really? Well then that makes you a hateful, bigoted, person who thinks it's too expensive to help our own people but have No Problem with spending 5X more to go kill some "sand *******" that you so despise.

Projection :)
Yeah....I wouldn't call him a terrorist either.....I'd call him a hateful person who let his hatred consume him to the point where he did something without thinking things through. But much like a guy who drives drunk and ends up killing someone, we are all responsible for our actions....now, I don't blame him for the Libyan Embassy attack, that was premeditated. But his action started a new wave of unrest and hatred towards our country.

The solution? I don't know.

Do you realize how stupid you sound here?

Oh...I see...you don't have a rebuttal....I know, it's much easier to simply attack than to offer a valid argument.....Lazy as shit...but much easier.

I have a rebuttal, but anyone that could deliberately type something as stupid as you just did couldn't comprehend it.
This absolutely pathetic. The filmmaker knew what he was doing with the making of this film and that was to incite Muslims. Well, he succeeded and how many American citizens died? And people defend this scum? Absolutely pathetic.

So what?

Freedom of speech is for this kind of speech. To back down to an intolerant people would be unAmerican.

Freedom of expression could be used as an excuse to why someone murdered someone else based on your logic. In both cases people die.
No.....I don't. Why would I hate people I don't even know, other than their writings on a message board that is anonymous...where people can and do post stuff just to piss others off?

You don't know me....you know my politics, but my politics don't define me....not by a longshot. Does your politics define you as a person? Do you speak to everyone in your private life like you do the people on this board?

If you really believe that this message board is representative of our real life society, you need to get out more.

Actually, my politics are defined by my being who I am. The only people that separate their politics from themselves are politicians and hacks, which are you?

Really? Well then that makes you a hateful, bigoted, person who thinks it's too expensive to help our own people but have No Problem with spending 5X more to go kill some "sand *******" that you so despise.

Yep, that's me.
Can we expect him to denounce ALL insults toward all religions? Didn't think so. Especially considering that those he is actually apologizing to would be angered if he defended other religions.

The peaceful Muslims need no apology, do they? They can handle criticism just as well as the other religions.

The only ones demanding an apology for the "crime" of insulting Allah are the radicals and they not only don't deserve an apology, but need their asses kicked. We have to draw a line in the sand with the radicals and come down hard when they pull this shit. Looks like the peaceful people in the region are finally standing up for themselves, so why are we still pandering to the idiots.

It is not reasonable for every person in the world to go the rest of their lives watching what they say about Islam. Doesn't work that way and these radicals will murder now and in the future. We have to send a message because no way will the world bend over and allow these crazy assholes to dictate what we can and can't say. No way!!!

Obama is playing right along with them. He might claim it's to stop the violence now, but what about next week or next year? Is Obama going to make a law that we cannot speak out ever again or is it now U.S. policy to cater to the whims of terrorists?
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So you've seen the film! So what is hateful about the film?

Steel hasn't seen it, he is just playing at being the Holy Spirit and passing judgment.

Not passing judgment, just railing against hatred and trying to make the case against fanning.flames that could start yet ANOTHER war in a part if the world that we have already lost trillions of dollars that are never coming back and thousands of American lives.

You guys, on the other hand, seem quite content....even excited about the idea.

Like I said....helping out our fellow countrymen? Fuck 'em....we're broke. Getting into another war many times more expensive? Go get 'em!

So you would appease Muslims by restricting our rights. You have no problem with hateful speech toward Christians in film words or art. AT least I have not seen you say one word about THOSE hateful things. I don't recall your outrage when Jews were attacked by slander lies and ignorance by Muslim TV papers and radio nor when the art was displayed in Norway.

So your outrage and disgust is limited solely to those that might do us harm if we exercise our PROTECTED Constitutional RIGHTS. You are railing on about a film you haven't even seen. Your entire premise is based on the fear that harm may come because someone actually used their PROTECTED Constitutional RIGHTS. No outrage at the Muslims, no problem with President Obama apologizing for a film legally made. No problem with him going to the UN to attack a person that broke no laws and simply exercised rights you had no problems with when used against OTHER religions and peoples.

You are a COWARD.
Oh I see the actual murderers of our people are not the terrorists, so they get a pass because they whine, and commit murder and torture and generally terrorize.
And our own President is going to condemn free speech based on what? His fear? Your fear?

The people who committed those murders are not the people protesting in outrage over the film.

You just called Obama a liar.


Really? when was that? Oh.... you were going by the preliminary reports...you know...BEFORE the Marines doing the investigation were deployed? I think it's now standard thought that the attack on the embassy was a premeditated terrorist attack, they used the film that the idiot made to spur outrage in order to create diversionary confusion to help them not get caught....well, the last part of the previous sentence is my own thoughts on the incident.

It's kind of like some rightwong pundit using the word APOLOGIZE and you guys pulling your hair out in anger.
Lefties have won the right to burn the Flag in the streets and wear it on their dirty asses and the liberal artsy community reserves the "right" to display the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with shit and the Crucifix upside down in a vat of urine. Hollywood promoted a Brit made movie showing step by step instructions of how to assassinate president Bush while he was still in office...so the question is.. how the fuck does the president get away with attacking a citizen?

Was the right not to be criticized for burning a flag also won? When was that?

Did the President apologize for the riots and murder that happened afterwards..... ohh wait, no riots, no property destroyed, no fires except the flag burning and NO DEATHS.
As I suspected, you really don't know much about your own faith.

Are you Catholic?

Every "believer" is an "ambassador"of "christ" according to the Bible....this shows me you sit in a pew and are told what to believe, all the while never really knowing what your faith is about.

No....I'm not Catholic. I know plenty about my faith.

"I beg ta diffah suh....."

You don't...you didn't know that you are supposed to be an "ambassador" of Christ....
You didn't know that Jesus said that HE was the only way to god....

You don't know very much at all.

There is nothing about you that would make anyuone else want to be a "christian".

Well...if bring Christian means we don't help our fellow citizens who are struggling, hate people different than us, choose war over diplomacy, and lick the boots of the most powerful and wealthy? Then I think that perhaps it's YOU that don't understand your faith....if you have any, that is.
The people who committed those murders are not the people protesting in outrage over the film.

You just called Obama a liar.


Really? when was that? Oh.... you were going by the preliminary reports...you know...BEFORE the Marines doing the investigation were deployed? I think it's now standard thought that the attack on the embassy was a premeditated terrorist attack, they used the film that the idiot made to spur outrage in order to create diversionary confusion to help them not get caught....well, the last part of the previous sentence is my own thoughts on the incident.

It's kind of like some rightwong pundit using the word APOLOGIZE and you guys pulling your hair out in anger.

Marines do not investigate, and Obama said that the events in Libya were the result of the video yesterday.

Want to try again?
Yeah....I wouldn't call him a terrorist either.....I'd call him a hateful person who let his hatred consume him to the point where he did something without thinking things through. But much like a guy who drives drunk and ends up killing someone, we are all responsible for our actions....now, I don't blame him for the Libyan Embassy attack, that was premeditated. But his action started a new wave of unrest and hatred towards our country.

The solution? I don't know.

Do you realize how stupid you sound here?

Oh...I see...you don't have a rebuttal....I know, it's much easier to simply attack than to offer a valid argument.....Lazy as shit...but much easier.

Rebuttal? You have NOT SEEN the film.... You advocate apologizing to Muslims for someone legally exercising their 1st Amendment rights. You have made numerous assumptions not backed up by facts. The protestors never even saw the film, they were ordered to riot by religious leaders with their own agenda, that has nothing to do with a d rate movie from some nobody. But you run and hide you scared little man.
Do you realize how stupid you sound here?

Oh...I see...you don't have a rebuttal....I know, it's much easier to simply attack than to offer a valid argument.....Lazy as shit...but much easier.

Rebuttal? You have NOT SEEN the film.... You advocate apologizing to Muslims for someone legally exercising their 1st Amendment rights. You have made numerous assumptions not backed up by facts. The protestors never even saw the film, they were ordered to riot by religious leaders with their own agenda, that has nothing to do with a d rate movie from some nobody. But you run and hide you scared little man.

And you don't get it that condemning the film is not apologizing.
No....I'm not Catholic. I know plenty about my faith.

"I beg ta diffah suh....."

You don't...you didn't know that you are supposed to be an "ambassador" of Christ....
You didn't know that Jesus said that HE was the only way to god....

You don't know very much at all.

There is nothing about you that would make anyuone else want to be a "christian".

Well...if bring Christian means we don't help our fellow citizens who are struggling, hate people different than us, choose war over diplomacy, and lick the boots of the most powerful and wealthy? Then I think that perhaps it's YOU that don't understand your faith....if you have any, that is.


I keep telling you I don't practice any religion.

You claim to be a "christian"......

What makes you a "chistian"?

Now Steel, what version of the bible do you use?

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